Facebook Workplace App and Business Communication
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DownloadFacebook Workplace App and Business Communication
Facebook Workplace App and Business Communication
Today, the surface provided by social media has transformed the globe by a massive storm that tends to revolutionize various aspect of our presence society. Currently, various activities are being conducted through the utilization of the social media be it communication, dating, and business just to mention a few (Phillips, 2007). Facebook is a major social media unit that serves a significant purpose in transforming the society. The creation of Facebook was done at Harvard University by an ordinary student who was studying a psychology course. The name of the student is Mark Zuckerberg (Phillips, 2007). Mark`s primary goal for establishing Facebook was based solemnly on social networking service. However, the business community happened to benefit from its services. This is because Facebook has gathered many clients from varying nations. Therefore, this characteristic has enabled various firms to expand their services globally through this readily available extensive advertisement platform (Miller, 2016).
In order to strategically equipped and facilitate business people who are seeking Facebook services, they have established an app termed Facebook Workplace app. This system develops a link between various departmental communication applications of the firm to the workplace app that enables both the management and the staffs to share or obtain data about the firm`s operation.
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According to Sean Ryan who is the deputy president of Facebook platform partnership, the Facebook Workplace app can be useful in connecting staffs in all cooperation together (Miller, 2016). This means that employee from the warehouse section can know what’s happening in the front office section. The benefit of Facebook Workplace app is that it serves as an integrating tool within the company.
More ever, it offers a convenient platform for various employees to share their opinion in major decision-making processes, gets immediate policy updates, and airs their grievances without prolonging systematic issues (Miller, 2016). It also flattens the existing hierarchies within the company. This is because this company social tool offers staffs the direct access to members of the firm without considering their status and superiority positions. Besides, the Facebook Workplace app has its own disadvantages such as the integration services offered by this app can negatively impact the firm. Furthermore, the app itself is not reliable since previous firms that invented this ideology failed in this field due to, administration, governance and security structures of this app (Miller, 2016). Therefore, Facebook Workplace app will face the same problem of managing the potential confusion and complexity this app offers to various organizations.
Consequently, this app serves as a social tool that gives various staffs a direct access to any member of the firm without regarding their leadership position. This means that it strips off the concept of level of management. Even though this aspect assists in employees being incorporated in critical decision making that guarantees employee satisfaction rate and reduces the firm`s staff turnover rate, it also causes leadership issues within the firm (Miller, 2016). For instance, it does not filter personal based conversations. Therefore, employees will resist from using this app. Additionally, the nature of Facebook is that people utilize it in their individual lives at any moment. Hence, employees could be influenced to use the Facebook Workplace app at work, home, school and this makes them develop workaholic behavior that increases mass production in the company. Lastly, this app is considered a millennial tool and senior staffs will not embrace it as a business tool. Therefore, it will be utilized by the younger generation section of the employees while others are left out (Miller, 2016).
Contrarily, the Facebook Workplace app can influence the Bad Apple Effect within the firm (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). In any firm, the aspect of teamwork has proved to be resourceful in achieving the company`s objective. Various teams that are founded on the basis of strategic leadership and equal membership right always thrive while others with leadership disabilities or unclear member’s roles are warranted to fail. According to varying research, various teams within a firm may fail due to, an individual toxic team member who serves as a catalyst towards the team level of dysfunction (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). This concept is termed as the Bad Apple Effect that tends to suggest that an individual team member can be well equipped to disrupt the team`s effort. This is achieved through communicating negative vibe that will influence other staffs to stop working hard and more efficiently. This bad individual within a group will engage in socially wrong misconduct like refusing to cooperate or bullying other staffs (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016).
According to Wellaufer, bad team members are equivalent to bad apples who are significantly a team destroyer (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). Additionally, bad team members are regarded as hard-core offenders who are equipped to cripple the team`s morale level as stated by Andrews (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). Therefore, the Facebook Workplace app can be an engine for spreading the Bad Apple Effect. The concept of bad deeds is that it always dominates good deeds in any team context. Furthermore, bad employees within a team cause insidious spillover impact of frustration and negativity that influences alienation, and helplessness effect to other proficient staffs. The effect of Bad Apple Effect can be more dangerous within a firm that uses the Facebook Workplace app (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). This is because the enterprise is intertwined with the app and all employees from the different department are linked to it. Therefore, one person can stage a general workers strike that can cripple the entire firm`s operation.
Simultaneously, The features of the Facebook workplace app incorporate employee’s group communication platform, and a search engine for the entire firm`s operation services or policies (Miller, 2016). It also provides an avenue for sharing memos and giving updates on policies. Alternatively, it is different from other normal communication within firm because it removes the barrier posed by the organizational structure. The Facebook Workplace can be effective in the development of teams within the company. This is, because, through various interactions inside the app employees have a chance to establish friendships that can influence effective team building (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). Additionally, through random sharing of information, it can facilitate the entire firm to work as a single unit aided by teamwork. This means that management can create a policy after seeking reliable information from specialists from various departments within a firm. Therefore, they will offer strategies that will favor everybody within the firm.
The concept of visual aids is very paramount in business operation. This is because it is used in business meetings to facilitate effective communication and improvement in understanding of new ideas. The Facebook Workplace app can be resourceful in the share of various visuals aids such as video, interactive games, hyperlinks, pictures, audio content and social media link that can be significant in transforming the entire firm (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). The aspect of visual aids is that they appeal more to our senses and this encourages listening and attention. Therefore, through the Facebook Workplace, various employees will frequently utilize visual aids that will assist the firm in learning new ideas, solving problems and making decisions. The Facebook Workplace app is synonymous with a PowerPoint presentation (Waldeck, Kearney, and Plax, 2016). This is because it allows the sharing of various pictures, colors, and graphic figures that can be shared within the app.
In conclusion, the Facebook Workplace app is a favorable trend in the business community. For instance, it is different from other normal communication within firm because it removes the barrier posed by the organizational structure. More ever, it assists in employees being incorporated in critical decision making that guarantees employee satisfaction rate and reduced staff turnover rate. However, it causes leadership issues within the firm and also propels the bad apple effect within the company.
Miller Ron.(2016). Workplace by Facebook begins to take shape.
Retrieved from:https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/09/workplace-by-facebook-begins-to-take-shape/
Phillips, S. (2007). A brief history of Facebook.
Retrieved from. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2007/jul/25/media.newmediaWaldeck H. Jennifer, Kearney Partricia and Plax G. Timothy.(2016).Strategic communication at Work Contemporary Perspectives on Business and Professional Communication. Published by the Great River Learning.
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