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Factors Of Violence In Courtship And Violence In Marriage


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Factors of violence in courtship and violence in marriage

Violence in courtship, is a process that begins to be given from the biopsychosocial development of a teenager, taking into account that this is the transit of childhood to adulthood, here they will present not only physical changes, but alsobehavioral changes and new feelings are going to be experienced, creating a sense of independence and giving puberty, which as it is known will be given first in women and then in men and there is no precise time to begin orIt ends since in each individual it will be presented differently in terms of physical changes, the beautiful pubic will grow along with the anchor in the back of men and in women the hip, among others this will help in howThe environment surrounding the adolescent will accept or reject it, knowing that interpersonal acceptance begins to seek and that it is more common to see young people socializing with people of the same gender.

The psychological changes will take greater strength, giving as a central theme the exploration of the things that surround them either politics, religion, education, social reality etc., Thus creating his own personality and thoughts, at this stage he leaves aside the influence that the family had being the one that gave the person the moral, sentimental, behavioral bases and managers of links with others and with friends. On the other hand, mixed relationships begin to be given, that is, it will no longer be with people of the same gender and that is why interest is given in having a relationship, it will want to experience intimacy and sexuality according to Diamond(2003), “For a complete and global understanding of sexuality we must take into account four components of personality and biology:

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  1. Gender patterns, gender, gender patterns and gender roles. They refer to how the person acts in their daily lives. It reflects the idea that society has about how we should behave for our biological condition of man or woman.
  2. Sexual identity. It is the way in which the person considers herself, regardless of what is considered by society. This internal conviction can be consistent with the external appearance (man or woman), with the gender pattern imposed by society or with the one who develops or prefers.
  3. Sexual orientation. Preference related to the sexual sex, that is, homosexuality, heterosexuality or bisexuality. For most people’s pattern, identity and guidance they agree, but it is not always like that.
  4. Sexual mechanisms and reproduction. The mechanisms are psychological factors that structure the relevant characteristics of the erotic-sexual relationship, while by reproduction we understand the perpetuation of the species ”

At this point the individual is no longer known as a teenager, he begins to recognize as a young adult aware who has clear his own identity, personality, and his own thoughts, and the relationships they have are comfortable and durable and his group of friends arestable.

The influence that society had on the adolescent in its entire development process, will affect how the links believe the young man having them as an experience either good, or bad, will be learning that he will reflectWith their environment and this makes its way to why young people seek a love relationship, being accepted and loved by another person outside their parents.

With these bases or teachings, violence in relationships can be given way, when each person’s role is not clear in a couple where a dominant and a slave can be given that violence is an act, interaction, thatIt can be deliberate, always learned or imitated in order to harm, hurt, physically and psychologically affecting subjects between subjects. Orta.,2016/2017 states that violence in courtship is defined as “all that intentional attack of a sexual, physical or psychological type, of one member of the couple against the other, (it is an action that occurs between adolescent and adult couples)” ”.(P7).

There are three types of violence

  • Physical violence: it is an unconcused act, it is intentional to imply the use of force that causes an injury, damage or pain in the victim. Acts such as: Suffetry, blows, pushes, among others. It is the most visible and easy to detect abuse.
  • Psychological violence: it is an intentional and prolonged behavior in the time that affects the psychic and emotional integrity of the other person that is to say the victim and its integrity. Acts such as threats, insults, humiliations, among others, can be given.
  • Sexual violence: It is a behavior through which the victim is submitted, through blackmail, threats or strength, a sexual act against his will.

The cycle of violence is made up of three phases, (increased tension, explosion or aggression and honeymoon) These phases vary in duration and intensity in each couple.

Phase one: increased tension. This is where the first and small incidents begin such as insults, reproaches, teasing jealousy scenes, the victim can control the aggressor, letting him know that what he is doing is wrong, it is an abuse and it is important to recognize him to avoid physical violence.

But there are also moments in this phase where the aggressor can increase the state of humiliations towards the victim, and this is where the victim can begin to lose control to defend himself and the aggression begins to give.

Phase two: explosion or aggression. This phase occurs when there has.

The victim has a bigger fear knows that the aggression can be given, being attacked due to the uncontrollable anger of the aggressor. For the victim anxiety presents, it goes through problems such as lack of sleep, fatigue, increase in blood pressure. In this phase psychological violence reaches its maximum point. The victim is constantly threatened, receives blows, is attacked.

Phase three: honeymoon. In this phase the aggressor is characterized by having signs of affection in an excessive way (excessive) is friendly and demonstrates repentant being aware of what he has done, he apologizes to his victim, telling him and giving him to believe that he will not do him againdamage.

In this cycle the scenes of violence are repeatedly given, being increasingly frequent and serious.

Consequences of violence

The consequences that violence leave are quite a affect both the victim and the aggressor. Violence can leave in the victim consequences such as: psychological, social problems, physical consequences due to injuries, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases due to sexual abuses that occur without the consent of the other person, their self – esteem and insecurity alsoThey are affected, such as thinking that their future relationships will go through the same abuse, whether they had presented themselves in a relationship of young or adult, but this thought usually occurs above all in young couples.

There are also consequences for the aggressors such as social rejection for the executed facts.

But one of the greatest consequences and that has no solution is the death that both the victim and victimizer can suffer.

Differences between violence in courtship vs. Violence in marriage

According to investigations, violence between couples will not demarcate for age, but for sex since a high index indicates that men are usually dominant, aggressive in a relationship while a woman usually feels fear and sensitivity for hercouple becoming this case in the victim, these types of aggression are differentiated by the stage in which the development of individuals is being lived, where the courtship is going to be represented because it is going to occur in adolescence, and notIt will see dependency on the other neither sentimentally nor economically, as usually happens in marriage.

The courtship in adolescence is in which new things begthat gives way to the creation of a functional relationship in marriage, which is where one of the two people lose their autonomy, that is, letting the other control their time, space and activities. Which understands that the violence that is evidenced in the case of courtship and marriage will be differentiated by a dependency that is critical when seeing why the person or person represents by the victim adapts to the abuse, assuming it as something that is fair and that deserves it, it does not really do much to change it, to the point that you see that things are already getting out of control .


With this, it can be concluded that just as the development of each person is different, so are love relationships, but that there are aspects that are not normal and should not be taken as something good, the context in which we all grow will influenceDirectly in the links with couples, but that to get to violence you have to go through a series of phases, and that there is not only physical violence as many people also believe there are psychological and social and that in the age of adolescenceIt is more vulnerable to this since the acceptance and wanting of others are being sought and so far the love that a third party can give it is being experienced .


  • Orta, l. (2016/2017). Risk factors associated with violence in courtship: a narrative review .Recovered from https: // repository.UAM.ES/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/10486/680669/ORA_GALINDO_LUCITIFG.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y
  • Muñoz, M, Gonzales, P, Fernandez, L and Fernandez, S. (2009), Violence in the courtships recovered from: https: // ebookcentral.Proquest.com/LIB/FUNLASP/READER.Action?docid = 4945597 & query = factors+that+influence+in+the+violence+in+the wedding
  • Figure 1. Cycle of Violence. Source: The Cycle Theory of Violence. 1979. Leonor Walker (4). Own elaboration
  • Rubio F, Carrasco M, Amor P, Lopez A, (2015), Yearbook of Legal Psychology, Factors associated with violence in courtship among adolescents: a critical review, taken from https: // mail.Google.com/mail/u/0/#search/sandra+viviana/fmfcgxwbwsthjjmrksjkjswndgbplkkk?PROJECTOR = 1 & Messagepartid = 0.3
  • Alvarez A, Parra I, (2012), Humanities Magazine, Dating Violence and Culture, taken from http: // www.Revististahumanities.com/articles/32-Violence-of-boyfriend-and-culture

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