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Faculties Of The Congress Of Mexico City


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Faculties of the Congress of Mexico City


Faculties of the Congress of Mexico City

The significant advance of the legislative body of Mexico City lies mainly in the power to reform the Supreme Standard of Local Order, since as indicated, the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District could not approve reforms to the Government Statute of the Federal District, while whilethat the Congress of Mexico City may reform the constitution of Mexico City and thereby increase human rights or make modifications to the political system for pointing out a couple of examples – all in the framework of the Federal Constitution.

In that sense, some of the faculties of the local Congress are stated:

  • Issue and reform the laws applicable to Mexico City in local matters, in which concurrent, coordination or coordination powers are exercised with federal powers and those that are not reserved for the Federation.
  • Legislate regarding the powers of the city and mayors in normative bodies that will have the character of constitutional laws.
  • Initiate laws and decrees before the Congress of the Union.
  • Designate the head of the Government Headquarters, in the case of absolute fault.
  • Organize due operation and structure of public finance, the inspection entity, the budget and public spending of Mexico City.
  • Examine, discuss and approve annually the income law and the budget of expenditures, first approving contributions, as well as other income necessary to finance spending;
  • Approve and reform the Constitutional Law of the Congress of Mexico City and the norms that regulate the internal part;including the guarantee of human rights and labor guarantees;
  • Ratify the holders of the public administration’s offices of Mexico City
  • Approve your budget based on the principles of austerity and policies of rationality of public spending established by law.

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    The annual amount may not be greater than zero point eight percent of the Expenditure Budget of Mexico City;and the increase in the annual budget requested and approved, may not be superior to the inflation of the year that concludes, in accordance with the data published by the competent authority;

  • Authorize the official departures of the national territory of the head of the Government Headquarters.
  • Prepare a work evaluation system that was carried out in the Legislative Power annually, as well as the impacts that said work has had on society.
  • Promote the formation of the metropolitan Parliament, among others.


It also highlights the power to approve or in your case reject the reforms to the Federal Constitution that have been sent by the Congress of the Union.

These faculties are developed in the Organic Law of the Congress of Mexico City, which contains 12 titles and 56 chapters, in which the form, structure, organization and procedures that will be carried out in Congress are regulated in Congress.


Operation of the Mexico City Congress

Like other legislative bodies, the Congress of Mexico City will operate in full, commissions and committees publicly;The constitutional text itself indicates that the right to inclusion of all parliamentary groups in the governing bodies of the Congress of Mexico City must be guaranteed.

Likewise, the Congress of Mexico City will have a board of directors and a political coordination body that will reflect in its structure the plurality and proportion of the parliamentary groups that integrate the plenarypolitics while taking a position at the board of directors at the same time.

Regarding this board of directors, we find among its various powers that the two most relevant are the legal representation and conduction of the Mexico City Congress.

Finally, the existence of two ordinary periods of sessions is established in the local Constitution: 1) First period, of September 1 of each year and will culminate on December 15 of the same year, except when the head of the local executiveStart your commission, in this case, it can be extended until December 31 of that same year;2) Second period, of February 1 of each year and will culminate on May 31 of the same year.

3. Initiative and formation of laws.

The power to initiate laws is established in article 30 of the Local Constitution, which provides that it is:

  • The Head of Government of Mexico City;
  • The deputies to the Congress of Mexico City;
  • The mayors;
  • The Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, in the matters of its competence;Y
  • The citizens who meet at least zero point thirteen percent of the nominal list of current voters;
  • Autonomous organisms, in matters of their competence


In this regard, some legitimated entities that are not found in the federal level such as the Mayor’s Office, the Superior Court of Justice and the Autonomous Organizations stand out. It should be clarified that with respect to these last two, they can only legislate in terms of their competence, that is, the Electoral Institute of Mexico City and the Transparency Institute, access to public information, protection of personal data and accountability in accountabilityTRANSPARENCE MATTER, FIGHTING CORRUPTION AND ACCOUNT.

The power to initiate laws to autonomous bodies is an issue that should be given timely monitoring, since as experts in matters of their competence they may identify legislative deficiencies or improvement areas.

On the other hand, citizens also have the possibility of initiating laws if the zero point percent of signatures corresponding to the nominal electors list meets, that is, around 9,904 signatures, an amount that is not disproportionate.


Another of the outstanding elements in the field of citizen participation in the legislative function is in article 25 numeral 4, which indicates that citizens have the right to propose modifications to the legislative initiatives that arise to the Congress of Mexico City. That is, it is a true open Parliament exercise in which every initiative must be open to the opinion of citizens for a period not less than ten business days from the publication in the parliamentary gazette. Even expressly indicates that all proposals must be taken into account in the opinion.

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