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Family Influence In A Teenager Author Of A Sexual Assault


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Family influence in a teenager author of a sexual assault


The family represents a main role in the development and prevention of criminal behaviors in adolescence. On the other hand, the violent and criminal behaviors of adolescents constitute two important antisocial behavior indices.

Behavioral problems have their main origin as the product of the interaction between the person and their environment. In adolescence the family is the most important social environment and through it experiences occur in other environments such as school or society in general.

The family is the point of confluence of risk factors and protection in relation to acts and behaviors that can become criminal. But family contributions regarding adolescents can also have a negative component and thereby deteriorate the psychosocial development of its younger members.


Parents are a socialization tool and must make continuous adjustments in their children’s behavior. A family that has exercised functions with negative contributions towards its adolescent components can influence the behavior of a young man who has committed sexual aggression and several robberies as follows. To reach this outcome, previously and during a fairly prolonged period in time, in the growth stage of the child you have to have given some of the episodes (or all) that are then related:

  1. A lack of family discipline where the role of the father figure properly (authoritarian or negligent) is not exercised, which ends up in the long term the paternal rejection.

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  2. Lack of affection, without family cohesion and without communication.
  3. Family violence, ill -treatment, couple discussions.
  4. Single -parent families, family disorganization and distancing, job precariousness.
  5. Criminal history of family components (sexual crimes and crimes against heritage), links with other criminal acts. This produces, leads to the acceptance and imitation of crime by minors.

Affective deficiencies, fears, rejections and very frequently traumas are produced that accompany children during the rest of their life. Behavior problems are produced that have their origin in, the lack of communication between parents and children, this other relevant factor being associated with the violent and criminal behaviors of the children.

If the family of the young man who commits the aforementioned crimes, it is an “authoritarian home”, probably, this boy has serious self – esteem problems, he has suffered physical punishments as a disciplinary measure, he feels insecure and undervalued and is unable to resolve conflicts in addition to having School failed. All this cocktail of problems with almost all likelihood prevents you from assimilating social norms and is the breeding ground, to build a violent and aggressive personality and end up committing crimes such as sexual aggression or crimes against property. If his parents are too authoritarian, surely this young man has developed internal conflicting, it is very irritable, rebellious and distrustful; For their part, permissive parents, can be the seed for impulsive and aggressive children. Physical punishment in childhood is closely linked to crimes of sexual aggression.

But we must consider another hypothesis following the indicated example, because if the family of the young man who commits crimes, instead of being an authoritarian home, it is a "negligent home", with a permissive parental mode, this young man probably Arrive these crimes for their problems of self – esteem, anxiety and depression being a dependent, little obedient, with difficulty in internalization of values, low motivation and with low level of control of their emotions and impulses. And if he has suffered some kind of abuse, either physical or psychological in childhood, this has a close relationship with the authors of sexual crimes that young people later commit after having been the victim of them.

This young man’s family has influenced his criminal behavior because he has surely educated and raised in an environment where social norms have not been internalized in him, in this family the crime could not really be seen as something reproachable. If the affective implications of the parents did this child had been others, they would probably have been a contention dike against the impulses that any teenager can suffer to transgress the norms and commit crimes.

It is more than obvious that family affective ties are key elements of protection against the development of criminal and violent behaviors, since they favor the adolescent to internalize a greater feeling of responsibility of their own acts. The family of the young man who has committed crimes will probably have offered him very few samples of love, understanding and affection, since all this would have produced a null or little participation of this teenager in criminal and violent behaviors. Although, as is the case in all homes with adolescents, at some time isolated had given episodes of family stress and conflicts.

The family atmosphere of the young man, who has committed the crimes of robbery and sexual aggression, should not have had a healthy family climate and probably has not been a good communication channel between the adolescent and his, thus increasing the degree of conflict between they. Households with sincere, fluid, confident and open communication among its members develop a protection factor against the involvement in criminal behaviors and the breakdown of social and school norms (Buist, Dekovic, 2004).

In the family of this teenager there have probably given many of the lacks we have described and has formed a personality in which the crime is accepted and seen as something normal. It is a means to get an end that makes you feel good. The criminal acts committed by adolescents are more frequent than we think. According to a study prepared by, Terrie Moffitt, from the University of Duke, in the United States (2018), 90% of adolescents at some point in their lives commit an illegal act. But those who usually recover and commit the most serious acts are usually those who have had poor education in their childhood, have a lack or absence of family references or have probably been victims of abuse, as surely the case of the young man of the example of this work.

We must assume that the communication problems between the paternal figures of this teenager were more than evident in the family. The relationship with the mother may have negatively influence the amount of support that the adolescent perceives of her father. This significantly increases the level of risk for the development of violent and criminal behaviors. There is a bidirectional relationship between family communication problems and behavioral problems in children. Negative communication influences the development of criminal and violent behaviors and these behaviors, in turn, become a stressor to which parents can react negatively and thus increase family communication problems (Estévez, Musitu and Herrero , 2005; Jiménez, Musitu and Murgui, 2005).

Probably, the family conflicts that occurred within the family studied were resolved, violence, aggressiveness and lack of respect instead of using, dialogue, education, respect and collaboration between family members to resolve or Talk about problems.


As a conclusion we could say that this teenager has probably committed the crimes mentioned because in her home there has been a series of deficiencies that have not favored at all that the minor had departed from the criminal world, as they may have been:

  1. Lack of congruence and conflicts between both parents, permissiveness and tolerance of aggressive behavior. 
  2. Lack of affection, love and communication.
  3. Strategies to efficiently resolve family conflicts. 
  4. Positivism, dialogue and negotiation capacity. 
  5. Empathy and ability to negotiate. 
  6. Honesty, assertiveness, understanding. 
  7. Expression and understanding of feelings.
  8. And above all avoid physical and verbal violence, as well as physical and psychological abuse.

The criminal and violent behavior of this teenager is related to a "negative family climate" characterized by communication problems between adolescent parents, in addition to making it very clear about the lack of affection and support. All this may have made it difficult to develop certain social skills and be one of the ingredients that have made it fall into the criminal world.

The family is the fundamental pillar in the education of children, it can prevent crime and violence of its adolescent members, although this implies great dedication and attention. Parents must be flexible but authoritarian, close but not friends with their children. They must be involved in the education of their children and be attentive to the deviation signs that may occur in children. All this has probably lacked the teenager of this work. Although it is also fair to say, in less case, sometimes for many efforts that parents can make, some children just diverting.

It can also be that the family of this teenager, despite having tried, lacked the necessary and appropriate tools, resources and support to redirect him, not being able to avoid the deviation of it towards the criminal world. 

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