View all "Family" ready papers, essays and assignments
The role of women in war Introduction "If women who work in the war industry had stopped for 20 minutes, the war would be lost to the allies" (Josep Joffre).......
The role of the game in the kindergarten Introduction The activity that is generally carried out to have fun or distracted, this activity develops in us a certain skill, however,.....
The role and permanence of Antigona in various human aspects Antigone is the last of the Sofoclean works of the so -called Tebana trilogy, composed of Oedipus Rey, Oedipus......
The role and origin of women in Engineering A problem in which engineering and technology careers are involved is the "little participation of the female gender in these areas...
Words: 1217
Pages: 4
The rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia Introduction Sectary violence in the Muslim world: Ideological rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia during and after Arab spring, a speci...
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Pages: 4
The risk of failure in Spain School failure in Spain is a problem we are currently facing. We could define it as: (…) The situation of the student who tries......
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
The right to oblivion: a violated right Introduction It is the power we have to request the elimination of our personal information for being obsolete or for a violation of......
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Pages: 3
The right to intimacy in marriage Intimacy is a broad and abstract concept. It is not tangible, it cannot be seen or touched and, nevertheless, its absence can feel deeply......
THE RIGHT OF CHILDREN AND ARMED CONFLICTS The present work aims to make society known the problem that is generated when there are armed conflicts between nations, a very......
Words: 3084
Pages: 11
THE RIGHT FOR AN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR ALL Introduction In this essay we will deal with an inclusive education for all, which reject any type of educational exclusion and demands...
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Pages: 5
The richness of the Panama Channel Site The richness of the Panama Canal is that it has many benefits for the property of a person is that it works for......
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Pages: 2
The richest man in Babylon, reflexive work This book begins with a first chapter which tries to Bansir the carriage builder of Babylon and this one has a little......
Words: 879
Pages: 3
The responsibility and its analysis through the book "The leader's mirror" In general terms, responsibility is a value that most of us obtain it as we grow, but there are...
The representation of women in the novel Sab For many generations, women have been put as a being inferior to man because in many cultures it is considered physical and......
The regulation of the College of Journalists of Peru and Freedom of Expression Introduction Professional schools throughout their history in the country have marked professional pe...
The refugee crisis, forced migration ABSTRACT It is said that the refugee crisis, which is currently lived in European countries, is one of the greatest forced migrations since Wor...
Words: 3986
Pages: 14
The rebellion that marked Ecuador Introduction The rebellion of the outlaw was an event that marked Ecuadorian citizens during the administration of Lucio Gutiérrez, this action w...
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Pages: 8
The reason for emigration between the population The first thing is to know that migration is the displacement that the human being performs, towards new sources of life and acco...
There are many love anime Introduction There are many love anime, some better achieved than others, but they all have in common: that will make you vibrate. Love is one......
The real need to prohibit euthanasia in Latin America Introduction According to Bonete Perales in his book “Free to die?”We can define euthanasia as the act of a doctor or......
The rage and treatment virus used to provide for it The rage, a word derived from the ancient Indian roots: "Rabh", which means violent behavior, is a disease recognized ...
The production chain of butterflies in Costa Rica Summary The butterfly chain in Costa Rica, is of great economic, social and environmental importance for the settlers of Limón, H...
Words: 3863
Pages: 14
The privacy farce in the era of internet exhibitionism In recent years the Internet has become an essential tool not only for the development of new business models, but also......
Words: 2984
Pages: 11
The principalities in the Prince of Nicolás Machiavelli Introduction In the first part of the book, it covers the theme of the principalities, while in the second part it covers.....
The presentation of the path of humanity Introduction The human being has various aspects that characterize him, which determine us as rational beings and differentiates us from ir...
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
The powers of the State in Ecuador In this essay, the contrast of the classic powers of the State will be studied, with reference to the five functions of the......
Words: 1632
Pages: 6
The power of women to face stereotypes Introduction During the course of history and literature, the role of women has been reflected in countless literary works. The woman and her...
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Pages: 2
THE POWER OF THE ECONOMIST To understand what this discipline has achieved in relation to power, it is necessary to recognize the history of economic thought, which gives us knowle...
The power of greed Introduction The power of greed leads people to desire more power and more wealth, and thus assess the material above the moral. Greed, or wanting everything......
THE PEOPLE AND THE GREAT CITY Introduction My beautiful land and big city. Punas are very close to taita inti the blue sky that makes my heart shine and the......
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
The parents of Sociology: Marx and Durkheim Marx and Durkheim were two of the parents of sociology, both macrosociologos. To understand their approaches, it is important to context...
Words: 923
Pages: 3
The paradigms of the twentieth century, Colombia When we hear about paradigms, we usually assume that it is only about examples or beliefs common to a group of people or......
Words: 2760
Pages: 10
Theory of the conspiracy of white genocide White genocide is a neo -Nazi conspiracy theory, white and supremacist nationalist that maintains that activities such as mass immigratio...
Words: 1093
Pages: 4
The origins of food care in Judaism: Kashrut Introduction The food table within Judaism is known as a great characteristic of the people of Israel. This is due to the......
Words: 3044
Pages: 11
The origin of racism and the process by which it develops To know the origin of racism we must bear in mind that we are beings that have a cultural......
The Old Testament prophets Introduction. I find it interesting to study and look very well the characteristics of the prophets in the Old Testament, since we live in a time......
Words: 1864
Pages: 7
The Old Testament and its Secrets Introduction. In 1945 a great discovery occurred in the desert of Egypt, which was that of the Dogmas of the New Testament, incomparable scrolls.....
The novel under the same star and its reflections John Green was born on August 24, 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana (United States). He is the son of Sydney Green......
The Northern Manchegas Witches In the Castilian-Chanchegas lands, the phenomenon of witchcraft was little extended compared to other areas of the Peninsula. There is not much docum...
The no -different differences in the boy from the striped pajamas The story is told from the point of view of a 9 -year -old German child named Bruno. Bruno......
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