Fascism As A Government System
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Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator or someone who has the complete power. The person in charge often strength a specific religion, specific rules, has an extreme criticism and emphasizes aggression with cruel and unusual punishments to its people. Fascism in history. The first fascist country was Italy. From 1922 to 1943, Italy was governed by Benito Mussolini who practiced fascism in the form of a monarchy. In 1937, Mussolini sought the idea of Nazi -style racism and Anti -Semitic legislation in Italy despite the many members of Jews in the fascist party. Fascism in history. A very popular form of fascism that we see in today’s history is in the north.
North Korea has a fascist type of government known as a socialist state, or unique party status. The leader, Kim Jong-un, is trying to make it look like his country is perfect, a civilized society. But in reality, Kim Jong-un and his country are far from being perfect. He is a cruel leader who shows his power by sending his people to work camps, extreme rationing practices of food and horrible torture in innocent people. V fascism for vendetta and fiction fascism is seen in V for vendetta for many reasons. First, there is a poster hung on the streets that says ‘force through purity, purity through faith’. And then the poster has a cross.
This poster shows that the government pushes Christianity to its people. In addition, there are touches for all and all are being observed by cameras by all the streets with a sign under them what ‘for their protection’ says ’.
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The Government is led by a group called ‘Norsfires’ that have a very militaristic base. All music that reproduces and art in the city is very militaristic. Another book in which we see fascism is Fahrenheit 451. We also see fascism in this book because the government does not allow anyone to read books. If a book is located, firefighters come and burn the books and the area where the book was. If it was someone’s house, or not.
People who are responsible for the possession of the book automatically go to prison or what the government wants to do with them. Ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleaning is the idea of eliminating specific religious groups from a specific area killing in large quantities or placing a large number of them in concentration camps. The reason why this is done is for the government to promote a religion favored in the country or region. Ethnic cleaning in history. An obvious and very popular ethnic cleaning seen in history was the holocaust in World War II. Adolf Hitler created concentration camps throughout Germany, where the Nazi army had hundreds of thousands of Jews.
The Jews of Germany, Austria or other areas controlled by the Nazis were sent to these fields where they died of hunger and the German soldiers shot them at random. At the end of the war, they were killed between 5 and 6 million Jews. Ethnic cleaning in history in 1804, the massacre of Haiti occurred. The target group was the remaining white population of French Creoles for the black population. This massacre took place since the beginning of February 1804, until April 22, 1804. This ethnic cleaning practice killed between 3.000 and 5.000 people of all ages and genres. V for vendetta ethnic cleaning and fiction in V for vendetta, we see an example of ethnic cleaning by the government.
The government wants a totally white, very conservative and Christian society. To achieve this goal, the government decided to create a form of concentration camps where homosexuals, color and communists were sent. Basically, any person who was not white, Christian or who was against the Government was sent to these alternative camps where some were tortured by human experimentation or burned alive. In the film, ethnic cleaning ‘in the land of blood and honey’ is shown because once the Muslims, the Serbs and the Croats lived in harmony in the former Yugoslavia.
Until everyone decided to go to war and bombard numerous popular places to try to get rid of other religious groups. Mass surveillance Mass surveillance is the idea that government or government organizations constantly monitor a specific region or group of people. Massive surveillance in history surprisingly, mass surveillance is found in the history of the United States when there was an extreme war. Mass surveillance was used for monitoring and censorship in times of war with international communications. Even after World War II, surveillance continued.
The FBI, the CIA and the NSA use surveillance to address specific groups, organizations and individuals. The United States specifically uses the surveillance of terrorist attacks to help protect the United States from another September 11 attack. Mass surveillance in history Mass surveillance is also happening throughout the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom’s communications headquarters participated in the collaboration of Five Eyes with other English -speaking countries to seek terrorism and other national threats. V for vendetta and fictional mass surveillance in V de Vendetta.
Mass surveillance is used in all streets so that the government can constantly monitor everyone to ensure that all follow the rules of the government. In this case, the government uses it as fear, so the population knows that it should not do anything against the government or will be sent to concentration camps. In the movie Blow out, mass surveillance is used by a sound technician who listens and records a murder and then discovers that murder is part of a political corruption that develops in secret. In this case, surveillance is used to protect others.
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