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Fashion As A Means Of Expression


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Fashion as a means of expression


Fashion. Is it that it is only clothes, shoes or anything that is novelty in our lives? Will it impact something else?, Does this give us identity or only do someone more than the pile? Well, I believe that fashion is something that, already analyzing it carefully, we can realize that it has a great impact on our society, in addition to being something we have lived all our lives and will hardly stop being in our future. Fashion is defined as: "collective and changing taste in relation to clothing and accessories" (RAE; but beyond this concept is something that many people do not matter or believe that "they do not apply with them".


The truth is that no one is saved or escapes from it, because from the moment we decide which blouse or shirt to use, how to cut our hair or what phone we will have, it may be having influence on us and maybe not even realize we gave each other. Thanks to fashion, people can express their different personalities, feelings and ideas, but why has this become such a relevant issue? I think that if we go to the root of everything and we carefully observe the context, we will realize that it is something that is closely related to our self – esteem.

Our need to belong to a group and especially to the consumerist culture that our society has and the truth is how many times we have not bought something just "because everyone has it"? Regarding the need for belonging that I mentioned, I would like to explain it and delve a little more about that.

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Human beings have many ways to communicate and for that we use codes already pre -established in our society, for example, language (which is one of the most common) but there are also visual codes, such as writing and clothing, with which we can expressvarious aspects of ourselves such as age. 

Ethnic origin, lifestyle, profession, etc. By transmitting these messages of who we are and what our ideas are, we can meet people who have tastes and ideas similar to ours giving us that feeling of not being totally different from others;This can give rise to the appearance of several groups with different styles, for example, the "punk", "hippies" or a group that we all place as soon as we see them, the famous "cholos". Here comes the part of our self – esteem because generally, when a person feels that he does not belong to anywhere.

He begins to feel alone, to isolate himself and also believe that he or she is wrong because they are as they should not be so, each person is special as it is. However, this is not only what these people can think or feel of themselves, it is also what society thinks and says of them. Unfortunately we live in a society that interests nothing more than trying to excel and does not really care if to achieve it he must damage or hurt someone. Personally, I try to never make any negative comment about what anyone is wearing as strange or ugly that seems to me, since as I already mentioned.

From my perspective how we dress is basically our personality and identity and if I criticize his blouse or his shoes, I will not be saying something ugly of a piece of fabric but of his person. Up to this point I think I have mentioned several "advantages and disadvantages" (to call it somehow) about fashion, but I think I lack one of them and it is consumerism. Consumerism is defined: “immoderate tendency to acquire, spend or consume goods, not always necessary” (RAE) and we being followers of what new trends or fashion present us, it is very common that we can fall into this conscious orunconsciously. 

A fairly clear example is clothes. Although we have less than a month with our new garment and it is in good condition, if the next day a new model is presented with a different color we will love it for us regardless that the “advantage” is minimal or null. If we analyze it critically, we will realize that really with “being fashionable” and that others see that we have that new product, we will make a consumption of something unnecessary, since we already had another one that was practically the same. "Being fashionable" is something that encompasses us in a set of people with similar tastes.

But for example if there is something that we do not like or we do not feel identified with, it has nothing wrong, since we are all different and I do not think that is a reason to feel less or bad for that;each one has their own identity and must be accepted as it is. I consider that it is also very important that the people who work in this area are very conscious and careful in how the product they try to sell is promoted, (referring to the models they use), since they generate or encourage an ideology about beauty thatIn my opinion it is wrong. Not for being the highest. 

The thinnest or any stereotype that can be used means that if a person is not, he cannot use it, unleashing again in what he had already mentioned about self – esteem. Finally I consider that people who work in this area have a lot of responsibility on how they do to feel identified with each product, be it a garment, a device, etc.;But we also as consumers have the responsibility of not falling into consumerism as mentioned above, in addition to also being careful and above all respectful of each person and their tastes. 


What if we start criticizing less and smiling a little more? We may not like what someone uses or their ideas, but instead of criticizing I think we should be a little more cordial with people and not make anyone feel bad. And just as a curious fact, did you know that the designers of the new trends or collections, have them prepared for us at least one year before? Can you believe it?, What we are using today was thought for a long time and what we will be using within a year, it is most likely being prepared at this time! I think this is something worth recognizing yourself because in the end when your work reaches our hands, it is a very big impact that you have on all of us.

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