Fattening Chickens And Meat Production Industry
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A fattening chicken is scientifically called Gallus gallus domesticus, they are chicken raised specifically for the production of chicken meat which has a great demand worldwide. Many of the typical fattening chicken have white feathers and the skin is yellowish. The majority of commercial fattening chicken reach the weight of sacrifice between 4 and 7 weeks, although the slower growth breeds reach approximately 14 weeks of sacrifice. (Anonymous, 2013)
Chicken production has had an important development in recent years and is widespread worldwide, especially in temperate and warm climates, due to its high profitability, good market acceptance, ease of finding very good races and concentrated foods ofexcellent quality that provide acceptable results in food conversion. (2 kilos of food to transform them into 1 kilo of meat). (Mejia, 2017)
Fattening chicken is the chicken in its initial phase of life, which is raised in farm and fattened. Its diet consists of vitamins and proteins that are given or called balanced, so that at the end of the process it has the greatest weight and finally sacrifices.
Its purpose is to increase the production of the poultry farm and therefore the market increase. (Espinoza, 2015)
Investigate genetic improvement and selection to obtain bird meat in birds
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, bird meat is the third most consumed in the world (33 %).
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It is preferred by most countries, precisely because it is very simple to produce and very versatile for the elaboration of rich dishes, it is estimated that in the year 2020 the chicken will be the protein preferred by the consumers of the generations to come, exceedingpork meat.
The chicken breast is the white meat that has the greatest protein intake (22 grams per 100 grams of product). In addition, grilled cooked is lower in calories and fats than the rest of meats, hence it is a food so consumed by athletes. (Manrique & Peristethe limbs, cardiovascular functionality and rusticity.
The achievement of the genetic potential inherent in birds depends on the following factors:
- Manage the environment in such a way that providing birds with all their ventilation, air, temperature and space requirements.
- Prevention, detection and treatment of diseases.
- Supply of nutrient requirements through food development with appropriate ingredients and good management in feeding and water supply practices.
- Attention to the well -being of birds throughout their lives, especially before processing.
All these factors are interdependent, so if any of them is not at their optimal level, it will adversely affect the general performance. (Aviagen, 2009) Fuente (Aviagen, 2009)
The behavior of the fattening chicken is modified by the environment and is altered as the age of fattening chickens and body weight rapidly increase with the passing of the days. For example, the activity of the fattening chicken that are raised outdoors is initially much greater than that of the fattening chickens that are raised inside, but from 6 weeks of age, it decreases to comparable levels inall the groups. (Anonymous, 2013)
Fattening chickens
It is essential to establish that an excellent chicken race is one that has the ability to transform the concentrate into muscle in less time, with low consumption, and low mortality. To give the market what it demands, a good color chicken, lush breast, and good substance (flavor).
One of the most important aspects that the Avicular Farmer must take into account is that of the bird class that buys or breeding. Production systems influence the type of birds that need to be acquired. (Contreras, Monsalve, Miranda, Mayz, & Pérez, 2015)
- For the extensive system, resistant birds are required and that require little care, such as those that the farmer has traditionally had in many countries.
- For the semi-intensive and intensive system it is necessary to consider:
- The production objective in relation to the market: (meat / eggs / dual purpose).
- The availability of good quality food.
- The type accommodation.
Poultry races can be divided into three categories according to their body weight:
- Heavy.
- Semi-peppers
- Light
Light races
(Ramire, 2012) Light races are original from Italy, such as the LEGHORN LEGRORN. Light races are characterized by the following:
- The body weight of the layers is maximum 2 kg.
- The color of the peel is white.
- It has a simple crest and white and well developed ears.
- The color of the feathers is white, but the Spanish races are black.
- They are good producers of eggs, early and persistent.
- They do not confirm.
- Low daily weight gain.
Using these characteristics, commercial lines of egg producers have been created.
The main commercial lines are:
- Lohmann LSL.
- Dekalb XL Link
- Hysex White (White)
- Isa White
- Hy – Line White
Males in incubating firms are eliminated because their fattening is poor.
Heavy breeds
They are of English and Asian origin. Among the most representative races are:
- Orpington of which there are three varieties;La Negra, Suede and La Blanca
- White Cornish, has as its wide breast.
- There is also White American and Wyandottes, both originals from the USA.UU, white and white and black respectively.
In general, all these races are characterized by:
- Possess strong contexture.
- Appreciable heat and cold resistance.
- Fast fattening.
- Very regular egg producers.
- Early development.
- Ease of food conversion into meat.
- Good body development.
- White pen predominance
- Big and well developed legs.
- Brown and strong egg peel color.
With these characteristics it has been created from these races, commercial lines that in a short life cycle (6 – 8 weeks) reach a body weight of 1.9 to 2.2 kg, after 9 which are commercially useful, that is, they are sold as meat among this group are the lines: Lohmann Broiler (Meat), Hibro, Ross X Ross, Hubbard, Pilch, Cobb 500, Peterson, Arbor Acres. (Morales, 2016)
Mixed breeds
(Contreras, Monsalve, Miranda, Mayz, & Pérez, 2015) Also calls of double utility, has its origin in semi -marked races such as the Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red and the New Hampshire of North America, the Sussex of England, the Blanca Barnevelder ofHolland, among others.
The main characteristics are:
- Plumaje is usually brown, although there are also black and white.
- Rusticity.
- Good posture level.
- Moderate efficiency for fattening.
- Brown egg peel color.
- Quiet temperament.
- They are easily confilled.
- They adapt well to extensive exploitation systems.
From these characteristics, the business lines producing eggs and meat have been created.
The main commercial lines are:
- Lohmann Brown (Brown).
- Dekalb Warren.
- Harco Sex Link
- Hisee Brown.
- Isa Brown
- Hy Line Brown
- Bacon
Characteristics of good chick quality
- Very dry and long down.
- Large, bright and active eyes.
- Active chicks and alerts.
- Completely closed navel.
- The legs must be brilliant in sight and weares to the touch.
- Tibiotarsian joints should not be reddened.
- Chicks must be free of malformations (crooked legs, folded necks or cross peak). (Anonymous, 2013)
Necessary equipment
As in any business, in this you will also need some tools to be able to manage the business completely and profitable. The main equipment that will need are: drinking fountains, cages, egg trays, lighting system. You should also find out, because according to the breed, the elements may vary. (Lopez, 2018)
Genen chicken management
The main objective of chicken fattening farms must be maintained with similar age to achieve results consisting of time (Barros, 2009). To meet this objective, factors intervene that the producer cannot handle, for example the weather and factors that the producer can handle, for example: the type of balanced and the additives to be used in the food. For any livestock project to have good results, four factors must be taken into account and are:
- Race
- Food
- Health control (disease prevention);and finally
- Handling given to exploitation.
A good race is one that has a great ability to convert food into meat in a short time, with physical characteristics such as wide body and abundant breast, prominent and bright eyes, agile movements, upright position on the legs, clean and well -healing ombligos.
- Mejia, j. (May 32, 2017). the producer.com. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, from the management of fattening chickens:
- https: // elproductor.com/articles-techniques/articles-tecin-salud- animal/handling-of-the-product-of-polls-of-language/
- Espinoza, a. (June 12, 2015). Ecured. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, from fattening chickens: https: // www.Ecured.Cu/chickens_de_engorde
- Manrique, i. A., & Perdomo, I. A. (March 22, 2019). agrotence. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, from fattening chickens: https: // agrotence.TV/Agropedia/Cria-de-Pollos-de-Engorde/
- Anonymous. (August 12, 2013). Let’s talk about you. Retrieved on November 18, 2019, do you want to know everything about fattening chicken? Find out here: https: // let’s talk about.com/chicken-of -egorde/
- Aviagen. (November 12, 2009). Aviagen . Retrieved on November 19, 2019, from the management guide of the fattening chicken: http: // is.Aviagen.com/ASSETS/TECH_CENTER/BB_FOREIGN_LANGE_DOCS/SPANISH_TECHDOCS/SMA-ACRES-GUIA-DE-MANAGE-DEL-POLLO-ENGORDE-2009.PDF
- Contreras, s., Monsalve, e., Miranda, e., Mayz, g., & Pérez, C. (March 9, 2015). propolos5c. Retrieved on November 18, 2019, from fattening chickens: http: // propolos5c.Blogspot.com/
- Ramire, k. (April 22, 2012). Angelik-Oi. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, from Avicola Production: http: // angelik-oi.Blogspot.com/2009/04/races-and-lines-commercials.HTML
- Morales, w. P. (November 12, 2016). DSPACE. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, design of a feasibility project for the production of fattening chickens in the Cadet: http: // www.DSPACE.UCE.Edu.EC/Bitstream/25000/7900/1/T-U-UCE-0004-06.PDF
- Lopez, J. (January 31, 2018). the producer. Retrieved on November 19, 2019, to start a fattening chicken breeding business: https: // elproductor.com/articles-technic/articles-tecin-salud-animal/initial-e-negocio-de-crizzad-of-polls-of-language/
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