Fear Of Death
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The findings show that the AM are more afraid of death and the process of dying of others than their own.
In relation to the sociodemographic variables of the population under study, the predominant gender in the sample is the female, which could be related to the fact that in Colombia, according to the Technical Bulletin of the First Quarter of the year 2018 thrown by the National Administrative Department of Statistics(Dane), there is a predominance of the female population by 50.7%. Which would explain greater participation by women in life centers in relation to that of men.
As for age it was found that a range between 60 and 94, similar to what is found by Molina M. In his study in Venezuela, where the age range was 60 and 90 years old. Situation that may be due to the increase in life expectancy and the rapid increase in the population over 60 years around the world.
In relation to the socioeconomic stratum it was observed that most older adults belonged to vulnerable strata;Predominant stratum 1, similar to the data found by Melguizo and. Where most of its population corresponded to these strata. On the other hand, Clemente to. In his study with older adults he says that these are frequently subject to problematic situations that are outside their control, such as chronic disease, the death of family and friends, disability and closeness of death itself, generating greater vulnerability to stressin the AM and impact negatively on their quality of life.
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Since old age is a stage of the life cycle characterized by the decrease in activities to a large extent, also generating a decrease in the income of a retirement system.
Regarding marital status, most older adults were widowed and to a lesser extent were separated, these results agree with previous studies regarding widowhood. According to Holstein, B, who conducted different studies on stress sources in older adults, the death of a significant other, the disease itself and the withdrawal of work activity are very frequent and stressful experiences in old age, since when I diedA couple member, the family is disorganized until they adapt to loss and roles changes.
This loss creates a negative emotion in those who suffer;The need to adapt to the new living conditions put defense mechanisms at stake, which can fail in the perception of support, considered by the lack of friends, family, the couple, etc.
Schooling and children variables are usually socioculturally related, because access to education was limited and the role of women was subject to household chores, that is, the raising and care of family. No publications were found about these variables, so their research is recommended.
Regarding the occupation there is a big difference, since most are unemployed, while a very minimal percentage still work. According to Cardona D in his study, he found that 99.9% of older adults have very few social resources, a situation that could be creating an inadequate moral support, which the elderly requires at this stage of life. However, this situation is not clear because of age, it can also be associated with family absence because they are forced to separate, by economic, work or social conflicts. All people require social support to give them social support, especially the most vulnerable populations (older adults and children).
As for the religion variable it was found that everyone claimed to profess some belief. Faith in a supreme being and belief in life after death, generating in people the acceptance of it as a natural part of life and, therefore, produces a positive attitude towards death. According to Harding s. They could give positive correlations between religious beliefs and the acceptance of death, also gurrola, g. He points out that firm believers may have acquired a sense of symbolic immortality due to their religious beliefs (the ability to symbolize the death and continuity of life) that helps them face the fear of death
As for results obtained from the Death and Lester’s death scale, it is importantothers that to his own, which has a lot of relation to a comparative study between young adults and oldranges of nothing and something, in both populations, however, significance is accentuated in the group of 20 to 40 years of age.
As mentioned by Rivalora L. The experience of losing a loved one creates an idea that they could experience a death process similar to that of the deceased person, which contributes to generating stress and consecutively deteriorating their health … taking this into account, it is understandable that the process of dyingof others has been the dimension that produced the most fear among the population that participated in the investigation.
This would have much relation to what was mentioned by Vílchez L, the death process of third parties has at least two repercussions on older adults: one is the awareness of their own death, since the successive experiences of deaths of others make them warn ofThat at some point it will be because no one is saved, the second impact is that the death of the other arouses the consciousness of the total and definitive separation. Likewise, having to be exposed to the death process of a third party, makes older adults forced to confront a worrying issue for a longer time. On the other hand, Missler M the fear of the process of dying was directly associated with physical pain, which agrees with the results of the item 2 of the dimension of the own death process.
It is necessary to mention that this study contributed to generating scientific evidence about the fear of death that the AM of the Life Centers of the Urban Area of Cartagena feel. This contribution has a precursor character at the local, regional, national and international level, therefore, it is expected to be the beginning of a series of investigations for those interested in the area of palliative care.
It is important for nursing to understand that the perception regarding death in the elderly generates very frequent emotional responses such as anxiety, fear, depression, especially when the human being is closer to it;When they are aware of this, the nurse will have the evidence to plan to implement their care individually, allow the expression of their emotions, and understanding, facilitating physical contact and proximity and promoting a state of serenity and positive attitude towards death. That is why with greater education and support such as the one offered.
With regard to the strengths of the investigation, it can be said that it represented a pioneering study at the level of the city of Cartagena, since there were no similar works that deal with this issue with this population. With the elements presented, the understanding of anxiety and fear was contributed to the death of the AM.
In the case of weaknesses, it is necessary to affirm that the study, due to its own transverse nature, lacks a temporary perspective since it is not possible to know the way in which the problem changes over time. On the other hand, the shortage of research on the issue of death was an important limitation to compare and support the results obtained.
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