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Federalism Exploration


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Federalism Exploration
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The term federalism is broadly used to refer to the political organization mode whereby unity is established among separate states found within an overarching system of politics thus allowing each the ability to maintain the essential political integrity. Federal governments do accomplish this role through the distribution of powers among the general as well as the constituents governments in a way that is designed to offer protection to the existing authority of each government. It is worth noting that with the federal system of governance, the national government is granted some powers and on the other hand, the same government reserves some authorities to be executed by the states (Grossberg & Tomlins, 2008). This paper aims to explore the federal method of governance of the United States of America (USA).
The constitution of federal government of the United States specifies the powers of the national government, for instance, the war declaration authority. The state government holds responsibility for a wide variety of laws such as; the estate and law of inheritance, education, public health laws, judiciary laws, public works laws as well as electoral laws among many others. On the other hand, the local government plays the role of not only the adaptation but also the application of the state law to the local authorities, essential public services, public works contracts as well as public accommodation licensing.

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The federal government of the United States of America also participates in matters of domestic policy. The term domestic policy defines the actions undertaken by the national government in dealing with various issues within the country (Gress & Janes, 2001). Thus, through the consultation of the various states and the local government, the federal government came up with the domestic policy. Domestic policies play a role in minimizing chaos in the country.
The medical aspect and the recreational use of marijuana are considered one of the most controversial responsibilities of the federal government as well as the domestic policy concerning its prohibition, production, and consumption. Notably, scientific evidence present harmful effects of marijuana use, however, it could be of benefit to chronic disease patients such as Cancer and Endometriosis as it eases their physical pain. Notably, the federal government’s rigid attitude on marijuana prohibits marijuana consumption whereas majority states have legalized this drug use through enacting a means of controlling its distribution. Consequently, several states have defied the federal rule by allowing citizens to vote for legalization of marijuana use (Pagano & Leonardi, 2007). Alabama State domestic law permits marijuana use for severe medical conditions, Virginia State enacted laws that permit the marijuana possession following a doctor’s prescriptions whereas Alaska State permits both the recreational and medical use of marijuana.
It is essential to recognize that there are numerous state laws specified in the constitution of the USA. The state’s anti-discrimination laws especially those that apply to the workplace are the most favorite laws to me. This law illegalizes any discrimination of an individual based on features such as race, sex, national origin, genetic information, age as well as physical disability. This law, therefore, ensures that each person is accorded equal fair treatment at their places of work. Consequently, I entirely support the workplace anti-discrimination laws as they have many benefits for instance, promotion is based on the records of the best employee and in interviews, the best candidate gets a job offer.
References:Gress, F., & Janes, J. (2001). Reforming governance: Lessons from the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
Grossberg, M., & Tomlins, C. L. (2008). The Cambridge history of law in America. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Pagano, M. A., & Leonardi, R. (2007). The dynamics of federalism in national and supranational political systems. Basingstoke [England: Palgrave Macmillan.

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