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Female Genital Mutilation And Child Marriage In Human Development


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Female genital mutilation and child marriage in human development


To begin, we will talk about human development (DH), the objective of DH is human freedoms, that is, it is the freedom that each human life develops its full potential, but not only that of a few, but that of all The lives of every corner of the planet. This is the development paradigm that goes beyond income, either from the increase or decrease of a country so that people can bring a productive standard of living according to their needs and interests. Therefore, this implies expanding opportunities so that each person can live a life that value. Therefore it is important to develop human captures. Therefore, the Human Development Index (HDI) is important. The HDI is the indicator of the human development of a country, this is prepared by the United Nations Program (UNDP) and the components of this are: health that indicates life expectancy at birth, education as average schooling years and The well -being that is the Gross National Income (INB) per capita, this is responsible for showing the possibilities of economic growth of the world societies and the way in which their states facilitate an adequate or not environment for said objective. On the other hand, the Capabilities are a set of operations that give freedom to a person to achieve what he values. To have something clear, the operations build coatings, but in the absence of the capability there is a deterioration of the operations.

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Just as there are complex operations, which as he says, are a situation of greater complexity, such as being happy or having dignity, there are simple operations that give rise to more elementary functions such as being well fed, having good health, etc. There are also central captures that are based on human dignity such as: life, physical health, emotions, practical reason, etc. And internal captures: these are states of a person who are not fixed, means that they are trained and skills trained. This will be developed as the report is presented and the links that a capability have with the 5th Objective of the 2030 Agenda will be seen.


The National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) is responsible for the elaboration and development of the State System of Education Indicators (SEI), this is based on the use of educational indicators as an indispensable instrument to know the reality of education and make possible The definition of educational objectives. Norway is in international number 1 according to its public spending in education with a total of 7.55% in 2015. The public education system is free and serves all children and young people from 6 to 16 years old. While, at the national level, Mexico is in 74th place, it reached a 5.24% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015 and serves children from 3 to 15 years. (Notebooks)

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Mexico

It is an organization that focuses on human development and creates solutions for countries that seek to meet their development goals to achieve their objectives committed internationally including sustainable development objectives. In Mexico, it works with three powers of the State and society sectors so that countries exceed environmental, economic and social crises while in turn seeks to improve the quality of life of the population. The organization has been working in Mexico for more than 50 years. UNDP faces national development challenges and increases the potential of each country to become an international development partner through current programs and its national implementation. (UNDP 2019)

Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda)

The objectives of sustainable development (SDGs) are an important commitment to end what began since previous years to face and solve the difficult problems that the current world faces. The 17 objectives are related to each other, this means that if one is successful, it affects others. Adding all, it is a great opportunity without comparison for the benefit of future generations. The objectives are ambitious, since the goal is that no one is behind, but, the most important thing is that it invites countries to create a much more sustainable, safe and prosperous world for the human race for the human race. (SDG 2019).

This report is focused on objective 5: gender equality that seeks to eliminate all kinds of discrimination against women and girls in the world. Discrimination occurs in many areas such as work, domestic, sexual exploitation and decision -making are great problems that are still in force. To achieve greater gender equality it is necessary to encourage more women to be leaders in public positions. The goal that is addressed is to eliminate all harmful practices towards women, as well as child and forced marriage and female genital mutilation. (Objective 5 2019)

Female genital mutilation 

The female genital mutilation (MGF) is a violation of human rights that consists of a practice that consequently brings a change and damage to female genital organs and this is not caused for medical reasons, but in order to injure and harm the Natural female fabric which results in many complications and health damage and more in childbirth. (UNFPA SF)

The World Health Organization (WHO) identified some types:

  • Type I (clitoridectomy): partial or total resection of the clitoris and/or foreskin.
  • Type II (split): partial or total resection of the clitoris and minor lips, with or without splitting of the major lips. The amount of tissue that is removed varies largely depending on the community.
  • Type III (Infibulation): narrowing of the vaginal opening and creation of a seal that covers it. Can be done with or without clitoris resection.
  • Type IV: drilling, incision, scraping or cauterization. (UNFPA 2015)

This practice has been carried out to more than 140 million girls and women. If this enigma is considered a topic of today 86 million more victims will be approached by 2030. This problem violates the rights to health, security and physical integrity, so it is very important to promote its elimination and any effort to combat it will be very helpful. (UNFPA SF)

For this there are the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), conduct a worldwide program with the aim of abandoning the practice of female genital mutilation. At present, this program focuses on around 17 African countries and also provides support to regional and world initiatives.

This program has a set of achievements in favor of female genital mutilation:

  • More than 2.3 million girls and women have favored protection against female genital mutilation and have received specialized care services.
  • 25 million people from more than 18,000 communities in 15 countries with a high prevalence of female genital mutilation made public statements to abandon this harmful practice.
  • 17 governments received support to create national mechanisms for response to female genital mutilation and 12 countries received support to create national budget items to finance their own programs related to female genital mutilation.
  • The program contributed directly to the promulgation of laws that prohibit female genital mutilation in Gambia, Guinea-Bisáu, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda; It also allowed the development of capacities and the application of the legislation, which has resulted in 700 arrests to date. (UNFPA 2018)

As can be perceived in the following graph, the MGF is more presented in Africa countries. Otherwise in America, in countries such as in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, it is implemented according to UNFPA, except for these countries, especially Mexico is one of the countries that does not expose indices of it, there is total ignorance that is do this type of practices. However, the issue of child marriage is still included in some marginalized populations of our country. (UNFPA 2018)

Children’s marriage

By child marriage it is easy to understand that this occurs among a child under 18 with an adult or either another child. This practice has been reduced throughout the world, because before 1 in 4 girls were overlooking their own rights, to 1 in 5, today. Even so, child marriage is still very generalized. The objectives of the sustainable development of the United Nations, advocate that measures are taken to end these events and that there is no more violation of human rights. (Children’s marriage 2019)

Child marriage removes girls their childhood, their life and health are at risk. Child marriage makes the development of a girl commit, it can be for an early pregnancy and this leads to an increase in risks and suffering some complications during pregnancy and childbirth. This leads to social departure, that is, they move away from their families and friendships, as well as to close their participation in the community, so that their physical and psychic well -being is severely affected and for not letting this end their studies, their studies, their studies, It leads to not having a desired development such as in a professional field and therefore is placed at risk of violence by the couple and that their attendance at school decreases considerably. This in many cultures is usually very normalized, because they expect girls to reach puberty to submit them to the roles with which they are associated with women, such as being the mother or marriage union. This child marriage is a maximum expression of gender inequality. Since child marriage is completely negative in the health and future of a girl, imposes national economic costs with consequences for prosperity and development. (Report of the Sustainable Development Goals 2019) and (Child Marriage 2019).

In the world 650,000,000 women married before they were 18 years old. Where child marriage prevails?, This prevails in sub -Saharan Africa, 38 % girls have married their childhood. 25 million have been avoided in the last decade thanks to the advances made. Although this has decreased considerably, the process must be accelerated, if not, by 2030 more than 150 million girls will have married. (UNICEF 2018).

Children’s marriages in Mexico:

Thanks to the General Law on Girls Rights, Law General Law on the Rights of Girls, Children and Adolescents (LGDNNA), which established an age of 18 as a minina age to marry, is a first step to eradicate it. (Save The Children, 2015)

42.8 % of adolescents women between 12 and 17 who are married have at least one child, 72.4% of adolescents between 12 and 17 who are married do not attend school, the percentage being greater in the case of women (77.3%) that in men (56.1%). Men under 15 who are married work, it is 80% of these.

In 2015 there were 75.446 teenagers between 12 and 17 married years. (Save The Children/Image, 2015).


When collecting information about this objective and one of its goals, we realized that in Mexico there is not much the fact about female mutilation as in other countries, but the fact of children’s marriages is still being given a lot, plus on the ages of 15 to 18 years that it is an alarming fact since in our times this should no longer be happening. We were also able to link this goal with some basic captures such as:

  1. Life: In this coat is not fulfilled, since women die of infections due to the mutilation they suffer and die prematurely.
  2. Emotions: In this coat there are very forced connections since the woman is forced to love her husband and always serve him both at home and sexually. This is totally contrary to what is really expected.
  3. Affiliation: In this goal the woman loses all respect for herself and therefore suffers a lot of abuse from others, she gets used to this kind of life and is not able to get out of it.

It is clear that by not having a gender equality, which is capable of being and doing a person cannot be logged, because, as has been said above, to force women to "love" that person with whom with whom He marries or having a family or not due to mutilation, which although in Mexico said previously, there are no statistics, we know that this occurs in other parts of the world and those women are still people. Nor do they let their caormations develop as expected.

The other remaining goals of this objective are important to address since they are treated on gender equality, ensuring full and effective participation of women in society, eliminating all kinds of public and private discrimination against women, but not only Focus on a country, but about the world. All are important and if they get to achieve, the world will be a better place for women. 

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