Female Mutilation In The World
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We intend as female genital mutilation to the split or cut produced in the external genital organs, these may occur in their entirety or partially. Any other damage produced and lacking medical motives is also added.
This practice occurs in girls and women of very diverse ages, age oscillates between birth and first pregnancy. Depending on the area we can find the age range difference for its practice, in some territories it takes place during childhood, in its first days of life, while in others they are carried out in the period of finding marriage and during the first pregnancy of the woman. Using WHO, the Middle Ages in the areas focuses on the breastfeeding period until the fifteen years of women.
Next, I attached two videos in which the testimony of two 13 -year -old women who were victims of this process is reproduced.
In the first case we find the partial or total removal of the clitoris (the external and visible part of the clitoris, which is the part with the greatest sensitivity in the genital organs of women) and/or the clitoris cap (skin fold that leather that surround the clitoris glans).
Second type partial or total resection of the clitoris glans and minor lips, with or without splitting of the major lips.
Third narrowing of the vaginal opening, a sealing is carried out proceeding to cut and comply with the lower or greater lips, sometimes sewing them, with or without resection of the foreskin/ capuchón and glans of the clitoris (type 1).
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This guy usually takes infibulation on behalf. Fourth set of other harmful procedures of female genitals for non -medical purposes, such as puncture, drilling, incision, scraping or cauterization of the genital area.travel outside our borders specifically to perform this practice.
Finally we could find the des-infibulation technique, designates the practice of the realization of a cut in the sealed vaginal opening of a woman who has previously been somuntated to infibulation. This practice is necessary for the improvement of the state of health and well -being of women, it also makes possible the realization of intercourse and facilitates childbirth.
With regard to the continent in which the greatest practice of this intervention is carried out, Africa we find 15% of the female population to which the infibulation has been agreed, the most common practices being the clitoridectomies and the splits with 85%.
With regard to the benefits involved in the realization of this non -medical intervention there is no existence.
Mutilation implies the split and injury of the genital tissues of the female population, in what their state prior to the intervention was positive (they are normal and healthy).
Adding damage it produces, interferes with the natural functions of the body of women and girls. Speaking in general terms, the greater the degree of risk has the procedure, the greater the severity will have. In what is cited in the previous lines, it does not mean that all the forms associated with the MGF do not believe an increase in health irrigation.
The complications included in the intervention are divided into acute and subacute, the former come from severe pain, bleeding, inflammation of genital tissue, fever, tetanus and other infections, urinary problems, genital tissue injuries in neighbors, state of the sock and death.
With regard to subacute complications we find anemia, contagion hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS contagion, retarding girls with girls with nutritional deficit, abscesses, ulcers, scarifications, delay in wound healing. Being its long -term consequences urinary infections (painful urination, urinary tract infections), vaginal problems (leukorrhea, pruritus, bacterial vaginosis and other infections), menstrual problems (painful menstruations, difficult transit of menstrual blood), tissue and keloid scar, sexual problems (painful intercourse, less satisfaction) greater risk of childbirth complications (difficult delivery, bleeding, caesarean section, need for baby resuscitation) and neonatal mortality, need for new surgical interventions, for example when after having sealed or narrowed the vaginal opening (type 3) a cut must be practiced to widen the opening and make possible intercourse and childbirth (infibulation); Sometimes the genital zone is repeatedly sewn, even after the woman gives birth, which is subjected to successive openings and closures.
At the psychological level this type of interventions produce disorders in women, the most common are depression, anxiety, post -traumatic stress disorder and lack of self – esteem. Sometimes women have traumas derived from the intervention or suffer chronic anxiety syndromes associated with any activity linked to the genital and depression zone in the face of the situation of their sexual organs or the fear of infertility.
The reasons for the realization of genital mutilation differ in the region and at the time, although most of the occasions respond to a mixture of sociocultural factors vehiculated by families or communities.
One of the main reasons why they are made are customs and tradition. In many of the communities it is considered a rite in which the girl becomes recognized woman and member of that community publicly. Therefore, the existence of a pressure from society is observed, the families who carry it out seek social acceptance and live with the fear of rejection.
In many of the communities, ablation is practiced universally and is rarely questioned, to the point that the members of the communities cannot imagine that a woman has not undergone this intervention.
The MGF is considered a necessary part in the education of girls, since it is seen as a way to prepare it for adult life and marriage. It usually responds to the conception of what is considered acceptable sexual behavior, its defenders believe that it helps to make women more feminine, understanding as a synonym for docile and obedience. On the other hand, in some communities the clitoris is identified with the "male part" and it is understood that only by the amputation of her it is achieved that the girl can be considered totally a woman.
Other reasons exposed to the justification of this intervention are to ensure virginity before marriage and mitigate the sexual desire of women thus ensuring faithfulness after him. Including the case of women to whom their vaginal opening has been sealed or narrow, that for fear of the pain that would cause the opening of it and the possibility that this is discovered dissuades the woman to maintain sexual relations extraconugales. In this way, ensuring the virginity of women, the possibilities of finding a husband are increased.
In other communities, this intervention is practiced for hygiene reasons, they understand and see mutilation as a synonym for purification and cleanliness. In this way it is understood that a mutilated woman is a clean person, being suitable for manipulating the water and foods of the family. Since on the contrary the women who refuse to make it are defined as impure and exert a polluting action that would prevent community feeding.
In the factors referring to the religious sphere, it is carried out in the Muslim communities, it is justified in the Islamic faith, considering that ablation is a necessary requirement for the girl to become a Muslim, and so she can begin with her activities , the prayer. In addition, it looks like the transit in which the woman becomes more humble and resigned.
Referring to the World Health Assembly that decided in 2008 to adopt measures for the eradication of the MGF, which shows great importance in the need for the union and action of all sectors, in which health is included, health, Education, justice ..
The measures for elimination focus on:
- In the aspect that encompasses the health sector, there would be an elaboration and application of materials and training instruments, in addition to policies so that health care can treat and advise women and girls who have suffered it, influence the offer of the offer of Information to prevent practice.
- Production of evidence, apply knowledge about the cause and consequences by adding the costs of practice. Provided sufficient attention to eliminate and care for those who have suffered it.
- Publication and creation of instruments that encourage the elimination of international, regional and local mutilation. Including the instruments of legislators and defenders so that they can weigh the health burden of practice and the benefits that public health would obtain with the elimination of this.
Women’s genital mutilation has continued in thirty countries today, that encompasses more than 135 million women mutilated in the world and two million girls who continue to suffer from this practice at an annual level. Daily it is recorded that approximately 6000 girls are exposed to this intervention.
One of the territories in which this practice is most performed is Africa, more specifically in the area of Black Africa. The governments of these countries have begun to carry out actions to eradicate ablation, taking as the main measure the elimination. But unfortunately they are still being carried out in 28 nations of the continent, and some of the Middle East.
In addition, we find other countries in which the practice of this intervention is prohibited, but that the members of the communities continue to be carried out. In these cases the governments of the territories do not pursue it even being prohibited. On the contrary, we find many other countries that if they pursue this practice and penalize those who carry out or try to carry out the intervention, in three they find ourselves to: Australia (in 6 of the 8 states), Austria, Belgium, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, Italy, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland.
Somalia is one of the continents in which the greatest number of ablation registers, is located in the horn of Africa, limited with Ethiopia and Kenya.
One of the main reasons why it is the territory that most records this type of intervention is based on both funeral and sanitary and religious traditions. The community of this country is Islamica, Islam entered the area from the practices of its own creation in the seventh century. This origin is found in the flight of the first Muslims to the old port city of Zeila, the current Somalia.
Currently, as soon as I mentioned the predominant religion in Somalia is Islam, with few exceptions. They practice Sunni Muslimism. From some points of view, it is argued that this fact is distanced to the country from the rest of Africa, since the other countries that surround it practice Christianity or other native religions. Referring to the Constitution of Somalia also define Islam as the Ofiacial Religion of the Republic of Somalia.
Within the Islamical ideal we find a difference between the somalies of North and the South, these are seen as an organized society to implement the Islamical precepts, without any existence of a distinction between the second and religious spheres. The north on the contrary is less identified with this ideal.
The role of religious officials showed a descent in 1950 as part of the legal and educational competences, in this way their main responsibilities were transferred to the secular authorities. With regard to religious leaders there was a substantial change after the revolution produced in 1969 and the introduction of socialism. Siad Barre declared that the socialism he contributed was compatible with the Qur’an, so he condemned atheism. That is why religisios leaders are prohibited from commenting and contributing political ideas.
Focusing on the social situation that gives us Somalia, more specifically on the violation of rights that occurs in its territory, we find 98% of the female population that has been forced to suffer genital mutilation in its cruelest form ( infibulation). But not only Somalia shares such a high percentage, in the community of Somaliland in contrast the Isaq clan that practices to women an extreme scition called Gudnünka Fircooniga, which consists of the complete scratch of the external genitals, proceeding to the seam of the fabrics producing a hard and dark strip. In reference to the birth of this practice, the pharaonic Egypt is reopened. With regard to the prohibition or elimination of the realization of these practices, the legistaura has the duty to present the laws to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, so despite all the MGF is not considered a crime, due to the union between religion and culture. The main obstacle for Somalia to approve a law against the realization of the MGF. However, if the existence of art 15 is recorded.4 of the Constitution of Somali in which it is specified that the realization of infibulation is prohibited.
As much as in Spain and internationally, female genital mutilation is recognized as a violation of the human rights of women and girls. Reflects a decrimination towards women, which means that there is a design between the sexes. Continuing with the violations of the rights it affects, we have the violation of the rights of the child, because such intervention is almost always produced in minors. Likewise, it violates the rights to health, security and physical integrity, the right not to be exposed or subject to cruel, inhuman or degrading torture and treatment, and the derk to life in the case in which its practicing Termando In the death of the young woman.
In Spain, the realization of this practice was typified as a crime in Organia 11/2003, published in the B.EITHER.E of September 30 of that same year. It is also constituted as a qualified crime of injuries that is collected in art 149.2 CP;
“The one that will cause another a genital mutilation in any of the manifestations of it will be punished with the prison sentence of six to 12 years. If the victim is less or incapable, the special disqualification penalty for the exercise of parental rights, guardianship, curate, guard or foster care of four to 10 years will be applicable, if the judge estimates it appropriate to the interest of the child or incapable ".
With regard to punitive matter, it was not a great change because this practice was already previously punished to the reform of 203 as a crime of injury, being considered as an attack against people’s physical and mental integrity of people.
In the event that Fura, a minor fura or suffered from a disability for which to need a special protection, the judge can estimate the withdrawal of the parental authority, guardianship, curate, guardian or foster care during the period of four to ten years.
After l.Or 3/2005 of July 8, which reformed the L.Or 6/1985 of July 1, the modification of the criminal code. It stipulates that judges can persecute those people residing in Spain who travel from our borders specifically to carry out this practice.
- https: // Cuidateplus.brand.com/sexuality/dictionary/ablation.HTML
- https: // elDerecho.com/la-mutilacion-genital-femenine-new-of the-in-codigo-penal
- https: // www.OBSERVATORIDELAINFANCIA.es/ficherosoia/documents/4857_d_mgf_definitive.PDF
- https: // www.UV.is/CEFD/17/Carmen_Miguel.PDF
- https: // help.Org/NGO/Blog/Woman/Ablation-Rights-Ninas/Ninas/
- https: // www.BOE.is/search/doc.PHP?ID = BOE-A-2005-11863
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