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Feminization of poverty


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Feminization of poverty is generally the weight of poverty borne by the women. It is a phenomenon that females represent uneven proportion of the world’s poor especially in the developing countries. Women poverty not only stands for lack of money but also involve insufficiency of critical human rights like education, sanitation, health, and food. This level of social bias put women vulnerable to poverty. Though women are not so different from men, they are victims of prejudice and unfairness in the labor force, family matters, and legal systems. Mostly the labor goes unrewarded and unrecognized. They are the first to be dismissed from jobs in any economic crisis. In countries like India, they are the last to eat as per the custom. Their involvement in decision making at home and in the community set up is minimal and they have the lowest degree of personal autonomy.
Minimizing poverty and inequality is important economic objectives to curb women poverty (Peterson 329). This can be done by enacting the following policies. They include the principle of horizontal and vertical equity. The tax and also benefits system involves adopting a progressive tax and benefit system taking proportionately more tax from people of higher income and redistributing welfare benefits to those of lower income. The National minimum wage aims at removing the problem of poverty. The government must become the employer of last resort if the private sector fails to provide employment.

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The capability to lift women out of poverty is circumscribed by social, legal and political entities, therefore women empowerment is a crucial tool in fighting women poverty. Proper distribution of property, transforming discriminatory laws and creating jobs for women would be anticipated in the battle towards alleviating female poverty.
Work Cited
Peterson, Janice. “The Feminization Of Poverty.” Journal of Economic Issues 21.1 (2001): 329-337. Web.

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