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Humans are among the most social creatures in nature. Isolation becomes evident when a person completely or incompletely loss contact with other individuals in the society. When people become isolated, they signal that they can have emotion on certain aspects of their lives and most of the time, they feel that things have turned against them. If in a complete state of isolation, a person can feel depressed, alone and lonely. In August Wilson play Fences a theme that stands talks about how the black people feel isolated, and thus they have difficulties living the American Dream. In the essay, we can be able to tell the depiction the author portrays relating to the real world issues that affect the black society. Isolation, in reality, is a menace that causes depression among people. Some who are in this state may opt to induce the same feeling to their co-generation to end their bad feelings. There are various types of isolation human can experience. This range from social, emotional, and physical isolation. In this context, we will explore and deeply analyze the concept of social discrimination and segregation that the black American experience in their lives and its impact on their coming generation.
In the play, it is evident that both the American and the immigrants are working hard to live the American dream. The dream can be achieved through having a family, a home, and a good job and all are in the pursuit to achieving happiness and a successful future (Koprince 352).
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August, in his play, however, demonstrate the struggle Troy, the protagonist, has to go through to live this American dream. He has to work very hard to get a job promotion and for him to provide for his family. However, as it turned out, he was unable to be successful in his baseball career. The state of affairs in the black American’s discrimination is a significant contribution to that, and he engages his son into various discussions that are meant to hinder him from taking that path that would lead the son into achieving the American dream (Koprince 352). As a result, the son feels isolated from the father.
Though baseball was considered to be a game that symbolized the American dream since it drove people to the momentum of democratic values and hope of the aspired American life, in its early time, the black Americans were not allowed to participate in high-end matches that could have propelled them into higher height. This shows the aspect of the black people undergoing personal struggles and working much harder for them to live a life just above the poverty lines and but less to the perceived American dream. Troy has been described as a person who racial discrimination and baseball haunt past and future, and baseball has been used as a metaphor to represent the black American’s people approach to life. It has been used as a comeback win. Troy has always been considered one of the prominent player in the history of the baseball during his time. A player who could have dominated the field in the history of baseball. However, he is deprived of the opportunity to showcase his skill. His age and race prohibit his chances to prove himself in the field, and the underlying explanation is the isolation due to unjust racism, poverty, and discrimination (Elkins 47).
Works cited
Elkins, Marilyn, ed. August Wilson: A Casebook. Vol. 1626. Routledge, 2013.
Koprince, Susan. “Baseball as History and Myth in August Wilson’s” Fences”.” African American Review 40.2 (2006): 349-358.
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