Ferropenic Anemia And Malnutrition In Children
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The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between ferropenic anemia and malnutrition in children from 3 to 6 years, these diseases are considered the most prevalent in the world (Oliveira & Leitão, 2016). Ferropenic anemia, caused by more common iron deficiency in children (Guzmán Llanos, Guzmán Zamudio, & Llanos de los Reyes García, 2016).
It is considered the main causal factor of child chronic malnutrition that affects cognitive development in early childhood. Malnutrition and anemia in children under 5 have been recognized as important public health complications and present serious effects on the morbidity and mortality of many countries in the world.
Anemia is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin concentration is lower than normal, it is necessary to transport oxygen and if there are few red or abnormal blood cells, or there is not enough hemoglobin, there will be a decrease inBlood capacity to transport oxygen to body tissues.
The most frequent cause is iron deficiency which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, these causes can occur at a low iron intake (strict vegetarian diets), to a bad absorption in the digestive tract (celiac disease, resection ofstomach or intestine), to an increase in consumer needs (pregnancy, childhood), to be lost at some point in the body (menstrual bleeding, digestive bleeding) or the combination of some of these causes.
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Malnutrition is characterized by a deterioration of body composition, product of an energy and/or negative protein balance. It is associated with physiological, biochemical and immune changes, which increase the risks of morbidity and mortality.
Ferropenic anemia, most common iron deficiency anemia in children, is one of the causal factors of chronic child malnutrition and affects cognitive development in early childhood and later years.
Anemia is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin within them is lower than normal, the main causes attributed to it is due to a low iron intake, a bad absorption in the digestive tract, menstrual and digestive bleeding, or to the combination of some of these causes.
The prevalence of anemia is an important indicator and, when used with other determinations of the nutritionimportant to the presence of an anemia.
It follows that there is daily loss of 1 mg of iron because of the peel. The symptoms of anemia are: tiredness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, decay, dizziness, skin paleness, muscle weakness and cold sensation, being the fundamental iron in neuronal development and its deficiency.
Malnutrition is a syndrome distinguished by a deterioration of body composition, due to an energy and/or protein imbalance, it is also considered as an imbalance between nutrient requirements and intake that results in cumulative deficits of energy, proteins or micronutrientsthat they negatively affect growth and development. Iron deficiency (DH) is known as the most common nutritional lack. When a child under five has low size for their age, it is considered less than – 2 deviations compared to the growth standards of children estimated by WHO.
According to the World Health Organization, he considers that 47% of preschool children have a ferropenic anemia worldwide. The largest number of affected people is in Asia, here 58% of preschool children suffer from anemia. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) after a study pointed out throughout Latin America (57%) anemia prevalence.
In Ecuador, regarding children between 3 and 6 years, the ESANUT-EEC (2012) survey revealed an anemia rate of 25.7 %. According to data obtained in an investigation carried out in Manabí, in the period of one year it was obtained that there is an anemia prevalence in the school population, based on the results of the blood biometries carried out, it was established that 100% of individuals studied in 11.29% present anemia.
Worldwide, 26% of children under 5 suffer from malnutrition and in Asia the rate is 39%. Latin America has an average malnutrition of 9.6% for 2017. According to the INEC, the prevalence of malnutrition in children under 5 years between national surveys is 23%, the province of Manabí has an prevalence of malnutrition of 20.83% notified in 2018.
Search strategy:
Through this search, a transverse descriptive study was carried out, demographic and blood factors were analyzed for the diagnosis of ferropenic anemia;In addition to the search for associated factors that determine nutritional feeding habits. Since computer connectors related to scientific articles were established and these metabuscators are: Scielo, Conicyt, Dialnet, Newspaper, Redalyc, Mediagraphic and Digital Library among other computer search engines during the month of June until September 20, 2020.
Two stages were developed:
Stage 1
The study of the population base is determined as the objective for the identification of children with anemia by means.
Stage 2
Characterization of serum ferritin levels, vitamin B12, correct hemoglobin synthesis, intraeritrocyte folic acid and presence of parasitosis in children under 6 years old.
Inclusion criteria
1. Children under 6 who attended the pediatric external consultation.
two. Children who were requested hemogram and the respective result of this was available for review.
Exclusion criteria.
1. Children with hematological pathologies that produce ferropenic anemia.
two. Children who did not present all the necessary data to completely fill the collection sheet in their medical history.
4. Results.
For the population studied, the distribution of the prevalence of ferropenic anemia and malnutrition is presented in the following tables, which were carried out by the research group, where we can observe that worldwide 47% of children from 3 to6 years You have iron deficiency anemia while 26% malnutrition. In Latin America the prevalence of anemia is 57% and 9.6% malnutrition, in Asia 58% corresponds to the prevalence of ferropenic anemia and 39% to malnutrition, while in Ecuador 25.7% of children suffer from ferropenic anemia and 23% malnutrition, on the other hand, at the Manabí provincial level.29% prevalence of ferropenic anemia and 20.83% malnutrition.
41 articles were identified, of which 15 were eliminated by not being related to the objective of our research and not complying with the inclusion criteria proposed, the other 26 articles were selected for the structure of the article, which were used from the followingWays: 12 for the structuring of the theoretical framework, 5 for the contextualization of the problem, 4 in the introduction and 5 in the discussion.
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