Fever, Use Of The Mercury Thermometer In The Measurement Of Body Temperature
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DownloadFever, use of the mercury thermometer in the measurement of body temperature
It is a temperature measurement instrument that is composed of a sealed glass tube that contains mercury and whose volume changes with the temperature uniform. This change is produced by the dilation of the liquid in the capillary column and can be visualized on a graduate scale.
Mercury is a natural element, where its storage are in the earth’s crust. It is a liquid at room temperature that is divided by having a freezing point of -39 ° C and a boiling point of 357 ° C, in addition to not burning which is a very effective material for many uses.
As explained by the Ministry of Health, fever, cough and respiratory distress are one of the symptoms presented by COVID-19 disease is therefore the importance of a correct measurement of temperature. On the other hand, it should be emphasized that fever is not bad but it is a symptom that our body has activated our immune system for it to defend ourselves from bacteria or viruses before a possible infection in our body. However, the causes of the appearance of fever can be given by many factors and it is the work of the doctor to study its origin.
As mercury thermometers are frequent, they are more used domestically because with them more contact with the skin is made and their use is more delicate, where we can use them with a more correct and adequate hygiene than using them outdoors with a multitude of people to at the same time.
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It is recommended to take the temperature after each output that we have to do for our elementary needs and on the other hand in more economically accessible but as long as with adult and responsible supervision.
Mercury thermometers precision
The normal temperature of the human body can vary between 97.8 ° F (36.5 ° C) and 99 ° F (37.2 ° C) In a healthy person. The precision of the thermometer will depend on several factors and according to sex, including the consumption of food and liquids, the patient activities before and during measurement, wearing heavywear, the area where the temperature is taken (oral, axila , straight), take certain medications, the time of day and, in women, in the menstrual cycle stage. The thermometers must maintain a precision of ± 0.2 ° F between 98.0 and 102.0 ° F, and ± 0.4 ° F at the ends < 96.4 °F y > 106 ° F. If the thermometer is properly calibrated, validated and adapted to human error, it will be an act for use and especially to throw an adequate temperature.
How does a mercury thermometer work?
When there are indications of fever and you want to take the temperature it is advisable to use it in the armpit, straight or mouth, these are the steps that you must follow for the correct taking of the temperature:
- Clean the thermometer bulb: otherwise, clean with a cotton impregnated in antiseptic alcohol the metal part of the thermometer since this part will make contact with your body.
- Shake the mercury thermometer: Make it on the opposite side to the bulb, which will allow any mercury residue to be left, with this the temperature obtained will be more correct.
- Place the thermometer in the place you have chosen (arxila, straight or mouth): with the bulb right in the center and without moving let the mercury climb to check if you have a fever.
- You must wait 5 minutes, which is what is commonly.
- When culminating with the measurement of temperature, shake it again to lower mercury, disinfect it again with alcohol, since mercury is toxic and the glass that contains it is very fragile. Remember to keep it in your case so you don’t break.
It is recommended that if we have as reading 1 to 1.5 degrees above normal temperature is an indication of fever. Now for the COVID-19 we must take into account that if our body temperature is already very out of the ordinary, it is too low or high and we also have symptoms such as dry cough, difficulty breathing, headache, it can be dangerous so it is what it is recommended to take medical assistance and avoid greater degree situations and regret.
Just as mercury is very helpful to know our temperature, we must take into account that if you have direct contact with it it can be corrosive for our body because the dangerous of the mercury lies in its steam, since this is toxic, that is why that remains in a glass shell (thermometer). Touching or inhaling can cause poisoning, digestive problems, kidney and brain damage. Therefore, mercury today is prohibited for the use of any measurement instrument which gave way to digital thermometers. But even in our families he presides over one of them, so it is necessary.
What to do if there is a break in the mercury thermometer?
First of all, avoid as much.5-2 gr of mercury), in addition to ventilating it at least for 20 minutes.
To be able to collect the spilled mercury balls it is necessary.
To be sure that there is no mercury residue in the place, leave the room in the dark and illuminate the site with the help of a flashlight, if you see that something shines it is possible that even mercury residues are there in space in space. If in other cases the mercury made contact with some absorbent material, try to get rid of everything, putting it in a bag and throwing it into the appropriate recycling tacho.
Never get rid of mercury, throwing it through the tubes, pipes that transport water, otherwise this irresponsible act could contaminate thousands of liters of water unnecessarily.
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