field experience C: week 4 small group lesson
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English lesson plan
A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description concerning the course under study, or else the learning trajectory for a specific lesson. As a teacher, I should know the students I am interacting with, in order to prepare and come up with the appropriate strategies to carry out a specific task at a given time. A good timeline is planned well to cater for the whole program accordingly which is accompanied by a set learning objective. This paper aims at critically analyzing and evaluating my English lesson plan on verbal and facial expression as per the given guidelines (Arntsen, 2017).
My capacity to execute this lesson design is a vital one. I have to utilize great relational abilities and styles to deal with the understudies well. Likewise, representation, symbolism, similar sounding word usage, and utilization of extraordinary ordered measures are all that I will incorporate into my presentation rules to ensure that everything is under excellent control. Toward the end of the lesson, an assortment of things ended up plainly effective finally. For instance, the students had difficulties when it comes to facial expressions. Some could not even distinguish between verbal and facial expressions at all. As a teacher, I acted immediately and helped my students via my teaching tactics. I managed to bring everything together, by explaining the differences between verbal and facial expressions until everyone got it right.
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My satisfaction level for this lesson plan is that I managed to teach accordingly, making every student understand everything. This is what made me feel like the day had been accomplished with a positive achievement, hence making sure that everything was under great control.
According to agreeable to my level for the lesson, the arrangement is easy to comprehend, including all the required rules and the arranged targets to be accomplished before the lesson comes to an end. As indicated by my perspective, I have all that it takes to substantiate myself as a genuine pioneer and guardian of the aggregate understudies for this English lesson. Therefore, the standard methodologies for an efficient lesson design have been clung to in like manner (Spooner et al., 2007).
With a specific end goal to indicate assortment of changes amid the lesson, I could have made a few upgrades to improve the class. For instance, I would have increased the lesson by like thirty minutes for understudies to get used to the lesson heading viably; Also, I would have given the class another constant appraisal test to see if everything was under control at that given time. I surveyed the lesson design adequately with all that it takes. This is mainly because I accomplished the set goal for the class efficiently, by understudies understanding the importance of both verbal and outward appearance that was mainly set for that lesson. However, for the experience to be a superior one, I needed to change the lesson conveyance from that of week three and sanction other diverse methodologies to control and successfully deal with the class as per the set benchmarks (Alshehhi, 2015). The result turned out to be far better than that of week three; reasonable shows of a positive change the extent that the lesson is concerned. To wind up, the lesson plan helped me greatly in dealing with my students to make them understand well. I will always use a lesson plan in each subject to make sure that everything will be under control.
Alshehhi, N. (2015) :The Importance of Lesson Planning:, A. (2017)How to Write a Lesson Plan:, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects of training in universal design for learning on lesson plan development. Remedial and special education, 28(2), 108-116.
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