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Fight Against Drugs And The Educational Field


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Fight against drugs and the educational field

The fight against drugs is not something new, this can be corroborated in the international anti -drug regulations, led by the UN and the United States in the twentieth century with the first 1912 Hague Convention and then the Single Convention on Narcotics of 1961.

With the passage of time, drugs were generalized within the population and in the 70s, all the states that signed the treaty and international narcotic conventions, dealt with building prevention strategies and policies. This task was entrusted to UNESCO, an organization that is acclimatized with the fields of social and natural sciences, culture, communication and education.

Various investigations have highlighted that drug dependence is one of the problems that most worry in today. This is because the population realizes that this consumption is not only related to the most marginal areas, but is a problem that affects the whole society.

Drogodependence is a social problem that, according to experts, is caused by the interaction of three elements: the person, substance and social context. Any person with characteristics, of any social context, for different causes, can already be, personal, family, social or educational, can consume drugs, whether legal or not.

Drug use and its consequences is a direct cause of mortality that can be avoidable in Spain, which implies immediate educational and political measures to peel this social and health problem.

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Alcohol remains the drug that predominates in Spain, becoming one of the first public health problems. The high consumption of alcohol in minors and the way they do, such as excessive intakes in short periods of time, high -graduation drinks, etc. makes it one of the priorities in prevention and control measures.

Without neglecting illegal drugs, one of the most admissions that is having in our adolescents is due to the consumption of cannabis, ahead of cocaine and heroin.

It is true that there is a significant amount of investigations because of the aspects involved in drug addiction, even why it begins to consume them, but has not stopped in meditating the causes or elements that intervene or in preventionof this consumption.

From the educational field, it is possible that more emphasis must be placed on these causes and in their prevention, especially in an educational stage as secondary, which is very emotionally complex for adolescents, aged between 12 and 16 years. At this stage the role of education is essential to help them understand their physical and psychological transformations, to provide them with good development as people and correct integration into society, without having to resort to the consumption of narcotics as an integrative instrument in their group ofequal or to solve your problems. 

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