View all "Focus" ready papers, essays and assignments
Hamlet The work of the years 1599 Introduction Hamlet one of the best works carried out by William Shakespeare, probably made between the years from 1599 to 1601, is such......
Green supply chain: The necessary standard Green supply chain research and the 8 steps to be followed to be able to implement it in your own company. Within these steps......
Words: 1713
Pages: 6
Green Logistics and Inverse Logistics Introduction If we take into account that we live on a planet that provides us with all the resources for our survival, and that these......
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Gravity centers as a weakest point Introduction The centers of gravity in their simplest conception are the weak point of a country or armed forces, it means that if we......
Words: 784
Pages: 3
Graphic design and curricular evaluation Introduction At the beginning and all the modification in education has been a great complete challenge for both teachers and students bein...
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Graphic Design and Beatles' albums It is evident that graphic design covers our entire environment. This is because graphic design is a tool that improves the form we communicate a...
Words: 806
Pages: 3
Gillette: You have to be very man Summary «You have to be very man to admit that you are afraid, to swim against the countercurrent, to put your family before......
Words: 1512
Pages: 5
Futurist architecture in Russia In constructivist architecture we find a new form of architecture adapted to the new splendid society, with new forms of transport and a new design ...
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Francisco I of France and his role in Spanish history Carlos V de Habsburg or Carlos I of Spain was an emperor of the Roman-Germanic Empire. He inherited the kingdoms......
Forensic Psychological as a basis for evidence experts Introduction. As an expert witness to a family court. As an expert before a civil court. A forensic psychologist should not o...
Focusing the Ukraine and Russia conflict on international relations Analyzing the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, its conflict, the context and the form of interaction of ...
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
Flavobacterium in Costa Rica Introduction Aquaculture is a productive niche that takes strength in current ideologies and impacts the world economy from a positive perspective. Wit...
Words: 1119
Pages: 4
Financial Administration within working capital To understand and understand why the financial administration is related to the capital administration within a company, the terms m...
Words: 1823
Pages: 7
Feline colonies control Introduction At present, feline colonies have become an alarming public health problem, especially in urban centers. However, the street overpopulation of c...
Farenheit 451, Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. Often considered as one of his best work...
Words: 1028
Pages: 4
Family relationships and its influence with childhood Introduction The family context is the first place where children begin to relate to the environment and to establish social t...
Words: 740
Pages: 3
Faith in the future The current world is mostly dehumanized people human, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships are being degenerated. Values are being lost and our functio...
Words: 953
Pages: 3
Fahrenheit 451 and the posture of life, ignorance When we talk about ignorance, we talk about a posture about life, incomplete, ignorance is the general lack of knowledge, therefor...
Factors for lack of jobs that triggers poverty The SDG that I selected was the objective 1 of sustainable development which is: the end of poverty. The research question that......
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Extrajudicial Systems for Conflict Resolution: Mediation and Arbitration The right of consumption is a right characterized by having competencies in certain fields, such as civil, ...
Words: 801
Pages: 3
Explaining Business Sales Management Sales management is an important part of the company's commercial cycle. Regardless of whether selling a service or a product, sales managers a...
Words: 479
Pages: 2
Evolution of whales of land to sailor beings Cetaceans diverged land mammals between 56-50 million years during the Eocene. The cetaceans were specifically separated from quadruped...
EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...
Words: 954
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Evolutionary Psychology of Development and Change in Human Being Although, development psychology aimsevolutionary process of each individual, in order to intuit the alterations th...
Words: 528
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Eva Duarte and her influence on the female vote SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The present work aims to analyze the sources. It is intended to answer the following question: ...
Words: 2317
Pages: 8
Ethics Code in Workers In this case, the UDOCZ company is dedicated to contributing all these students, teachers, people who are related to investigating, that they can gather info...
Ethics and Social Responsibility Introduction Companies currently face great challenges in the business and social context. Should companies integrate the aspects that arise in the...
Words: 952
Pages: 3
Essay The Leadership Paradox A story about the true essence of leadership Be a leader .. In the book La Paradoja, a story about the true essence of leadership, the......
Words: 1409
Pages: 5
Essay on the importance of negotiation Taking the art as a starting point. 41 of the Organic Law of the National Public Procurement System, which stipulates that the contracting pr...
Words: 1224
Pages: 4
Essay on the book: Science, Method and Philosophy Mario Bunge makes a presentation in his book Science, its strategy and its reasoning, while the lower creatures are alone on the.....
Words: 1816
Pages: 7
Epistemology of Communication Communication as we know it is a source of growing changes between those interested in their theoretical reflection and categorical clarification, ...
Environmental pollution, concept of externalities When we talk about pollution we refer to the introduction of substances or other physical elements in a medium that cause it to be...
Words: 1295
Pages: 5
Ellen Richmond and Jane Addams: Research in Social Work The importance of social work research lies in the way of intervening in the different problems that has arisen and......
Words: 1141
Pages: 4
Elements used to carry out an investigation Problem Statement Problem approach is the fundamental part, from this the investigation will begin if there is no approach to the proble...
Words: 907
Pages: 3
Electronic learning during pandemia At present, a pandemic caused by the Covid 19 virus is lived worldwide, which is spread by close contact with a virus carrier cause causing the....
Words: 754
Pages: 3
El Chulla Romero y Flores, novel The Chulla Romero y Flores, is a novel by the Ecuadorian writer Jorge Icaza, is one of the most translated works of this author......
Words: 919
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Effectiveness of mental health prevention and its correlation with the development of society According to WHO, mental health is defined as “a state of well -being in which the i...
ECONOMIC THOUGHT, ASPIRATION OF THE RICH OF THE NATION INTRODUCTION The history of economic thought has been evolving from the Middle Ages to the present. Man, since its origin, fa...
Words: 1645
Pages: 6
Ecology, population and environment “It seems very good that women are freer and more autonomous, but‘ the problem ’is that now very few women have children:‘ they avoid mo...
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Duties and Rights in Formation of a Contract Introduction In order for this type of online trade, it must demand and show security so that users trust the platform when......
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