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Food Alteration Factors


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Food alteration factors

According to Garcinuño, alteration can be considered as any change in a food that makes it unacceptable for the consumer, either due to issues related to quality or safety, it states that an altered food is one that has suffered deterioration of its organoleptic characteristics, composition intrinsic and/or in its nutritional value, due to its physical, chemical and/or microbiological causes or derived from the technological treatments to which the food has been subjected.

On the other hand Martín y Bayona point out that optimal quality and supervision of food, translates into a significant savings of social, individual costs of consumers and the owners of the industries that produce them, this is how safety and quality of edible products constitute, together with their availability and access of consumers to these and stability, being one of the most relevant pillars of food security.

There are several factors that influence food alteration, some of it such as intrinsic factors (water activity or pH), extrinsic factors (means that surrounds food, relative humidity), technological treatments to which it is subjected (irradiation, pasteurization), in this way it should be taken into account that there are diverse causes for which a food can be altered.


  • • Food must present a state of development or maturity. Although in some foods, it is preferred to be more mature, or on the contrary green
  • • Absence of microbiological contamination by pathogenic or chemical microorganisms by toxic compounds, or rational suspicions of its existence.

    Wait! Food Alteration Factors paper is just an example!

    For example, of pathogenic microorganisms that come from fecal matter such as salmonella, the content must be 0.

  • • You should not present annoying modifications, caused by a microbial alteration or an enzymatic activity


General causes of product alteration:

  • • Microorganism activity and their multiplication.
  • • Insects.
  • • Enzymatic activity.
  • • Purely chemical reactions.
  • • Physical modifications


Food classification for the ease with which they are altered:

Stable or non -perishable foods: they do not deteriorate with temperature, humidity, pressure, but depends on other factors such as sudden pollution, mishandling, accidents and other conditions that are not determined by the same. Example of them are flour, pasta and sugar, which are considered deteriorated once they are stirred with some pollutant or begin their decomposition once cooked. 3 months to 3 years of useful life.

Semi -stable foods: are those that remain exempt from deterioration for a longer time. Example of them are tubers, nuts, grasses and canned foods. These foods can be kept at room temperature if it is not very extreme. 1 month to 3 months of useful life.

Perishable or not stable foods: those that begin a decomposition in a simple way. Agents such as temperature, humidity or pressure are decisive for food to begin its deterioration. 2 to 30 days.


The demand that exists on the part of consumers when acquiring a food is currently increasing, since it should be guaranteed that this is in perfect condition (color, smell, flavor) to avoid the development of some pathology once consumed, which alters the current rhythm of life of societies.

Therefore, it is essential that the industries comply with each of the established regulations when handling the foods that will be issued to the different supply centers, not only when selling it but from its point of origin, whether animal or vegetable.

It should be taken into account that food goes through a manipulation process where several people are involved, which must be trained and with the necessary protection equipment to avoid product pollution, in the same way the work space must be totally sterilized before starting production and once finished.

As mentioned several people are involved in the food processing process, since this is only raw material until it reaches the shelves in supermarkets, which is why it should be verified that both the animal is in perfect condition of health and cultivation fields are free of bacteria that can harm the crops.

It is important to note that not all foods have the same process of elaboration, each of them is different, from the temperatures used, to the packaging, therefore it is the responsibility of each company to certify that the product prepared by them is harmless and totally Insurance for consumption.

Likewise, the useful life of these depends on the type of food that is and its form of elaboration, there are some that their expiration time varies between 3 months to 3 years and on the contrary others ranging from 2 to 30 days.

To conclude, food poisoning diseases are a public health problem world Together with all the people involved, both of the large industries and the consumer.    

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