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Food And Economic Crisis From Latin American Countries


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Food and economic crisis from Latin American countries

At present, the crises of poverty and famine through which Latin American and Caribbean countries are going through is one of the most alarming problems globally.

According to the state of food security and nutrition (Sofi) approximately 821 million people, 100 million people more than the population throughout Europe, suffered hunger in 2017.

Poverty is the cause of many problems, including famine, the poorest societies are mostly located in rural areas, where basic services are not available to everyone;Unfortunately in most of these areas, "good" foods, that is, those with high nutritionBeing prepared to face any type of adversity, the lack of preventive policies in these countries causes the population to not easily get ahead, after these adversities.

In consequent, it is prevailing that public policies are implemented to regulate the quality of food, their offer, their accessibility and, without a doubt, to implement natural disaster prevention programs to avoid the impact of these on the availability of food.

Historical background:

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is an intergovernmental mechanism for dialogue and political concentration. Its membership includes 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries .

In the first statement of the CELAC, the importance of food security, a history of the Latin American and Caribbean program for hunger and poverty eradication, where the four pillars of food security that are: access, availability, use and stability.

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During the III Summit the 33 countries formally adopted the “Food Security Plan, Nutrition and Eradication of Hunger in CELAC 2025”, this plan is based on a double track policy that consists of solving social problems immediately,While also, in a complementary way, strategies are launched in the period (FAO).

CELAC 2025 Plan has four basic pillars that seek to strengthen all aspects of food security.

  1. Pilar 1: coordinated food security strategies through national and regional public policies.
  2. Pilar 2: timely and sustainable access to harmless, adequate, sufficient and nutritious foods for all people.
  3. Pilar 3: Nutritional well -being for all vulnerable groups.
  4. Pilar 4: Guarantee the stability of production and timely attention to disasters of socio-natural origin.


In Latin America and the Caribbean it is estimated that about 46% of the rural population lives in poverty and of this 28% in extreme poverty according to ECLAC studies in 2017.

Importance of the discussion of the topic with respect to its national policy

The family agriculture of Latin America and the Caribbean is one of the main sources of employment in rural areas, however, it also presents high rates of poverty and food insecurity.

Poverty and hunger, of family agricultures, were reduced considerably in Chile and Brazil, countries recognized for their support and inclusion policies of family agriculture, I am indicating that it is indisputable to promote the inclusion of family agriculture, so that, theproducers do not suffer from poverty.

The Republic of Chile can be of great help for countries whose poverty and famine indices are greater, policies have been implemented in Chile as already mentioned above, which we consider that its reproduction can benefit a large number of nations, in addition, ChileIt is part of the first regional network in Latin America and the Caribbean whose purpose is to ensure that food reaches those who need them most and that family farmers can sell their production at fair prices.

Current situation

“Chile is also among countries with the lowest percentage of extreme poverty with a rate less than 5%, the same that happens in Argentina, Costa Rica and Uruguay."

Its poverty index is 10.7% according to ECLAC in 2019.

In addition, it was reduced poverty and hunger for family farming, due to inclusion support policies


"A fork to eradicate hunger is to strengthen family agriculture and create inclusive agri -food systems", so that people who produce food, which are consumed, do not have to suffer hunger or poverty. Also create food supply and marketing systems, in order to provide a stable offer and improve accessibility, of them, for the population.

In the same way, a policy of internationalization of family agriculture should be implemented since “many times family agriculture can meet all the necessary conditions to export its products, but not have the necessary support, foreign markets seem unattainable”.


When we talk about water shortage in Latin America we talk about one of the most rich continents in water, however, 34 million people, according to the Latin American Development Bank, do not yet have access to it;Latin America has a third part of the planet’s fresh water, this means that each person a year has 22.9 m³ of water. Going into account the above is absurd to talk about water in Latin America, however the lack of respectful and social water culture, and its poor distribution throughout the continent have caused this terrible fact to be a global problem.

In 2015 Latin America and the Caribbean had reached 95% in the coverage of basic water services, but not all were managed safely, that is, there was access to contamination free water only of 65%. The most alarming data is that 80% of the beloved water in Latin America that has of the rains that only a few months of the year, thus causing a supersaturation in those months and shortage in the rest.

Latin America are far from reaching the universal access goal of water established by the United Nations Organization, in the Latin American Water Declaration, it says that: "The states and peoples of Latin America of a promotion a social culture of water". "An adequate scientific and technological basis on water systems" must be consolidated ".This document details several points, among them, that obtaining water is and should be a fundamental right.

According to the UN, the problem tends to get worse, considering that most of the water is contained in the oceans and glaciers, the percentage that is available for the use of human beings is minimal, 20% of the population does not have water, or failing that they have it is not healthy.

Importance of the discussion of the topic with respect to its national policy

The Republic of Chile has water access problems, having a very extensive national territory the unequal distribution of this good causes shortage in many areas of this nation. And yet, although Chile is outside the scarcity zone according to the limits established by the United Nations more than 400,000 inhabitants do not have access to drinking water.

The misuse of cellular and national ecosystems causes them to lose the ability to retain and store water. The General Directorate of Aguas de Chile, in 2018, was in force it feels decrees of water shortage equivalent to 72,542 km², which represents 9% of the total area of the country.

Almost half of the indigenous population of Latin America live are urban, but this does not mean that they live in the central zone of cities, they live in the most marginalized, less hygienic and insecure areas.

Current situation

In 2018, Chile, had about seven water scarcity decrees equivalent to 9% of the national territory. Water availability in Chile has decreased 37% in some sectors of the country.

Ulrike Broschek, 2030 Water Scenario Leader, argues that 44% of the causes of water problems are related to poor resource management.

According to the United Nations, people need an average of 100 liters of water daily to meet their needs, however, in the rural areas of Chile, as in Petorca they hardly be distributed between 40 and 50 liters per person per person.

It affects the country

Water scarcity affects 400,000 Chileans daily, as mentioned above, Chile is going through a crisis in health matters. The most use and poor distribution of water has caused the number of communes in the country to increase considerably, until, in 2018, 76 communes in conditions of water shortage.

It is estimated that by 2050, the water available in Chile is reduced to a third of what is currently, in some regions.

"With 76% of the surface of Chile today affected by drought, desertification or degraded soil and a daily" water footprint "3.200 liters of water for each Chilean, the international study shows that the situation in Chile is so complex that by 2040 it will resemble the emergency that African countries such as Namibia or Botswana will face.”Commented the director of Greenpeace, Matías Asún


There are projects that have benefited many countries with achieving sustainable development. In Chile, the services supply of water and sanitation are privately owned or operated by private actors. The Ministry of Public Works of Chile is the one that promotes water supply and feeling in the rural area through its department sanitation programs.

The Republic of Chile considers vital importance the implementation of public and education policies, in order to develop a social commitment and a water culture.

Another proposals would be the investment of a 0.3% of GDP towards the improvement and creation of water infrastructure that allow the universalization of drinking water services, since the average expenditure that sent us water supply service represents from 1% and 2% of GDP.

Finally, Republic of Chile considers that the development of projects that allow the disinfection of water with new technologies and its use in indigenous communities must be supported.