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Food Shortage In Venezuela During The Years


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Food shortage in Venezuela during the years

Over the last years, international prices of raw materials have experienced deep fluctuations, with price increases above the levels that would be justified by the basic oscillations of supply and demand. This situation has raised the possibility of introducing regulations aimed at making the operation of the markets more transparent and limiting the speculative action caused by the entry into the market of financial derivatives of large institutional investors such as investment funds, pension funds and investment banksFrom the liberalization of norms in 2000.

Antonio de la Cruz said in an investigation into the 10 world class indicators:

” After 10 years of implantation of the political, social and economic project of the socialism of the 21st century, Venezuela crosses a deep crisis that manifests itself through a government that shows the failure when applying strategies where the State controls a large majority of themeans of production and intervenes in the rules of the market economy. In addition, to concentrate socio-economic activities, the omnipresent state is administered by a command and control management model where nothing is done without the president authorized ’’ ’.

It can be said with this that thanks to many of the decisions taken by the presidency, which are very important for the development of the country, these can be taken by the president, or by some other political or social means, these decisions onlyYou can approve the presidency, thanks to the political model imposed by the State.

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Also says:

” The process of nationalization-confiscation of private companies in the agricultural sector by socialist companies due to the so-called food sovereignty policy, where the people define their agricultural and food policies according to the objectives of sustainable development and food security, has brokenThe Venezuelan productive apparatus generating abandoned soils for crops, as well as livestock and herds are developed only to justify the use of occupied space. As a consequence there has been a shortage of products in the Venezuelan diet, reaching 20.5% in the scarcity index of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) ’’ ’’.

As explained in the previous paragraph, Venezuela has land or you would be without agricultural or livestock use, this affects Venezuelan food (children, adolescents and adults), as it says that the State has confiscated private companies for its socialist transformation which produces imbalanceIn Venezuela’s food and financial security.

Nationalization is also presented in oil companies, Antonio de la Cruz explains that:

” The nationalization of service companies in the oil sector and the control of the activity -extraction and production- acquiring most of the shares in mixed companies, according to the criteria that are strategic companies and the ‘Plan Plan Petrolera 2005-2030 ‘, leaves the state Petroleos of Venezuela (PDVSA) with the committed production in addition to paying with royalties in advance in kind -Crudos or products -to the Venezuelan State, to cancel the creditors of countries and institutions that have granted loans that we reachat an amount of 44 billion dollars. Likewise, he manages to leave the PDVSA registrar without sufficient funds to be a geopolitical instrument and as such financing oil sales to countries that promise to make a counterweight to the United States of America. Additionally, it assumes much of public spending disburseing 93 thousand 948 million dollars for the 2003-2013 period in social programs ’’.

As it is explicit in the previous paragraph, the State has applied strategies for the help and benefit of the country, managinginternational deals.

Antonio de la Cruz gives us some points on this subject:

Regarding the market economy, nationalization is established through the intervention of the State in fixing the prices of goods and the control of the currencies that are delivered to the companies by the body designated at the discretion of the Government;generating multiple gums of changes ’’.

To conclude Antonio de la Cruz says:

‘’ Continue using the same tools of the last 10 years to administer the country with specific solutions, will impose greater efforts to the Venezuelan people in lack of currencies that allow reactivating the economy.

The crisis is structural product of the implanted model and requires being replaced, where oil is one more lever in the country to achieve sustainable development in the post -industrial economy. In the beginning it will continue to be the fundamental factor in leaving the protectionist policies and entering free trade until reaching a prosperous country, where social protection programs are an integral part of the economic system under a rationality of responsibility that is observed today in the Nordic countries.

In the new economic model, the Government facilitates that work, capital and goods flow freely refraining from using coercion as a social control mechanism, as well as providing the necessary conditions to protect and maintain freedom.

Maduro’s government is called to demonstrate that it has credibility, has the powers and sincerity to assume the challenge imposed by the conditions generated by the 14 years of Chávez;and that economic, political and social actions demand a fundamental change in the model of 21st century socialism. Otherwise the future will be very arduous and with serious consequences for the nation ’’.

Venezuela is currently going through the worst of food crises, based on this project on the investigations of Antonio de la Cruz, it was concluded that many of the current problems are thanks to the model used and bad decisions, of course theLack of currency, raw materials, etc.

Many Venezuelans have chosen to sow, or natural foods to be able to meet their basic needs or at least meet the nutritional requirements of each.

According to pediatricians and/or nutritionists, they say that in the national survey it must always be thorough, especially if the general impression guides a nutritional disorder either due to deficiency or excess. In adolescents, it is important to record the number of meals, including juices, drinks, sweets and extras between meals, both inside and outside the house. It is also important to be alert to the presence of uninhabitual eating habits and to detect behaviors that guide appetite disorders. There are different methods to evaluate food intake: the 24 -hour reminder, the intake record made by the same patient or with the help of a support professional or the quantified consumption trend survey. A relatively safe method is the intake record of three to five days that includes one holiday, since it considers the variability of the diet and eliminates the subjectivity of the surveys.

For this we can perform several physical exams for example anthropometry, these are the most used technique in nutritional evaluation, it provides information fundamentally about the sufficiency of macronutrient contribution.In most cases, only some laboratory determinations are necessary to complete the evaluation of nutritional status.

Many of this validity are not fulfilled, many people have eating disorders thanks to costs or because they do not find many of the basic foods of Venezuelan food.

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