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The future of fast food and its preparation Introduction Fast food is prepared quickly and therefore it is also quick to study the consumption of fast foods and health effects......

The future and impact of fast food Introduction Fast food or "fast food" as it is mainly known has taken a 180 degree turn in the feeding of humans, this......

The functionality of dietary supplements to gain muscle mass Many athletes are a priority objective to win muscle. To do this, they must combine a hyperproteic diet and slightly hy...

The French Revolution in the Independence of Mexico Introduction What we commonly know as the independence of Mexico really what happened was a revolution since what the Creoles wa...

The free will seen during the story The free will seen during the story   At present, the concept of freedom usually comes together with the availability of being able......

The food represents eroticism in the novel as water for chocolate It is a metaphor, it is sex in action but, either because it diverts or denies it, suspends the......

The first industrialized countries Introduction The origin of the first globalization is given thanks to the transmission of industrialization. The first direct consequence is an i...

THE FAMILY VISIT AS INTEGRATION IN URBAN COMMUNITIES The family visit is a process of integration of health personnel with the families of urban and rural communities for the ident...

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The family, the right to human life in the community The right to life is the basis on which human dignity is carried out; Because of its essence, it is......

The factors that affect the peak and the persistence of milk production in cattle Introduction In the system, the beak and the persistence of milk is known one of the......

The extinction of animals and their main architect; The human Since the man began to populate the earth, he has always kept his subsistence, which soon found it in the......

The experimental design and its budget EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The facilities where experimentation animals are housed is called bioterio, and is the place dedicated to the care, paren...

THE EVOLUTION OF WOMEN IN THE LABOR MARKET Introduction At the time of the industrial revolution, women already contributed to the family's economy, whether doing homework (cleanin...

The ethical dilemma of designing babies The design of babies is a technology that will eventually be available to anyone, not only because it is economical, fast and precise, but.....

The environment, garbage and why it is important to recycle You have ever wondered what about garbage? Or why do you talk so much about recycling? Well, many people ask......

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The empowerment of women in society Throughout history, the role that women play in the different communicative contexts has been guided by stereotypes that have a patriarchal and ...

The emergence of capitalism and economic scope The economic sphere has been present in the life of the human being since time immemorial, and goes from the moment of simple......

The elaboration of a sustainable project in today's society A sustainable project seeks to meet the needs of today's society without the need to compromise the resources of future ...

The effects of body pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection that affects lung alveoli. These are small sacks covered with blood vessels in which the gas exchange is performed, that is,...

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The effect of caffeine on our body   Caffeine is one of the ergogenic substances with benefits demonstrated by scientific literature. In addition to being able to delay the appear...

The education of the noble woman in the Middle Ages The medieval image of women is presented with contrasting concepts that range from contempt to worship. Since the principles of....

The diverse evolution of dinosaurs Introduction Deepen these fast data on dinosaurs for children of all ages. Discover why the tyrannosaur had sharp teeth, where does the name ‘d...

The disintegration of the family in Ecuador and the impact on children's emotional development “I do not believe that God wants exactly that we are happy, he wants us to......

The disadvantages of being Venezuelan in the world and xenophobia It is currently known that Venezuela is going through its worst historical moment since its independence, that cou...

The digestive system and its complications We can often experience some abdominal pain, a sense of discomfort that can be unpleasant, especially if we are at work or at school.......

The development of microorganisms Introduction In veterinary medicine together with current microbiology, it needs crops for microbial identification, and are followed by the evolu...

The development of food businesses Introduction Competitive analysis is the practice of analyzing the competitive environment in which your business operates (or wants to operate),...

The definition of beauty for Egypt and ancient Greece Summary The Egyptians considered that the importance of beauty was mainly in the physical aspect, they made different types of...

The defeated man and his longing for times It is believed that "the old and the sea" of Ernest Hemingway is a novel that portrays the condition of the human......

The day love becomes alcohol I take it seriously Alcoholism consists of excessive consumption of alcohol prolonged with dependence on it, it is a chronic disease produced by the un...

The danger of giving food to animals in the zoo   All of us who have visited in a zoo, reserve or natural park know the famous plates that pray......

The cultural industry: loss of identity We say that communication is the exchange and coding of codes that allow the construction of common meanings, it is somewhat innate to human...

The cruel reality of cosmetics, animal experimentation Introduction Today it can be observed that various campaigns and social groups have been developed, which promote love and go...

The crisis in Venezuela: a social disorder This great social disorder that develops approximately since 2013, subject a country to a great crisis. After various events that Venezue...

The consumption of meat and their relationship with cancer INTRODUCTION The general objective of this essay is, to provide a more complete image of the primordial diets in red, whi...

The consumption and economic status in society Introduction The consequences of the consumer society. You have surely heard the expression "The more I use, the better I am&quo...

The consequences of emigration in Venezuela   It is impossible not to recognize that at present the problem of Venezuelan migration in the country brings with it consequences both...

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THE COMMITMENT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Introduction In the following report the relationship between the story "The hugs of Eduardo Galeano" will be presented with the c...

The city as a great ecosystem The ecosystem is nothing more than a set of organisms that share the same habitat or biotope. These organisms can be biotic, those living......

THE CIRCADIAN CYCLE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP As a starting point, all living beings from the timid unicellular organism to the human being itself have an internal biological clo...

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