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Strategic Human Resources Management Introduction Strategic management is a discipline that was born with the aim of promoting the success of the company. In the preceding years to...

Steps to find your desired property Introduction Of course, professional real estate agents are equipped with experience and knowledge that allow them to make real estate bus inten...

Status 1973 in Chile   To count historical facts, it is difficult to maintain an apolitical position, especially with respect to what happened on September 11, 1973;since, we find...

State, nation, national identity: in times of globalization Throughout history we have heard in the subjective way about the concepts of state, nation and national identity, but th...

Start a business with low budget Introduction Sometimes, we have brilliant ideas that can be transformed into rather lucrative entrepreneurship proposals capable of satisfying the ...

Starbucks and fast food sales and high caloric content Introduction This work aims to analyze Starbucks in reference to the sale of fast food and drinks with high caloric content.....

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Sports swimming, activity against depression   In recent years, technological and scientific advances have helped improve people's quality of life, thus being the generation calle...

Spaniards and Chinese in the Philippines Introduction Spaniards and Chinese in the Philippines. The foundations of Manila Galeon trade. In this case we find a text by Antonio Garc�...

Sowing transgenic crops in the world Introduction With the excuse of making agricultural surfaces in the world more productive and achieving food security of our countries, the pla...

South Africa: Legalization of cannabis as a pharmaceutical method Introduction The South African government has taken a leap to the future (ahead of the World Health Organization d...

Sociobiology: Ants evolutionary perspective The sociobiological perspective explores the biological basis of all social behavior, including morality. Sociobiologists study human so...

Society and its vision of gender performativity Introduction: Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and be...

Social work in the private, labor, productive, industrial, and commercial sphere Summary This essay talks about what social work is within the private, labor, productive, industria...

Social work in the defense of social inequality Society is living a very sad reality, given the new globalization, where situations of great need appear, over the years the social....

Social networks and food disorders Social networks are a social group or structure composed of people, organizations and/or entities, where they are linked to establish all kinds o...

Social mobility in the Middle Ages Introduction Human mobility in our history as human beings is as old as the appearance of man on the face of the earth, since......

Social inequality throughout the world Through the years inequality in the world has been taking relevance, becoming an issue in which people want to concentrate efforts in order t...

Social behavior as the cause of bulimia   The world has eventually evolved, and so far there has been no factors that can stop the accelerated evolution we live. This......

Social and political evolution of society in relation to the evolution of commercial law Trade in the old age Commerce, understood as the exchange of goods or services has its......

Sleep deprivation and its phases Introduction Sleep disorders more characteristic are: insomnia, apnea-hypipneal syndrome of sleep, restless legs syndrome and sleep alteration in d...

Simple ways to maintain dental care Introduction. Like most people, when he discovers that he has a decay or pain in his teeth, the first thing he does is program......

Short and long term behaviors of victims of child sexual abuse Introduction Next we will present the short and long term behaviors of the victims of child sexual abuse, the......

Sexual abuse and its reasons for the increase   We will define as sexual abuse of “any activity or sexual contact that occurs without its consent. Can involve physical strength....

Separation anxiety disorder in children Introduction Anxiety is a normal response to stress, concern or threat, but when it is very intense, long -lasting or disproportionate to th...

Words: 1395

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Selva and the Amazonas Introduction Brazil is the country that houses most of the Amazon jungle, but deforestation and forest degradation is a problem that will last over time for....

self-reflection The importance of conservation Introduction The decomposition of food is a constant which entails several changes and alterations either chemical, biological and mi...

self-reflection on the importance and effectiveness of supply chains Introduction The importance and effectiveness of the supply chain;It is vital for food security, since it is re...

Security benefits and correct food Introduction Correct food is the fundamental basis for enjoying a healthy and dignified life, which is directly linked to the right to health, bu...

Secondary metabolism as a defense of plants Introduction Metabolism consists of chemical reactions that take place in an organism. Most of the carbon, nitrogen and energy ends in m...

SCOPE BIRDS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MULADARES In Spain, the implanted legislation makes it impossible to leave dead animals at the point of the field where they have died and......

School recreation and interior or table games Introduction Recreation as necessary activity for the correct performance of the life of the human being, exerts its influence on chil...

Saudi Arabia and Petroleum Control Foreword: In this document I will explain why I am against the use of water in agriculture in the Arab desert. To support what I......

Sardines: Blue Fish Benefits The sardines are one of the blue fish that are most eaten due to delicious flavor. In fact, together with salmon, tuna and anchovy these are......

Salvadoran State Book Report Introduction ATTACH will find a report on accounting expertise required by that Court, in the criminal proceedings that are instructed in Michelle Mari...

Safety and health at work is a right   Safety and health at work (SST) is a right of high importance for all workers, regulated by laws and norms that......

Rwanda Blood Spill Introduction In 1994 the population of Rwanda went through an increase reaching such a point that the resources were missing to supply the population. The resour...

Role of women in Spanish society of the nineteenth century Introduction In the 18th century, both Spanish and European society suffers a change. Initially, with the arrival of the ...

Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an imp...

Risk factors, prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension Introduction It is called arterial hypertension (HA) to the chronic elevation of systolic blood pressure (greater th...

Rhetoric question about missing youth Introduction Taking into consideration the text of Anderson, Schum and Twining, explain in detail what the abductive reasoning is in detail, a...

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