Freedom Of Expression Plus Non -Debauchery Of Expression
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We ask for freedom of expression, which corresponds to us by right, but many times we transgive it with a banality such as debauchery. A topic that causes confusion in society for years such as "freedom of expression" often misunderstood as "free expression", but are freedom and debauchery the same?, Which of them asks for society?, How can we exercise freedom without becoming debauchery? And so many other questions we could say about this topic;My opinion regarding this issue is that if we as a people demand our right, which is freedom of expression, we should not take it from an extreme as vulgar as debauchery is. The objective of my speech is that Peru can become a town in a voice without becoming a town of Farandulero, which I will demonstrate in the following arguments.
To begin, freedom of expression is a right that we cannot deprive us and is written in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): “Every individual has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;This right includes not being disturbed because of his opinions, and that of spreading them, without border limitation, by any means of expression ”, but where are the limits?, It is known that freedom of expression without proper investigation on the subject of which one wants to speak becomes free to expression which has no limits or respect for other people despite being what is required at the time of expressing themselves;In conclusion, what this right means, so many times people do not see, it is that they are present in something as minimal as sharing an image in a social network or chatting with an acquaintance without having many times the need to do without having the need to do without many timescontroversial things that can become harmful to oneself or for others.
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Secondly, I will imply you could put this fundamental right into practice without being some kind of scandal which would only result in that freedom of expression is a way of generating noise in society;You could not talk about this specifically, but the phrase that Mexican lawyer and activist Gustavo Esteva (2011) which said: "Right of information and freedom of expression are not openings to excitement and noise";There is so much truth in a single phrase that despite being so short, but many people have a hard time understanding that their voice can be raised without doing so, but simply give a change but also respect social, moral norms or laws, ethics, etc. Which achieve in some percentage that can come to live together in a society in the best way because it is not only about oneself as you are often thought.
Third, I will talk about the importance of the so -called "social attention", which is based on the fact that society is responsible for observing the correct way to carry out freedom of expression as a guarantee to those who practice it and themselves, since it is your duty to give your opinion about this;So the Inter -American Court of Human Rights (2001) says that: "Democratic control by society, through public opinion, encourages the transparency of state activities and promotes the responsibility of officials", in addition,The state sector must have greater tolerance in the face of the appreciation of the people, since it sees how it becomes greater empathy with their peers and this would become an intermediary instrument for proper communication without transgiversations or some other inconvenience in theRoad between state-nation.
In short, we can affirm that it can be in various ways to have a correct freedom of expression without being victims of debauchery;I consider that the most effective means of doing so is the "social attention" already mentioned above and that each of us should be able to exercise it so as not to exceed that limit and take it to the controversial, pharandulero and others;which would make it see how a game. That is why I consider that we as a people should raise their voice correctly to be heard seriously.
Finally I will quote the American linguist, philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky (1928) by saying: "If we do not believe in the freedom of expression of those we despise, we do not believe in it at all"
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