French Revolution Robespierre atrocities
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French Revolution Robespierre atrocities
I agree that Robespierre was responsible for the atrocities of terror between September 1793 and July 1793. The last phase of the French revolution commenced with the tumble of the Girondins and the far-reaching Jacobin’s attainment of power. The Jocabins soon had the power over the Committee of Public Safety which had the control of the parliament (Convention). The conflicts between the groups intensified. After the period of shared power, Robespierre turned out to be a dictator where Terror became intense. The terror began by arrests, show trial and finally the execution of thousands of people. The leaders of the Girondins, as well as Jacobin groups who were seen to be opposing the policies of Robespierre, were all killed (Alison 300).
Robespierre was supported by a mob in his constituency which was outside the Convention. The mob was in Paris and were known as Sans-culottes. They were destitute and therefore engaged in prostitution, crime, odd jobs and begging. Robespierre called them to action whenever he had a political pragmatism to meet. When they had nothing to do,the mob did nasty things such as rejoicing at the hundreds of murdered people. They watched people being executed and mocked and abused those who were about to be murdered. They were used by Robespierre as a shocking background to the slaughter and killing of innocent people.
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The atrocities served to help Robespierre achieve his purpose temporarily. The terror was meant to scare his enemies into hopeless submission and establish himself inflexibly in power. After he secured Paris, in 1793, Robespierre appointed commissioners to help him implement his version of the revolution outside the capital. However, it turned out that the Guillotine was doing a messy work of murdering people where most of them were subjected to mass shootings. The many atrocities were done against the defenseless and innocent population (Alison 301).
Work Cited
Alison, Archibald. History of Europe During the French Revolution: Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print.
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