Frequency Table and Bar Chart
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Frequency Table and Bar Chart
Task I-Frequency Table
Frequency Table I
Suicide When Tired of Living
Freq. % Valid % Cumulative %
Valid Y 240.0 12.2 18.4 18.4
N 1016.0 51.5 78.0 96.5
D.K 37.0 1.9 2.8 99.3
N/A 9.0 0.5 0.7 100.0
Sum 1302.0 66.0 100.0 Missing IAP 672.0 34.0 Total 1974.0 100.0 The analysis reveals that most respondents are in contrast to idea of the right to die when an individual has given up in life and resorts to death. Ideally, 240 people said they agree whereas 1016 of the people disagreed. It is clear that these people did not believe that an individual has the right to end life based on the fact that a person was tired of living and life. In essence, it was undisputed that the people did not think they had the right to end one’s life (Bryant, 2003).
Frequency Table II
Allow The Incurable Patients To Die
Freq. % Valid % Cumulative %
Valid Y 848.0 43.0 65.1 65.1
N 402.0 20.4 30.9 96.0
D.K 44.0 2.2 3.4 99.4
N/A 8.0 0.4 0.6 100.0
Sum 1302.0 66.0 100.0 Missing IAP 672.0 34.0 Total 1974.0 100.0 The survey outcome indicates that people preferred health professionals to allow the incurable people to end life. The survey demonstrated differing responses regardless of people experiencing incurable diseases. Ideally, the difference in view inclined to the medical profession to favor or allow the right to death (Birnbacher & Dahl, 2008). People appeared to prefer a professional to allow the death compared to a patient deciding on the same.
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Notably, 848 respondents agreed whereas 402 respondents disagreed and were against the act.
Task II-Creating Charts
Chart I
The analysis reveals that most respondents are in contrast to the idea of the right to die when an individual has given up on life and resorted to death. Ideally, 240 people said they agree whereas 1016 of the people disagreed. It is clear that these people did not believe that an individual has the right to end life based on the fact that a person was tired of living and life. In essence, it was undisputed that the people did not think they had the right to end one’s life (Bryant, 2003).
Chart II
The survey outcome indicates that people preferred doctors to allow the incurable people to die. The survey demonstrated differing responses regardless of people experiencing incurable diseases. Ideally, the difference in view inclined to the medical profession to favor or allow the right to death (Birnbacher & Dahl, 2008). People appeared to prefer a professional to allow the death compared to a patient deciding on the same. Notably, 848 respondents agreed whereas 402 respondents disagreed and were against the act.
Birnbacher, D., & Dahl, E. (2008). Giving Death a Helping Hand: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Public Policy. An International Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.
Bryant, C. (2003). Handbook of Death & Dying. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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