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Fundamentals Of Game Therapy In 5 -Year -Old Children


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Fundamentals of Game Therapy in 5 -year -old children

In 1909 Public Freud, the “analysis of the phobia of a 5 -year -old child”, being the case that is considered that the first time the child analysis is carried out and the game is used in 3 functions: 1) Promote free self-expression, 2) the satisfaction of desire and 3) the mastery of traumatic events. Subsequently, at the end of the 20th century, Melanie Klein develops her playing therapy or recreational therapy, in which she uses a series of attractive materials for children (box with dolls, paper, colors, etc.), with which you can play facilitating being analyzed through the expression through said game. In 1923 the first case appears where Klein officially uses this method in a 7 -year -old girl, also combining Freud’s basis for psychoanalysis as well as his discoveries in his experiences in children’s treatment.

Definition of game therapy

According to the Association for Game Therapy, this is defined today as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process in which trained therapists use the therapeutic powers of the game to help customers prevent or solve psychosocial difficultiesand to achieve optimal growth and development ". This is, (in my opinion) that based on an established game model, it seeks to create a link with the patient (most children, however also apply for adults), which is intended to facilitate the analysis of situations in situations inthe one that could be found, to overcome those that are harming him.

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Importance of game therapy


  1. Communication. Creating the link between therapist and patient is essential to reach a successful therapy that facilitates both the opening of the person and the analysis that the professional should carry out. This can be carried out through rapport
  2. Emotional regulation. It will be the ability that the person may have to express and to receive feelings and emotions to be interpreted correctly. According to Axline’s principles, the professional must always allow and motivate the boy to express his emotions freely.
  3. Relationship improvement. It is simple, the more confidence and the better the deal with the patient, the hope of improving it, grows.
  4. Moral judgment. Very important according to axline that the therapist accepts the patient as he is, without making judgments for what he listens to.
  5. Stress management at the time of playing, the boy moves the concern and stress generated by the situation that is living and that is where it relaxes and it is easier to get the feeling there.
  6. Strengthening of the self by making the transfer that I comment at the previous point, the boy reinforces his self – esteem and security, since he is making the so -called "opening" that is nothing more to float the memories he has maintained repressed and can thus reachfree from the effect that they bring.
  7. Preparation for life. By freeing himself from what has tormented him, he begins to change perspectives and modify both his behavior and his way of perceiving things.
  8. self-realization and in the end the overcoming of its problem having brought the repressed, overcome it and face everything through the simplest language that is the game.

All of the above should be harmonious and the therapist’s work will be arduous, since it must always learn to put both ideologically and in the language he uses, always in a simple and clear way.

Brief history of game therapy

In addition to what I already mentioned at the beginning, regarding the first studies of Freud and Klein, the work regarding game therapy, was continued by Margaret Lowenfeld with his “world technique”, Ana Freud (1946) who tells us that thisTherapy is the best way to strengthen ties between the therapist and the patient, Virginia Axline (1947) she tells us about the empathy that should be on the part of the therapist, in addition that the game is much better for the patient to express himself by words. In addition, he assured that parents play a very important role for improvement in the child’s state, so it is essential that they get involved in their treatment which at the same time, also has a positive impact on the parents themselves.

Ways to put into practice game therapy 

  1. Individual therapy. Where is only the child with the therapist creating confidence and waiting
  2. Filial therapy. That I understand is the most recommended since it helps to open the boy as long as they are involved to help you parents.
  3. Group play therapy. It is a problem that children have in common and seeks to solve it among all.

Game therapy applications

The therapy is for everyone, it would originally be directed for children between 3 and 12 years old, however it becomes more and more popular for teenagers and adults. The advantages of this type of therapy is its flexibility to give and take almost anywhere, of any size, as long as it generates confidence in the patient either alone, with their parents or in groups. Although in most cases they are carried out in closed offices with game materials from dolls to construction materials for children.

Game room and suggested materials 

It might see. All this, always available to the child and never be hazardous, expensive or difficult to understand materials.

How to start and finish a session

First meet with the parents to understand the initial problem of the child, as well as to explain the dynamics that will be carried out in therapy. Once being with the boy, the theme should also be explained, to do rapport, let him explore, to enter to play and 10 minutes before the end of the session warn him that the game must end. Any explanation and analysis will depend on the child’s age.

Establishment of limits

Although therapists prefer not to put them, it will always be importantEven if I tried, I wouldn’t get so nice beautiful).

Inclusion of parents and caregivers 

As previously comment, more and more therapists who prefer to perform filial therapy, since it helps both children and parents and the improvements that occur in therapy have a longer effect, since when they are all involvedhome and do not end in the office.

Stages of game therapy

  1. Rapport construction. With much more emphasis on the first day of therapy, since it establishes confidence and begins the patient therapist relationship.
  2. Of work. It is all that is done to give the necessary changes to improve the patient
  3. Termination. It is where "the post" is passed to the patient and the relatives to be responsible for continuing "in the world" the changes that were made with the work done in therapy.

Characteristics of effective game therapists 

It is reduced to having the ability to establish communication, trust, flexibility, patience and much love for children. And that they are also able to establish the necessary limits for the success of therapy. Personally I call you value and intelligence.

Effectiveness of game therapy

There is still no conclusive study as to how the exact process and the results of game therapy should be, however it is considered that for it to be effective, it must consist of 30 to 35 therapies.


Personally, I believe that this type of therapy can be very positive, as long as the therapist really has the ability to proactively involve the minor and enter his own universe. Which seems to me that it is not made for anyone so far and for what I have read I do not think it is made for me. Although in this course we perform interesting tasks with children, having approach to them, I think it is not that time is wasting when attending them, but I think that for a child to improve considerably, to which one must always treat is thefathers).

Maybe I conclude that it is more cowardice than lack of profile, but if you already enter the mind of an adult is a huge responsibility, having in your hands a child’s mind is a commitment that few people have the ability to carry out successfully. In addition, if at this age I can no longer bend, less could be thrown on the floor playing with a child.


  • Schaefer. Charles e. (2011). Fundamentals of game therapy. Ed. Modern manual s.A de c.V. Mexico.
  • Dra. Moya Guirao. (2010). Biography of Virginia Axline. Extracted from: http: // psychotherapists.EU/Virginia-Axline/

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