View all "Future" ready papers, essays and assignments
Silk route and economic development China is positioning to intervene definitively in the development of integration between Europe and Asia through the new silk route. This is a p...
Words: 443
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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in young people Sexuality is a right of every human being, it is part of normal development and fulfills diverse and fantastic functions, howev...
Words: 722
Pages: 3
Sexuality, new constructions of masculinity and feminism. Within society, the symbolic genre becomes a set of laws, rules and policies that dictates the behavior of the human being...
Words: 803
Pages: 3
Sexuality in boys and girls Introduction Sexuality is a capacity that allows us to feel, vibrate and communicate through the body. It is something that is part of what we......
Serial killers and his victims Introduction Karl Grossmann killed his victims and sold his meat in the black market and in his hot dog stall. After the neighbors heard shouts,......
Sensitivity in business strategies Introduction When carrying out an economic analysis projected to a future, there is always something that causes indecision or insecurity to be a...
Words: 541
Pages: 2
Sense and sensitivity that Jane Eyre demonstrates in the face of his opponents Jane Eyre proves to be a woman capable of governing the world if she wanted it, but......
Selva and the Amazonas Introduction Brazil is the country that houses most of the Amazon jungle, but deforestation and forest degradation is a problem that will last over time for....
Words: 588
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Selfishness to war: the why of World War I To know an event in time, it is not only necessary to understand the facts as indicated textually, because it is......
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
Scientific missions in the 'Red Planet': Mars On the other side of the lens Mars, an out of reach planet, with more than 50 million kilometers away from our land,......
Words: 1045
Pages: 4
School lag Problem that afflicts Latin America Latin America since the twentieth century has been the victim of abandonment to education such as: coverage, access, progression an...
Words: 1135
Pages: 4
School development Introduction We must know that there are new demands in society and this affects the teaching profession itself, this information society must be taken into acco...
Words: 732
Pages: 3
Schizophrenia, alterations in psychic functioning Schizophrenia generates many alterations in the psychic functioning of each individual, mainly all those who have to do with re...
Words: 632
Pages: 2
Santander Bank Corporate Strategy In this third and final part of the work we will analyze the corporate strategy of Banco Santander following its strategies of vertical integratio...
Words: 1657
Pages: 6
Root goods essay In this essay we will talk about horizontal property which is applied to properties that are acquired individually and collectively that we normally find in buildi...
Words: 1316
Pages: 5
Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an imp...
Words: 659
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Risk capital investment Introduction Today, we live in a highly competitive world in which we must be more effective in making decisions at the business level. We must study the......
Words: 870
Pages: 3
Risk capital cost Introduction Many times it is believed that companies for being their own do not merit a capital cost for a new investment. In this case this article......
Words: 932
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Risk Assessment in Business Recovery Introduction. In these times where the economy is being affected by the events of a disease that has kept the population without being able to....
Words: 1021
Pages: 4
Review: The incredible and sad story of the candid Eréndira and her heartless grandmother For me the incredible and sad story of the candid Eréndira and her heartless grandmother...
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Review of History and its beginnings Introduction. Introducing ourselves to these issues let's start talking about the reason for history. It has long been well known that what we ...
Words: 674
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Review about the SWOT model New companies in the market When they enter to compete, they have estimated a plan, these organizations are governed under the aforementioned document, ...
Words: 923
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Review about my five favorite films Gattaca (1997): It is a futuristic dystopyAt all it is not bad since genetic diseases can be eradicated by avoiding even malformations, this div...
Words: 1011
Pages: 4
Respiratory physiotherapy and its techniques A physiotherapist is not very funny to be called a masseuse. Consider that your knowledge and the pathologies you can deal with go much...
Resilience in the Bible An epic verse from the Bible in Philippians 4:13 "I can everything in Christ that strengthens me". Refers to that aspect of life called resilience...
Words: 395
Pages: 1
Rescue to the Banking of Spain Introduction The choice of this issue is given by our deep interest in the Spanish financial system and the great involvement that the crisis......
Representation and History of Pocahontas Introduction In the case of "Pocahontas" the representation that occurs from the tribe is from an American, ethnocentric view, th...
Words: 559
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Renewable energies and their future vs. Pemex and their present Renewable or sustainable energies are all forms of energy to fossil fuel Energy source is simply present in nature w...
Words: 911
Pages: 3
Relationship of criminal social control with the Constitution It is undeniable that we have faced a constitutionalization of the legal system in general, and of course, the constit...
Words: 2090
Pages: 8
Relationship between spirituality and fitness and how to integrate them Introduction Spirituality and fitness are related? First, it is important to have the notion of fitness and ...
Relationship between production and costs at the point of view of managers Introduction In this work I will talk about any relationship that is both in the aspect of production......
Words: 1598
Pages: 6
Relationship between inflation and economic growth in Mexico Introduction Most countries in the world have policies that seek to maintain controlled inflation and Mexico is no exce...
Words: 1789
Pages: 7
Relationship between accounting and right Introduction Accounting is the discipline that allows us the registration, knowledge, and control of financial information which is regula...
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Reintegration in society after sexual aggression INTRODUCTION Reintegration is a systematic process of actions that begin at the time a person enters the penitentiary center, conti...
Words: 699
Pages: 3
Reflective analysis of the dollhouse Introduction. In the work "Casa de Dolls", by author Henrik Ibsen, we can visualize how Pandora's box opens leaving the role of women...
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
Reflection "Before it's late" by Leonardo DiCaprio The world has changed a lot in the last half century, the discovery of oil and the industrial revolution marked a bef...
Words: 583
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Reflecting on works of art and progress The work of art has an incarnate meaning, a thought that is expressed, in a nonverbal way, through each of the symbols that......
Recruitment today At present, the emergence of new technologies and the Internet has revolutionized our life transforming to the simplest task, this fact is not only manifested in ...
Words: 779
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Real estate valuation Introduction Valuation is a scientific process that through techniques and methodology seeks to determine the value of a certain real estate analyzing the phy...
Words: 931
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Rationality and decision -making criteria Introduction In general, we can characterize decision making as a type of process in which a person must choose between two or more possib...
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