View all "Future" ready papers, essays and assignments
Democracy in Mexico: Construction of an uncertain future Democracy can be seen in different ways from the moment and the place where it is required or wisheshistorical processes...
Words: 626
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Demand and phases of the Mapuche conflict Introduction From the return to democracy, in our country it has been called Mapuche conflict to a cluster of events that have appeared......
Decision making with artificial intelligence At present there is no talk of companies to produce efficiently, but of organized companies to generate knowledge and apply it for the ...
Words: 624
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Decision making seen as a cognitive process Decision making seen as a cognitive process is an important aspect in sports performance that occurs in volleyballs from the processing ...
Decision making at the individual level Introduction Decision making basically consists of choosing an option among the available, in order to solve a current or potential problem ...
Words: 852
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Customer service, achieving your satisfaction Customer satisfaction It is the evaluation of a service carried out by the client, this assessment depends on, if the same needs and m...
Current trends in Slotting and Casino online Like anything in this technologically dependent world in which we live, the online slot market is developing rapidly and without commit...
Words: 791
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Current social marketing INTRODUCTION. As part of modern society and as future merchants, we are familiar with the role of marketing in the growth of companies, thanks to the devel...
Words: 619
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Current or Movement of Psychology: Behaviorism Behaviorism is a current or movement of psychology which was structured by philosophical and psychological movements which had a dire...
Words: 760
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Current education and the highest education Introduction Education for our country is very indispensable for development. Because the level many of the time the educational system ...
Words: 752
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Cultural profiles and leadership within organizations Introduction The cultural profile of organizations has a level of complexity developed, and even more when analyzed from the p...
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
Cultural heritage and appropriation Introduction Ecuadorian cultural heritage leaves us a historical tour of more than 10,000 years which has been showing our identity. This herita...
Words: 623
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Cryptographic algorithms and security Introduction Privacy is an issue that gives little relevance in the media. Companies such as Google or Microsoft have been subject to many acc...
Words: 2318
Pages: 8
Criticism of information exchange agreements With the first major economic crisis of the 21st century there is a need for the fight against tax havens, an international consensus, ...
Critical reflection on 'Metamorosis' The writer of this moving workonly. However, within the analyzed novel, it reflects the frustration of the society in which the author is, he...
Words: 1204
Pages: 4
Critical Reflection and Reading Introduction In our current society, we are in need of advocating a plural notion of diverse modes of critical literacy that help people to be able....
Words: 484
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Critical essay on Martin Lindstrom's book What the Buying Book made by Martin Lindstrom refers to that there is another way to present to consumers the brand, it is not......
Words: 832
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Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...
Words: 688
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Crisis of Democracy and Corruption in Peru Can you fight with the crisis of democracy and corruption of Peru currently? Peru continues to fight to find a way that allows......
Words: 573
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Creativity and self-confidence It has been shown that the greater the level of creativity that a person presents, he will have better possibilities to solve problematic situations,...
Words: 883
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Cost systems in production and decision making Introduction Costing systems are an elementary part for the registration of the production cost, because they contribute to the way o...
Words: 1886
Pages: 7
Cost accounting in the development of activities produced and business profitability Summary The objective of this article is to determine the fundamental and essential role that c...
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Corporate identity is much more than a brand Introduction Corporate identity within a company covers much more than a brand or a graph, it represents how the company is sold......
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Conventional Sports Medicine, the only solution in case of injuries Just perform a bad movement when running or doing sports to injure us. The injuries are those that occur during....
Control and importance of data structure Introduction The data structure is wideIn everything we use and do not realize. Importance of different programming data structures It is v...
Contributions of black plague in medicine Introduction The following historical research has as the main objective to understand and analyze the contribution of the black plague in...
Contractual Law: Notion of 'Good Faith' A union is a United Workers Organization to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions. It serves as an intermediar...
Contemporary individualism in the era of Gilles Lipovetsky emptiness In my opinion, reading makes you reflect on a phenomenon that concerns us all today and makes us think about a....
Container terminals seek automation on the path of the automobile industry Automation is a process that is reaching all sectors of the industry with different approaches, sometimes...
Words: 655
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Consequences of violence in women Introduction The project aims to diagnose the causes and consequences of feminicidal violence in the state of Michoacán as well as generating pre...
Consequences of the atomic bomb in Japan Introduction A war conflict is a war in which two or more armed groups face each other. World War II is the greatest......
Words: 424
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Consequences of low self - esteem in children because of gender violence The essay presented below speaks about one of the problems of greatest impact on society, gender violence a...
Consequences in Ireland del Norte Introduction Today, Brexit is still an unresolved problem and, with the current circumstances, a definitive agreement between the EU and RU seems ...
Words: 912
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CONSEQUENCES FOR CONFINING: Social isolation The psychological effects of confinement are: anxiety and fear caused by the feeling of living in a world disaster, uncertainty about t...
Consequences and risks of homophobia and transphobia No person is more prone to suicide for having a certain gender identity or sex-affective orientation, but it is because of the ...
Words: 663
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Congenital ichthiosis, symptoms and possible treatments. Introduction: Trying to define congenital ichthiosis (IC) is trying to define a really broad and complex topic, because it ...
Words: 713
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Conceptual approaches to human sexuality Introduction Human sexuality is the response of stimuli that are influenced by biological, psychological, socio -economic causes, cultures,...
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Concept of donation and different laws according to the country Introduction This essay will seek to analyze the concept generates from the donation, because as we know this is a.....
Words: 1567
Pages: 6
Computer Management Processes of a company Introduction Currently no company can work without computer science, is that, through it, its use transforms the administration of resour...
Words: 1908
Pages: 7
Comparison of the missile crisis and the Votnamon War, TET offensive Stage of the missile crisis and the Vietnam War was included in the Cold War, a period that goes......
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