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Gattaca: The Film, Development And Conclusions


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Gattaca: The film, development and conclusions

The Gattaca film reflects genetic discrimination in a very futuristic concept. This film is about what they call a "lower" being or a love product, which has the dream of going to space but throughout their life is genetically discriminated against not belonging to the perfect genetic design that they carry out. This film what projects is what could become the next type of discrimination. The main conflict of this film is the issue whether genetic manipulation is morally correct. On many occasions throughout the film it is evident that the advances of technology they have achieved are not used in the right way.

The first example where a misuse of technology is seen from the first minutes in the film. At the moment this “lower” being or love product is born, Vincent, they tell him how he will live his medically. From the first moment they know how long he will live, that he will die, what problems will face throughout his life, etc. The controversy that is born with this simple act is shocking. Although they are giving all the necessary information to take care of themselves in the best way, they are not giving the opportunity for a normal life. There is no way of living happy all your life if you already know what and when you will die, you will always be so cautious and it would not be possible to enjoy the best way your life. Also, from this moment on the face and by the performance of all the actors you can discrimination against the newborn.

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It is very shocking to know through this film that this can become our future as humans, to be able to improve the species or perfect it.

An element that liked the movie was Vincent’s dedication. Everything you have to do to achieve your dream is very ironic. From here another question arose. Is it right to break the law to achieve your dream? Because the tube in a certain way to break a law to achieve what I wanted most, go to space. Although Vincent has violated the law by taking the identity of another person, he did so to achieve even more good things. So, if you corrupt the law you can do even better things.

At the end of this movie Vincent mentions a phrase: ‘For someone who is not made for this world, I must confess that I suddenly cost me a job to leave it. They say that an atom of our body is part of a star, it may not be going, but that I am going home ’. Personally I liked it because it puts you to reflect if we are really right in the way we see the place we suppose we belong.

In conclusion, what they show in Gattaca could become our future. Technology advances help us achieve many things but not always, and this has also been seen in history, what we achieve as a society with technology is the best. In addition to teaching us that we must not be perfect to achieve dreams and objectives, and shows the big difference that would be between the genetically created people and the children of God: that the latter have in them that spirit of display of realization, whilethat others lack this. To summarize the film in a serious phrase that: ‘There is no gene for the human spirit’.

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