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Gay Adoption, A Repressed Right


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Gay adoption, a repressed right

For some years in the world we have been talking about human rights and the idea of ending any type of discrimination;In particular, sexual discrimination has generated controversy worldwide, because homosexuals ask that other rights be recognized such as marriage and the opportunity to form a family through adoption. Rights that until now were only for heterosexual couples. In some countries they have decided to grant these rights, which has generated controversy because it is considered that the social and emotional stability of the minors involved by the abuse they can receive from their peers due to the sexual orientation of the sexual orientation of the sexual orientation ofHis parents, but reaching the bottom of the subject would have nothing to do and on the contrary many children who today in Colombia or in the world do not find heterosexual families should have the opportunity to be adopted by same -sex couples.

“The main arguments appeal that children will suffer discrimination at school for having same sex parents. The reality is that children can be bad, regardless of that the classmates come from a family with two moms or two parents. Bullying exists for rich, poor, Asian children, heterosexual parents and for children for being children, without a justifiable reason.”(Colmenares, 2018), gay adoption would not have any effect on the“ violence ”that is generated by other children towards their classmates only to be in a society surrounded by people you are already vulnerable to any type of comments aregood or bad.

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The main causes not to allow gay adoption is that children will be influenced by reasons such as bullying in school, or in different public places reaching the case of being able to affect them psychologically, but according to several studies the gay adoption would not haveNothing to do with the different factors (such as bullying), since this exists and there will always be any proof that a child who has grown up in a home formed by homosexual parents has a tendency to simulate or share the preferenceSexual of their parents, in fact, most homosexuals come from heterosexual homes and still ended up like the same sex. “Studies issued in July 2004 by the American Association of Psychology and other psychiatric and psychological studies show that minors growing in homoparental homes do not show differences in terms of health or development, respects of those that grow in homoparental homes.”(CORALINE, 2018)

It should be noted that for a homosexual couple to adopt, it must go through complexes and filters and evaluations, accrediting sufficient means to provide the subsistence, education and care of it or the minor, as well as approving psychometric, health and economic exams , according to the integral development of the family (DIF). Taking the above present we can affirm that a gay couple has a greater planning to have a child than in most cases in heterosexual couples. We can also conclude that the prohibition of the adoption of gay couples would be something of unfair cause "to prohibit adoption to a same -sex couple is contrary to the principles of freedom and equality raised by the 1991 Constitution" ". (Albarracin, 2015)

It is that we cannot ignore that for any child it is important to be in a family nucleus, therefore, its purpose of adoption is that, to give a child the possibility of belonging to a family breast

“Colombia is a social state of law that has as its constitutional basis human dignity, equality, pluralism and respect for fundamental rights, thus establishing the legal framework for the protection of the NNA, as well as the homosexual population ”(Castillo, 2017)

Clearly society sees this fact very badly, since there is so much prejudice within it that thinks that perhaps the child can change her preferences for the only reason that the rest of her life will live with a couple of fathers or mothers. However, in the face of this problem, many studies have been carried out, since opinions vary according to society, the people who live in it and scientific research, and before which different positions are had, but none of it that demonstrates a psychological change At least involved

The gay family must be understood from a broad concept. This will include all those families who have decided not to raise and educate children, but who live under a coexistence regime. The State must recognize and protect all families that live in our territory. First, the State recognizes a type of family when available in its legal system. In this way it is conceptualized and rights and duties are granted. Second, the State is obliged to protect all types of family without differences. The fundamental rights of same -sex couples, such as the principle of equality and the right to form a family, are currently broken, therefore, it is urgent to take measures to restore the right in those families that are currently overwhelming. On the other hand, the argument of discrimination is something very old, it has no legal, psychological or social consistency and does not justify the fact of snatching a right to any couple who wants to adopt.

Bibliographic references

  • Albarracin. (Nov 04, 2015). Obtained from El Tiempo: https: // www.time.com/file/document/cms-16421596
  • Marín-Castillo, J. (March 20, 2017). LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY YEARBOOK. Obtained from https: // www.Redalyc.org/Jatsrepo/3150/3154787008/html/index.HTML
  • Colmenares, m. (FEB 21 of 2018). Obtained from Indigo Report: https: // www.Reporting.com/think/adopcion-homoparental-si-rights-diversity-beenestar-ninos-psychologia/

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