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Gender Violence Intervention


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Gender violence intervention


The present work exposes the design and evaluation of the expected results of a socio -educational intervention, whose objective is to help prevent gender violence between adolescents through a project generated from the Department of Orientation of the trade, specifically throughA series of shock and awareness activities, raised within the Institute’s Tutorial Action Plan during the 2020-2021 school year. Through the activities of this project, we want minors to become aware, within their environment, of this problem, increasingly common in today’s society.


The motivation to work this issue arises from two findings. The first is the social reality in which we are, as Muñoz-Rivas (2007) points out, gender violence in the first wedding relationships in adolescents is one of the most transcendental social problems that we face today today. It is important to highlight the increase in gender violence among adolescents, in the last report of the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence (2019) we can see that in 2017 fatalities for gender violence from 16 to 25 was 9.8%of the total and in 2018 increase more than two points, reaching 12%.

These data are the tip of an iceberg as Amnesty International represents, since only those young killed are observed, but to reach that tip, what are underneath?, In the infographic that appears below you can see how gender violence can appear subtle and it is more difficult to visualize.

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Control or cancellation violence, for example, are psychological violence, that adolescents "in most cases" are unable to detect from their own experience;Hence, preventive awareness is so important and we collect it in our intervention project.

It is important to highlight, the relevance and currentness of gender violence in adolescent couples;In the media, we can find, almost daily, news related to gender violence. This is very significant, since, one day today, with "social conscience", which supposedly prevails in our society, this problem continues to exist very visible. Not long ago, several digital media echoed the rebound that gender violence has given between adolescents. 

One of the causes of the increase, according to Moral (2019, cited by Ruiz, 2019) is that the young women denounce before, they do it, on average, after two years. This could be just a minimum part of the problem, why gender violence is really increasing among adolescent couples.

On the other hand, Moreno (2019, cited by Alvarado, 2019), affirms that one of the problems is new technologies, since, in many occasions, gender violence that occurs between adolescents is through technologies, locatingto their girlfriends, asking for passwords, teaching them messages, etc., But sometimes young people are not aware that these actions to control their life are gender violence.

In addition to the media, the Attorney General of the State alerts in its 2018 memory, of the “disturbing” increase in gender violence and sexual abuse and aggressions among minors. One of the reasons that are exposed in this memory is pornography through networks, where women are represented as a reossified being, as something purely physical and material and where the vexations towards it are frequent.

Finally, the second and last reason that has led me to deepen this issue is my personal commitment as a woman and as a social educator with the fight against inequalities and gender violence. Monreal, Povedano and Martínez (2014) state that physical abuse is only the tip of the iceberg, as I have previously commented, gender violence can be perceived in multiple ways, even reaching learning in helpless. The relationships of adolescents are marked by the existence of dominant, abusive and aggressive behaviors. The violence relationships that occur in young couples, according to these authors, seem to have multicausal explanatory roots. Hence, the importance of prevention and intervention being multidisciplinary that involve all social agents.

I must highlight, that throughout my professional experience as a social educator I have worked with adolescents at risk and their families. Therefore, I have detected that adolescents have a series of deficiencies in everything that concerns gender violence. More specifically, we find that adolescents have little information about gender violence, which many of them leads them to a lack of awareness of this issue;As well as a lack of critical attitude towards situations of violence, on the one hand, they see it as something distant, occasional and on the other, as a consequence of having done something wrong, this vision is some of the adolescents due to the great inequality ofsexes that exist between them.


Likewise, I have detected attitudes that although they show interest, they do not have partly instrumentalized due to the lack of conceptual knowledge that it has on the subject.

Given this, the need for the work of the Secondary Orientation Department to design proposals, such as the socio -educational project that I present, is fundamental, since the principle on which this work is based, prevention, can generate a changeintrapersonal and interindividual. Through this proposal, adolescents’ strategies can be improved to some extent to face possible difficulties, since it is one of the functions of educational orientation.  

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