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Generation Z And The Use Of Shopping Technology


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Generation Z and the use of shopping technology


According to an article from the newspaper (money, 2020) the generation of the ‘millennials’ and the Z generation present the panorama of the crisis that has caused the World Covid-19 pandemic or also known as “coronavirus” as an opportunity forContribute and start actions to build a better future, according to the most recent “Millennial 2020” survey of Deloitte Global, the two generations flinhand in the face of the negative situation and are very motivated to generate a positive change in their communities at the level ofall the world.

Data show that 58% of millennials in Colombia are optimistic in relation to efforts to care and safeguard the well -being of the planet;This represents an increase of 18 points regarding the perspective of the previous year. The director of People and Purpose of Deloitte Global, Michele Parmelee, said that, "however, despite the uncertain and discouraging conditions, millennials and generation Z express an impressive resilience capacity and show resolution to improve the world". Parmelee added that, "as we rebuild our economies and our society, young people will be a critical factor in the configuration of the world that emerges" (money, 2020).

40% of millennials expenses is to save or invest in the future, 45% for short -term ‘fun’ expenses and 15% for other expenses. On the other hand, 39% of the total respondents consider that it will increase their work and that will allow it to generate value;35% indicated that they will not have an impact on their work, and only 13% indicated that they will replace all or much of their labor responsibilities.

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(Money, 2020)

Generation Z makes technology a useful tool and is not precisely destined for leisure or entertainment, every time the uses and application of technology to become common and accessible to the average person this is partly due to the fact that there are ideas orprogrammers that allow the almost instantaneous management of said tools.

The purchase platforms today against confinement and social distancing have become essential to protect the health of many people aware of the seriousness of the situation, facilitating the acquisition of products through these digital media in a safe way.


Gene generation

The first members of the so -called Z generation, that of those born between 1994 and 2009, now begin to leave the classrooms to join the work world and claim their site in the world. This is the first generation that has incorporated the Internet in the earliest phases of its learning and socialization, and also the one to which the economic and political crisis (Lindley, 2017)

Purchasing Platforms

An electronic commerce platform is an integrated system of different computer applications, which give solution to the purchase and sale process. Like the websites published on the Internet, electronic commerce platforms are available all the time online, in this way it enables entry to any market in the world. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 147)

  •  Osommerce. It is an Open Source Platform with GNU license, designed to create online stores;It is the best known platform on the market. It consists of two parts mainly the front and the back-end, that is, the part that visualizes the whole world (the virtual store itself), and the part of administration, where the update of products is customized, new offers are inserted,categories, languages, coins, among other characteristics. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 168)
  •  Spree Commerce (Ruby on Rails). It is a Ruby On Rails module, it has an administrative part that allows to carry out a complete management of products, categories, orders, shipments and any other store parameter. Includes support for more than 50 "gateways" of payment (application authorizing online payments), and logic for tax calculation. It also includes by default integration with Google Analytics. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 165)


Technological elements of e-commerce platforms

Among the main technological elements of an electronic commerce platform are the following:

  • Design. It is an element that is considered crucial, because it is the aspect that is at first sight of the client, it must be intuitive with a clear and pleasant vision for all people, in addition the contents must be manageable with navigation menus, optimization should be consideredof search engines since 74% of online store visits come from search engines, that makes it considered to maintain a good indexation. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 131)
  • Accessibility. You must present easy access to the greatest possible number of people, regardless of your personal knowledge or abilities, especially the technical characteristic of the computer, which allows you to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the web. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 132)
  • Product catalog. It must be incorporated into the image of the product as a letter of presentation, with details such as color, size and a previous analysis of which products should be uploaded to the Internet, categorization allows to manage the sale of products in order and to easily publicize itsPotentialities (Basants, and others, Electronic Commerce, 2016, p. 132)
  • Security Certificates (SSL). Safety certificates should be considered in the Internet commercial transactions process, where data exchange is safe and allows customers to be confident, to avoid inconveniences in compliance with the Organic Data Protection Law. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 134)



It is defined as any purchase and sale exchange of goods and services that it is made by means of a digital data transfer through an electronic medium such as the Internet. Marketing or electronic commerce has been imposed to make purchases, payments of goods and services, billing, tickets to shows, etc., wirelessly. (Herrera, 2015, p. 124) 

The online purchase

The purchase phase begins the moment that the customer has reviewed the product offer and decides to buy one;This product goes to the shopping cart (in general in all online stores), which provides information about individual and total products, the customer chosen. (Basants, and others, electronic commerce, 2016, p. 92)


Through research on generation Z they are born between 1994 and 2009 are defined as people more dedicated to entrepreneursInternet purchase experiences. Technological resources form an important part in people’s lives, since they are used to make sales and purchases of a product or service, more easily. Generation Z uses shopping platforms to make your safer purchases. In different studies carried out that they are people who use the Internet for social networks, they are digital consumers, but at the same time they love to buy in physical stores since they enjoy the experience.

At present, the use of online email platforms are covering all purchases, it should be noted that the situation in which both companies and large companies are currently being faced on the planet for bothTools or platforms by email online. For generation Z, it is much easier, it is practically the first generation that has incorporated the Internet in the earliest phases of their learning, therefore, the new entrepreneurs will choose to apply these techniques or platforms by online email.



  1. Basants, a. V., Varela, m. C., Vega, c. P., Ortega, a. AND., Astudillo, á. M., Mera, J. A., & Orellana, C. F. (2016). Electronic commerce. Ibarra: University Printing 2016 ©. Retrieved on 07 of 2020
  2. Basants, a. V., Varela, m. C., Vega, c. P., Ortega, a. AND., Astudillo, á. M., Mera, J. A., & Orellana, C. F. (2016). Electronic commerce. Ibarra: University Printing 2016 ©.
  3. Dimero, d. (July 24, 2020). The ‘millennials’ and the Z generation are the key to a “best future”.
  4. Herrera, J. AND. (2015). Market research. Bogotá: Ecoe Editions.
  5. Lindley, a. (14 of 01 of 2017). Generation z. Retrieved on 07 of 2020, from https: // repository.CPU.Edu.PE/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/10757/622177/GONZALES_BS.PDF?sequence = 5 & isalowed = y

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