global health
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Promoting globalization through trading of goods and services with other countries and transfer of technology from developed to developing countries has led to the spread of diseases and pollution which have become a priority in global health. Aging is also another priority issue because it tends to exacerbate the occurrence of disease the prevalence of communicable diseases increases with age (World Health Organization (WHO), 2018). However, cooperation by people all over the world is presumed to help improve global health, and this requires the understanding of other people’s culture. Global health issues require global solutions; therefore, using the funding to establish and help maintain global health agencies will help to promote healthy living. The target population includes the aged because they are a population with the largest share of morbidity.
My proposal delineates the global health issues that are facing society and uses statistics to back up this claim. It helps to understand how these global issues have emerged; hence, seek to use the same strategy to provide a solution. The proposal has described the trend of these global issues, highlighting how they have evolved over the years and how the transition of phenomena from developed to developing countries has taken effect. Also, it categorically spells out the priorities that will be given consideration with the $100 million funding.
Despite the fact that the old generation is mostly affected by a high prevalence of communicable diseases, targeting the old generation and leaving out the younger and more productive generation that is mainly involved in economic globalization was not a prudent objective.
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More resources are spent on curing ailments compared to preventing them; hence, the proposal was not analytical enough. Also, as discussed later on, my proposal has failed to involve community members and gain better input on effective components of the proposed prevention health program.
In reference to the shortcoming of the original proposal as mentioned above, it is apparent that a more cost-effective intervention is necessary. Prevention of illnesses goes a long way in reducing associated morbidity and mortality compared to just treating them because the risk factors have not been addressed. In the current era of technology, health text messages and applications can be used to spread educational content on prevention of communicable from an early age; thereby, delay and eliminate its onset at old age.
Preventive health is important because it helps to reduce morbidity rate; hence, most of these diseases that burden global health care can be prevented. In view of preventive health, there is need to change my proposed health action plan to educate and set up screening and testing centers to aid in the early recognition of problems before they can become unmanageable. For example, cancer, which is curable when detected early unlike when it is detected at an advanced stage. However, there is need to determine the services that are already on the ground to avoid redundancy, but instead, add value to the intervention programs that are already in place.
According to the WHO (2018), the 16 million premature deaths due to cancer and diabetes can be prevented if there were effective initiatives that emphasize on reducing the risk factors associated with these ailments. The health care system can reduce the burden of disease through effective preventive strategies. Hence, it is better to pursue an action plan that promotes preventive as opposed to curative health.
My previous proposal, just like the norm of the health care system, was geared to case finding and managing the cases. Yet, according to the World Research Foundation (2018), staying healthy through disease prevention is a better option because it is associated with better quality of life and a better and happier life. Thereby, it is necessary to shift the proposal’s focus from a curative to a preventive approach. This way, a larger population will be targeted; hence, more individuals will benefit compared to just focusing on sick individuals.
There is the possibility of poor perception and rejection by the community which I am targeting. Usually, culture is an important facet that determines the success of an intervention, but if the components of the intervention are not feasible or in alignment with the culture of the targeted population, then the success of my healthcare plan might be in jeopardy. Another thing is that the project might recruit participants who are not the actual residents of a certain community, and this compromises the purpose of the project.
This proposal has been developed based on my thoughts and perceptions, which may not be in alignment to the thoughts and perceptions of the community. As a result, the proposed intervention might not be as effective and sustainable because it is likely to be rejected by the community. It is important to involve the community when developing programs that affect them, and the fact that I did not involve the community is one major ethical issue. Failure to acknowledge and factor in input from the community might be perceived as a lack of respect of the community member’s legal rights (Guttmcher, Kelly, & Ruiz-Janecko, 2010).
Guttmcher, S., Kelly, P. J., & Ruiz-Janecko, Y. (2010). Community-based health interventions: Principles and applications. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). Prevention of noncommunicable diseases. Retrieved from
World Research Foundation (WRF). (2018). Preventive health care helps everyone. Retrieved from
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