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Global Perspective


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Global Perspective
Inequality is an issue dated way back, and the majority of those affected are women. The rise in this vice has activated actions among activist groups like modern Feminism that aim at reducing it as a fulfilment of the tenth SDG. Both developed and developing countries have experienced inequalities, especially in wages. The gap between poor and rich continues to increase an illustration being a revelation by last year’s survey that found an increase in wealth which, was distributed among the rich while poor got no share (Oxfam 2). The worrying trend of inequality is based on people placing profits before the well-being of employees. Therefore, propagating inequality as those working, continue to be poor while those on top of the economy acquire more wealth. Inequality is attributed to various reasons and this paper analyses historical and contemporary reasons as well as actions that governments can undertake to address inequality.
Important historical reasons for Inequality Crisis
Gender inequality is historical as it resulted from aspects such as lack of inheritance and unequal pay of women. According to Oxfam (13), males are wealthier than females which are associated with ownership of assets and acquisition of top jobs that offer better pay. Culture dictated that women undertake caregiving jobs while men conducted other jobs like being executives, therefore, bringing inequality as a result of payment disparities between the two occupations.

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Payne (115), gives an example of how Chinese authority restricted women thus hindering their development. Inheritance is an ancient practice causing inequality since it contributes to a widening of the gap between rich and poor. Some of the societies have established laws of inheritance which promote inequalities as wealth is passed to a single heir. This action prevents disintegration that would have facilitated expansion and distribution of wealth (Payne 115)
Important Contemporary reasons for Inequality Crisis
Domination of the economy by single companies have resulted in inequalities since wealth generated is concentrated among a few people whereas the majority gets no share from it. Oxfam (11) states that monopoly prevents other organizations from being established therefore facilitating inequality as people are forced to work under the single dominating empire. Organizations are now offering jobs on a temporary basis as it protects them from providing benefits such as occupational safety to their employees. Creation of this temporary jobs results to a widened gap since it decreases remuneration while increasing employers’ gain (Payne 114). Lack of occupational safety and overworking leads to diseases which reduce workers earnings as income is spent on treatment hence increasing workers debt in conjunction with poverty levels.
Top Three Actions that Government can undertake to remedy Inequality Crisis
According to Payne (118), government policies can contribute to inequality since some of them facilitate the accumulation of wealth for the rich while enabling evasion of taxes. The government should, therefore, formulate and implement legislation that is structured to ensure an elevation on taxes received from rich especially people of high income. Governments should work together in formulating global taxation laws which reduce inequality through ensuring fairness. Oxfam (19) recommends that government and businesses should focus on public spending where social services are offered for free through ensuring employers provide payment means in the form of contributions. Governments should structure their economy and businesses in a way that cuts monopolization while encouraging the growth of small and medium enterprises. Structuring of the economy will promote better wages and rights of employees thus reducing inequality.
Globalization has been attributed to the inequality crisis between developed and developing crisis. Culture and history have been a determinant in the increasing case of inequality since behaviours and factors causing them are still carried out in this present times. Governments are charged with the responsibility of ensuring vice of inequality is decreased. People should be taught that inequality is a moral wrong, therefore, involving all in shunning it away.
Work Cited
Oxfam. Reward Work, Not Wealth. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxfam GB. (2018). Pg 1-24
Payne, Richard. J. Global Issues: Politics, Economics and Culture. Fifth Edition. Boston MA. Pearson Learning Solutions. (2016). Pg. 112-118

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