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Globalization, Cultural Historical Process In Peru


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Globalization, Cultural Historical Process in Peru


Globalization is a historical process which has allowed the union between countries and open borders;Likewise, it can be said that there are two sides: one good, since people are more interconnected to the mute, income of new markets, however the economic gaps are more differentiated and the foreign market to fill out of products to our country causingLeave national inputs.

Likewise, globalization makes us known the different cultures that other countries possess but above all those called by some authors such as those of "First World" causing influence not only in young people but in the general population, however thissituation to generate a positive change in society and get citizens to feel identified with their roots, also to know other dynamics that other countries have to improve society without losing our true national essence.

Therefore, this work consists of the development, conclusions and bibliography.

Globalization and culture

We can refer that family dynamics have different connotations according to each country, for example: in the US.UU., Children have their own room since they are born, parents suppose to make them sleeping alone will make them more independent in the future. However, the Japanese (also French, Swedes and Peruvians) do the opposite: they sleep with children in the same piece not only when they are babies, until their children feel they are prepared to do so alone; In Korea, since children begin to eat solid food With the children and on Saturday, it is the day of the sweets: the children buy them in the morning and eat them with family in the afternoon, and nobody thinks of eating sweets on Wednesday; In Scandinavia, children spend playing outdoors, despite low temperatures, climb trees and play on roofs or ride a bike through the neighborhood, without the supervision of an adult, they have the lowest indices of injuries in children and the rates With the highest child happiness in the world, in Germany, adults educate their children to accept comments and criticisms about their work or attitudes for why German children have more character and are more tolerant of frustration.

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We can also mention that the trajín and some thoughts of Peruvian families have been changing, we can refer that one of the phrases now already extinct is “the letter with blood enters” generating an aggressive idea;Likewise, the mother was responsible for the raising of the children and the father who provided money to the family;However, children now have very marked rights supported by international standards generating greater prominence and protection, women have entered the labor field to generate sources of family economic income and thus puts the sexist thinking in crisis, this is a clear example of theGlobalization.

The family being the fundamental basis of society has achieved great positive changes and social improvements;But we must not forget that the family is the main and first school of cultural transmission and identity.

In Cusco the Q’eswachaka pendant bridge is built by the same community members in the area, this is built every year with the objective of preserving its culture and the legacy of the Incas, and the process begins like this: the whole family meets for Cut the kolla (it is a plant that grows in the straw -like zone but of greater resistance), after cutting it, they leave it on the ground for the sun to fall, the next day the children and the parents begin to begin Chancar everything they collected with a stone, then leave it in the river until the next day, at dawn they take it out of the river and begin to braid (the braided of that plant is directly with the palms of the hand and by the friction they leave several ampoules in the hands); According to the settlers they refer to this plant is very resistant as the wire; The second week of June each family gives to the person in charge of the municipality 40 meters from Kolla braided and the construction of the bridge begins, all the families of the nearby communities meet and the task begins, the men make eight thick braids of Kolla 28 meters from length which serves to assemble the skeleton of the suspension bridge, one of the inhabitants passes through the old bridge to the other end carrying the eight tips of the braids, then a certain number of settlers are positioned at each end to hold and tie the braid, They join the skeleton of the bridge with the same Kolla material, while the children and women collect more of it to assemble the uphow of the bridge, this is how the entire assembly culminates and the party begins in thanks to the apus (hills); We must not stop mentioning that the construction of this bridge lasts 4 days, every day before starting their day they must worship their divinities and sacrifice an animal, only the material they use is the kolla.

This is not only a time to share as a family but the union of the population for the common good, if technology and globalization came to these places, tradition would be lost since technology would build a bridge cement and iron and it would be the endof it.

In Arequipa we have many tourist places, such as the Colca Cañon, but there are other little known and the people who promote it are visitors who decided to take a video and upload it to social networks, however the authorities are still delaying to improve accesses andThe same places.

Finally, the soccer team was previously eliminated but now that a World Cup has been reached and a good position in this Cup, because not only through the commercialization of shirts and a momentary union, but also that people from abroadThey turn to see us and this means that tourism increases in our country, for example, it is now observed through the streets more frequently to people from the Asian continent.

There is a commitment of all citizens to preserve, care and disseminate our Peru.


  • The authorities must regulate and parameter the income of foreign markets in our country.
  • Globalization is an opportunity to expand the national economy and generate new income, disseminate and export our culture among them customs, dances, ancestral preparations, languages.
  • Families have the mission of instilling in their new generations the national identity and the true essence of Peru.



  1. Matos, Daniel (1996): Latin America in times of globalization, Editorial Cresalc, UNESCO. United Nations Development Programs. (2011).Human Development Concepts: http: // www.UNDP.org.co/site. 
  2. For an inspiring approach to resistance to this authenticity imposed, see Michael H. (1992): Katar, Different Drummers: Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany (New York: Oxford University Press,
  3. Robertson, r. (1992). Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture. Mario Vargas Llosa, 2000. World press rights in all languages reserved daily El País, SA, 2000.

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