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Great Hopes Of Charles Dickens


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Great hopes of Charles Dickens


The literary work great hopes of Charles Dickens that was published in 1861, in the course of reading I could notice the great similarity that this work has with the time of the nineteenth century since it is a trip through the life of a young man with low resources thataccount what your life is. Each of the scenes refers to a medieval era. Dickens dare of his writings, he makes life known how life leaveA home and be alone in a world I think that thanks to its dedication and value it achieves all its objectives and reflects them in each of its books but we also do not put aside the characters that give life to each of the scenes to be able toUnderstand that the writer wants to convey each physical and psychological personality demonstrates how it was an economic world before a social class society.

 But the main character is an orphan and mistreated child who lives in his own flesh the scarcity of a racist world in society because he lived an era where poor people were hand -handed this means to blow the opposite of middle class peoplesince these were educated to be people from society. But this young man’s dream is to become a gentleman, but he suffers discrimination against his low economic resources. The life of this young man tells how at that time since low -income people did not have many opportunities to be able to develop towards the outside world and to achieve this they had to strive to achieve life this refers to how the young people of that timeThey had to fight to achieve their goals and dreams and our writer manifests all this problems with their works wants to reach readers to make them known as the Victorian era where the upper and more medium classes were more recognized and those of lower class do notThey had any right to society and since the woman was not taken into account for certain decisions.

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The Literary Work Great Hope that is written in English-British Great Expectation of Charles Dickens tells the life of a young orphan of the old London. Where each story and each story have its origin. We must take into account that all Dickens’ works are a story of all the events of his life. Each scene in the work is the memory of the author’s life, each of the actions is the thought transmitted through his works. The story of the true life of a young man who had to live in an era where the birth of the bourgeoisie began and a change in the social life of the peasants.

Within the work, the scenarios report the situation of the country of England and from this it takes Charles’s tragic life as a great reason to write the problems of society and the culture of the time where the social aspect that stands out in thework is the hierarchy of the population especially for the bourgeois class.

From these changes in the industry for the peoples, a new literary school arises which is also within this work that is, realism which is characterized by telling the stories without hiding the cruelty of a racial world that begins in the centuryXIX, it is for this reason that thanks to the implementation of this school, it influences the type of narrator since we have knowledge that realism denies the "I" in the story of history. This begins to tell himself by the main character transforming him into a first -person narrative this tells us that the character tells the story according to his convenience and his thinking and how he sees the course of history from his point of view.

The scenario in which the work develops is in ancient England -London in the 19th century, is described as a dirty place and with little technology that is to say a medieval world, but over time the development of innovation in the industrial eraFrom the time it helps that in the course of history we realize the different and how they affect the narrative and situations of the characters within the work. We realize that the stage plays a very important role for the definition of Charles Dickens which is a place where he grows looking at all these changes.

Thus, if the scenario is constantly changing the characters also to offer a better understanding to the reader, dare of each character since each one has its characteristics and definitions, and as in every story the characters are divided into two typesWe find: main and secondary characters which are determined by having a good and evil personality, it is possible to emphasize that in the 19th the social classes are intervened, which was a very important factor in characterizing the characters.

It is in this part of his life the writer has reasons for his society and that the rest of the world does not know for what he had to assume a great responsibility at his young age, however, this was no reason for Dickens not to enter the wonderful world of the wonderful world ofThe letters where with the help that the great amounts of works of his parents and with the help of his babysitter he opens up to the imagination, but mainly taking as a reference to his own life, it must also be emphasized that Dickens was a lover to reading whichIt was very important both for his lexicon and his language.

The parenting at that time was very hard but it is also influenced by the social classes since people with a good economic status had it absolutely instead the poor had to settle for it, society was very different at that time where theLower class had to endure a hard life where for their education they were based on the blows, although Dickens had not suffered those mistreatment, the young people who surrounded him were treated.

In addition, the context of history is very important since in history it tells us the life of London in those times, however, the work is a clear example of what happened at that time as social racism was withinBritish territory and the European continent.

The characters are of great importance since they grant communication and make known what the work means to the reader so that the reader understands the message to convey this time is the population of the nineteenth century where Dickens tries that his workshave everything you need for your understanding and reasoning also your understanding at the time of reading.

On the other hand, in an economic and political system of English territory it was an influential factor in Charles’ writings since the population was divided by the amount of money, it was from this that depending on occupying a position within the government or also obtainingcertain privileges. Within the work these characters that have a fortune are considered of royalty in addition to their wealth, they performed unpleasant acts and murders to feel satisfied. Therefore, having extremely high wealth this granted him to be able to place himself in the best positions within government causing the people to feel some uncertainty about injustice.

In addition, a person’s genre was very controversial since the woman was still treated as a simple housewife and her opinion had no value for men or government, so her life was decided by her family in search of comfortof the woman what for Charles was very impact because he had ideals of equity of both genres for healthy coexistence between men and women.

To conclude we can realize that the main character of Pío’s work can be identified with the writer, although he was not orphan, but he had a very complicated life in the youth period as our narrator. But we realize that real life is the reason why the writer makes known his way of seeing the world, but in the century there was still a good literature or complex and the realism that involves everyday life in thisEssay We have analyzed the influence of the writing of everyday life seeing how the author’s life has great influence on the work great hopes is that each scenario recounts the cruel life that had to live in order to develop in that century .Each paragraph each prayer was the author’s life since despite all his complications he manages to develop and become one of the most important writers of realism.


  1. Claudio. (02 of 11 of 2014). Great biography. Retrieved on 17 of 2017, from Biography of Charles Dickens Works 

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