Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Persistent sensitization in recent years concerning the environment has raised awareness on different factors that continue its degradation including global warming and overpopulation. I am aware that plastics contribute to this pollution due to their non-biodegradable trait, but I did not know about the extent to which it has polluted the ocean forming a large toxic mass.
Humans throughout different parts of thaw old are the primary cause of the problem since they are responsible for the production, use, and disposal, usually littering of these plastics. It is unfortunate that despite humans being considered wise among other creatures, they are undoubtedly the most destructive, ignoring environmental repercussions resulting from their behavior that affect everything in the ecosystem. This pollution affects marine life whereby sea animals consume plastics, the economy in which a lot of resources will be dedicated to clean up, and human health where most aquatic animals end up in the human food chain (The Ocean Cleanup). These effects are too costly, whereby if not discontinued, the extent of these harms may be too perverse and almost irreversible. For example, some aquatic life might become extinct, humans may continue acquiring worse diseases than ones currently present, and countries forced to allocate more health care funds to a dying population.
Cleaning up the ocean necessitates employing a combination of strategies including technologies to assist in ridding plastics already in the sea, policies regulating production and use of plastics and holding companies responsible.
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Increased sensitization is important to enable populations to understand the scope of harm plastics present to the environment; recycling would provide a solution to the already existing plastics including ones already in the ocean. Technologies provide less costly solutions consequently reducing economic effects of clean up whereas recycling provides reuse of these plastics instead of piling them in landfills. Plastics are can also be reused as energy which would be a more effective way of use.
Work Cited
The Ocean Cleanup. “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Ocean Cleanup. 2018.
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