Great Powers That Influenced The Treaty Of Versailles
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DownloadGreat powers that influenced the Treaty of Versailles
The theme chosen for the present work will leave the following issue: to what extent the great powers of the time influenced the Versailles treaty in 1919? To do this, the main objective of the present that I present below will meet the analysis and evaluation of a series of safe websites documents, the information is wide and is presented from different points of view, so I have selected certain referent bibliographyTo the subject, I will need to investigate the appropriate information to achieve answers related to the question raised.
With this documentary selection, I will be able to analyze how the great participants of the First World War (1914-1918) influenced to sign the Versailles treaty, the same that would promulgate the end of the fight from several sections;The crisis in the economy of Germany and the reinforcement of the United States, were decisive for the consignment of the treaty and the impact on the countries that were affected by being part of this event of the triple alliance and the triple entente, economically, economically,human, social and environmental . In addition, the situation in the deliberative countries were observed, taking advantage of a multiple of technological advances of the time and achieving favorable results of this litigation.
The consolidation of the Versailles treaty had emphasis for the end of World War I, no political, economic, social and human conflict is beneficial, for those who participated because the sequelae had an impact on the conflicting spaces and the environment.
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Finally, the rulers of the powers that participated at that time, justified the reason for the conflicts that in the end consigned the signing of the Versailles Treaty, making it clear that the events happened led the rulers to transfer and translate the signing of agreements,agreements, observations of the countries involved, achieving understandings to their benefit.
During the First World War also known as the Great War or the European War consequence of the murder of Archduke Francisco Fernando. After this act Austria blamed Serbia for such a crime and that is why on July 28, 1914 the war plan is proposed. Where on the one hand were the central powers that formed the triple alliance formed by: the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Being Austria-Hungary the main promoter of the trigger of the war, Italy was not part of this alliance due to the action carried out by Austria. Additionally, the combatants integrate the triple entente formed by: the United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire. The combat had its development worldwide, on the continents of Oceania and American.
After four years that these great powers remained conflict, a meeting in Paris is formalized to determine the future of the territory at war and the impact on the entire world since all this did indirectly impact populations from other continents, from large countries to theMore smalls. Deliberating for six long months at the Peace Conference that occurred in Paris until the peace agreement based on the end of World War I, Germany assumes the commitment not to take negative measures against the triple entente.
The Treaty of Versailles itself was one of the most scandalous and aggressive treaties in contemporary history, an act of looting perpetrated by a band of thieves against a helpless, prostrated and bleeding Germany. Among its numerous clauses, Germany and its allies were required to accept all the responsibility of the war and, under the terms of articles 231-248, disarm, make substantial territorial concessions and pay the repairs of the entente powers. Germany had to lose a large part of its territory, around six million inhabitants and half of its coal and iron resources.
The main measures of the agreement were that Germany lost the right to possess an army, except 90.000 soldiers and 4.000 officers;The troops were enlisted around twelve years in any of the aspects, and if any of them died during that period, he could not be replaced;The General Staff was also eliminated;Heavy artillery, military aviation was suppressed and all strengths and military ports should be dismantled;Likewise, weapons manufacturing were prohibited and allied Committees of Comptroller were established. Despite all this, Germany was allowed to conserve six 10 cruises.000 tons each, twelve destroyers and twelve guns;The underwater fleet was suppressed;The sea ports, and several of the rivers declared them open to the ships of the allied powers, without the need for the permission of Germany.
It should be noted that the foundations of the Versailles treaty were of imperialist diplomacy, dissected to political power without considering phrases such as freedom, humanism, pacifism and democracy.
Germany after World War I.
The fight had come to an end after the document signed on November 11, 1918. In which they emanated that the General Staff ended hostilities. After four hours of terrible events and deliberations, the western front, the German army worn by the war began to disintegrate by many factors: the discipline broke, the soldiers refused to obey their officers and defections had become an epidemicthat influence the entire context.
In November of the same year the fleet of the German sea was revealed because by rumors they learned that the ships, and their crews, would be sacrificed in the battle of the British and North American joint assemblies. German sailors are integrated with revolutionary workers.
The powerful German empire collapsed at the time of truth. The workers and sailors established the Kiel Labor Council (city). On November 4, Kiel was in the hands of the mutineers who arrested the officers and disarmed them. Delegations of workers and sailors headed towards the other ports allowing free admission if they carried the red flag with them.
The caste of officers was helpless, the state was suspended in the middle of the air and the power was on the street waiting for someone to pick it. The German ruling class immediately understood that resistance dominated space. Instead, they decided to get rid of the kaiser and based on the social democratic leaders as the only bulwark that remained of the ‘order’.
The German General Staff Deposed in its functions to Káiser Head of State and extradite it to Holland.
The German ruling class was aware that the main danger was on the internal front. A little enthusiastic attempt was made to give power to Prince Max. But, real power was in the hands of the workers’ advice. To prevent workers from establishing a revolutionary government, the German General Staff requested the services of the social democratic wing, Gustav Noske, who went to Kiel to take control of the situation and divert revolutionary workers and sailors to ‘safe’ places to ‘safe’ places(ie bourgeois). Imperialist thieves gathered in Paris were equally alarmed because history shows that the revolution is contagious.
The German representatives were systematically humiliated before entering the hall, where for the first time they faced the stone expression of the victors. Treaty terms were read. There was no discussion, the questions were not even allowed. On May 7 when they faced the conditions issued by the victors, including the so -called ‘guilty clause of the war’, the foreign minister replied to Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George: ‘We know all the hate load to whichWe face here. You demand that we confess that we are the only guilty part of the war, that confession of my mouth would be a lie ’.
These protests were not useless. The Germans assumed humiliation after defeat. Then, they retired from the procedures of the Versailles Treaty, a useless and desperate gesture. In vain the German government made a protest against what it considered unfair demands and a ‘violation of honor’. In a theatrical act, the newly elected Social Democratic Chancellor, Philipp Scheidemann, refused to sign the treaty and resigned. In a passionate speech before the National Assembly on March 12, 1919, he described the treaty as ‘Homicida Plan’ and exclaimed: ‘What the hand that tries to put chains like these withers? The treaty is unacceptable ’because Germany is conditioned to drastic demands, being unarmed, with a dissolved army being the unsustainable situation. The National Assembly voted in favor of signing the treaty for a large number of votes in favor, with 5 abstentions. Foreign Minister Hermann Müller and Johannes Bell traveled to Versailles to sign the treaty in the name of Germany. And it was signed on June 28, 1919 and ratified by the National Assembly on July 9, 1919 also with a large number of votes in favor.
This is the origin of the black legend of the ‘stab in the back’. Right nationalists and former military leaders began to blame Weimar politicians, socialists, communists and Jews for the alleged national betrayal of Germany. The "November criminals" and the newly formed Weimar Republic were responsible for the defeat. This was the melody that the Nazis and other right -wing nationalists would continually touch the next period, blame foreigners, Jews and traitors for the miseries and sufferings of the German people.
United States and Versailles treaty
On November 11, 1918, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George announced that an armistice between Germany and the Allied powers had signed. Actually, Europe was only two decades from another war even more cataclysmic. As in World War I had nothing as planned, it was inevitable that the search for peace was as vain as the expectations with which the nations had been thrown into the catastrophe. Each of the participants had planned a brief war, leaving the determination of their peace conditions to the species of diplomatic congress that had ended European conflicts in the previous century. But by increasing the casualties, reaching horrendous proportions, weighed more than the political disputes of the prelude to the conflict: the struggle for the influence in the Balkans, the possession of Alsace-Lorena and the race in the construction of warships of war. Europe’s nations came to blame the sufferings of innate evil of their adversaries and convinced an agreement could not bring an authentic peace;The enemy had to be completely defeated, or fight until the last breath.
When the winter of 1914-1915 arrived the military strategy and foreign policy had lost all contact. None of the belligerents dared to seek a peace of commitment. France would not give up until Alsacia-Lorena had recovered;Germany would not consider peace if asking to return territories that she had conquered. Once launched to war, the rulers of Europe obsessed so much by fratricide, they went crazy so much for the progressive destruction of a whole generation of their young people, that victory became their only reward, regardless of the consequences that happened. The most deadly offensive only confirmed military stagnation, producing casualties that would have been unimaginable before the arrival of modern technology. The efforts to obtain new allies confirmed the political stagnation, since each new ally-helia and Romania on the part of the allies, Bulgaria next to the central powers- demanded their part of the planned spoils, thus destroying the little flexibility that diplomacy still retained. Peace conditions little by little aroused disagreements. The aristocratic and somewhat conspiracy style of nineteenth -century diplomacy was inapplicable at the time of mass mobilization.
The great war was deduced as a typical cabinet war, based on notes that passed from one embassy to another and in the same way telegrams distributed between sovereign monarchs during all stages dissected to true combat. However, at the beginning of war and having the European streets full of exultant crowds, the conflict exposed as the Foreign Ministry became a struggle to masses.
Before the entire dimension of this disaster was evident, a largely inflicted. Between the rubble and the disappointment of three natives in charge of killing, the United States entered the international arena with a confidence, a force and idealism that were unimaginable for their exhausted European allies. The entrance of the United States into the war made technically possible the total victory, but he directed it with objectives with little relationship in the world order that Europe had known for about three centuries and for which, supposedly, he had gone to war. The United States decided the concept of balance of power, and considered the practice of Realpolitik immoral. North American norms for international order were based on democracy, collective security and self-determination, despite not stipulating in the European agreement.
End of the Great War and the Treaty of Versailles
The Versailles Treaty marked the completion of the First World War that took place for four years, began in 1914 and ends in 1918. World War I was nominated "the great war" considered a global war conflict focused on Europe starting in the summer of 1914. This conflict involved all the great powers of the world that were divided into two great opposite alliances, the allies towards the triple entente and the central empires. The Great War encompasses around 70 million in military equipment and 60 million European military people, being willing to mobilize and fulfill orders emanating and get abants and triumphant. Many of the combatants lose their lives due. This war lasts 4 long years with results of human losses, material destruction and economic effects, disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, giving opportunity to strengthen EE. UU in the political, military, social, family and economic aspects, concluding this action for the benefit of the First World War.
The Great War resorts to the conformation of the League of Nations or Society of Nations in order to promote world peace, under the mandate of the president of North America Woodrow Wilson who formulates and proposes 14 points in order to take advantage of the circumstances and directExternal conflicts between internationals and avoid future wars. On the other hand, the president of France, Clemenceau was very vigorous in the reprisals that existed against Germany, because much of the Great War developed in French territory. After that, at the end of World War I, in Berlin, the founding Congress of the Community Party of Germany continued working to end the war and on January 1, 1919 Rosa Luxemburg belonging to the Communist Party of Germany exposes a proposal that wasrejected in the past and the same was based that consisted that Germany Communist Party had to participate in future elections, therefore, a new Constituent and Parliament Assembly. Faced with these claims, the party does not interest winning the elections, but is inclined to a coup d’etat. Some time later, in these circumstances there are several clashes in European territory, which entails that on January 18, 1919, negotiations between the allies begin in Paris and stipulates several peace conditions to the central empires, and prevent the counterattack. Becoming a 10 -member committee, integrating British, French, Americans, Italians and Japanese, finally this committee is made up of four heads of government: David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson and Vittorio Emanuel Orlando, who, during a varietyof meetings, based on the same objective they achieved the end of the great war.
President Wilson of North America set out to create a society, to which the payroll of nations, oriented to peacefully resolve any other conflict and promulgates a reorganization of the borders of Europe, as long as it is considered and respect the ethnic groups of each regionand apply their fourteen points that had been proposed at the end of 1918. These points from the moment they were exposed, constituted the only possibility of peace, in a world where the Bolshevik revolution had triumphed in Russia, which negotiated peace separately, with the central empires. This constituted a great danger in the western front since the Germans could concentrate their armies in Flanders and the north of France.
On January 27 the allies arrived in a small town in Russia, after a long and exhausting trip since they had to resist several attacks by the Red Army during the following weeks. On the other hand, Greek, French and British troops landed in Odessa willing to cooperate with the Germans.
When the Treaty of Versailles was signed, it imposed as the main condition that had a variety of penalties for the fall of Germany, this causes the economic crisis in European territory that assumed the excessive payment of its resources to solve the fight in the war, because they hadto invest money and encourage the improvement of military arsenal such as: war tanks and airplanes, to cause terrestrial and air attacks. In addition, as a main condition of the Versailles Treaty was the loss of an extensive part of the territory of Germany. The defeated countries underwent changes in their borders and Europe totally changed their physiognomy that meant "the end of a certain rectractive European mentality", showing "the deep crisis of the culture of modernity". The fall by Germany, the dissolution of Austria – Hungary and the taking of power in Russia by the Bolsheviks, led to the victors freedom of action to determine the characteristics of peace.
After 5 years of the murder of Archduke Francisco Fernando de Austria, Germany and the allies decided to promulgate peace and for this reason they agreed to sign the Versailles Treaty. Where the territorial changes that took place after the signature consisted that France recovered Alsace and Lorena;Germany lost the part that had corresponded to him in the partitions of Poland, a Polish corridor that was granted to Poland to have exit to the sea, and disconnected Prussia from the rest of Germany;The Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrates, Austria is reduced to the Germanic population region, prohibiting from having some link with Germany, in addition, Hungary lost most of its historical territories, which became part of Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania.
After having applied a bibliographic investigation and a specific analysis of the various historical documents provided in the web pages selected to carry out this work, it was provided to me to specify in what is based on the Versailles treaty and the way in which the great powers ofThat time, the United States, Great Britain and France, influenced the agreements and signing of the treaty.
In relation to the issue to be investigated, I have recorded information regarding the subject, investigating the argumentation and comparison for the analysis, the impact of the end of the First World War the same that affected certain peoples, communities and countries that were foundTo the limit of the region where the conflict occurred, after many consequences in the end, the Versailles treaty consolidates. Within this context I have analyzed the combat between the triple alliance against the triple entrance, Germany was shattered in all aspects.
First of all, the consolidation and signing of the Versailles Treaty was the best solution to this problem, since the combat would end and prevent more destruction in the sides and spaces that were involved in the conflict, this signed was carried out inThe city of Versailles, at the beginning of 1919.The rulers of the United States, France, Great Britain and including Germany, they realized that the great war was getting worse and causing negative effects in all human, economic, industrial and territorial aspects.
That is why, at the beginning of 1919, when a Board was held in Paris, both the countries that formed the triple alliance and those of the Triple Entente were forced to accept the agreement and end the attacks. Although it was possible to end the Great War, it was not completely obtained favorable results by both sides, on the contrary, Germany was too affected, this was due to the fact that it had lost much of its economy and population, in addition, thatVersailles’s treaty imposed him to remove his power over the people of Alsacia and Lorena losing much of his army affecting his economy.
Dightening characters such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, supported the consignment of the treaty and were present while carrying out. Woodrow Wilson Support for the completion of the fight from their exhibition about its 14 points based on proposals for the creation of objectives that defend the triple entente and serve for peace negotiations against the central empires.
Given these circumstances, the German people, when the most affected in relation to their aggressors accesses what the treaty stipulates, although later I choose to reveal itself and not fulfill what the Treaty of Versailles stipulates, overcoming the effects that the first war entailsworld. In short, the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany, were pointed out as the main authors of what was the treaty of Versailles, since they would no longer accept more deaths, destruction of infrastructure and economic loss, they knew the seriousness of the matter andAs this negatively affects the people immersed in the conflict and those of the environment. From all this, the creation of the Nations League is encouraged to avoid aggressions, reduce weapons, consolidate peace and security in internal and external spaces of deliberative countries.
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