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Group Project Reflection and Peer Evaluation


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Group Project Reflection
Instructions: Write your answers in complete sentences. Be as specific as possible and provide as specific of instances as possible. Highlight, Bold or CAPITALIZE any terminology you might use from the text. Your paragraph/supporting example needs to be a minimum of 4 descriptive sentences.
There are NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS, but you do need to fully explain and provide an example that demonstrates how your words or actions meet that description.
Read the statements below. Choose A, B, C, or D and then write a developed paragraph describing in your own words exactly what you did that fits that description.
When contributing to your team discussions or at team meetings, did you:
Share an idea that ultimately did not advance the work of the group,
Offer a new suggestion to the group that did advance the work of the group,
Offer an alternative solution or course of action that built upon other group members’ ideas, OR
Help the team move forward by articulating the merits of other ideas?
Your Letter Choice: B
Paragraph/supporting example:
During our group discussions, I offered new suggestions that helped us with the task that we were handling. I suggested that every group member should be assigned a role to ensure that everybody played a part in the team. As a result, every member was assigned a topic to research on before our next group meeting where we would compile our findings. The result was that everybody understood their task and it minimized time wastage and helped us in clearing our work in good time.

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Read the statements below. Choose A, B, C, or D and then write a developed paragraph describing in your own words exactly what you did that fits that description.
When you engaged with your team members, did you:
Take turns and listen to others without interrupting,
Restate the views of other team members and/or ask questions for clarification,
Constructively build upon or synthesize the contributions of others,
Constructively build upon or synthesize the contributions of others, as well as notice when someone was not participating and invite them to engage?
Your Letter Choice: A
Paragraph/supporting example:
When engaging with other team members, we took turns without interrupting. Turn-taking was important since it assisted in putting across points in a logical way and it gave room for note-taking. As a result, we were able to identify the areas where we were lacking in ideas and take in new ideas from the research that the group members had done. Turn-taking helped create decorum in the group, and it assisted us in ensuring that every point we required for the project was put across.
Read the statements below. Choose A, B, C, or D and then write a developed paragraph describing in your own words exactly what you did that fits that description.
During the course of working with your group would you say you:
Completed the required work by the deadline.
Completed the required work, AND the work you did advanced the project.
Completed the required work, AND the work you did was thorough, comprehensive, and advanced the project.
Completed the required work, AND the work you did was thorough, comprehensive, and advanced the project, and you proactively helped other team members complete their assigned tasks to a similar level of excellence.
Your Letter Choice: D
Paragraph/supporting example:
After doing thorough research, I managed to complete the required work. I also ensured that I advanced the project to get more insight into the topic of discussion. Afterwards, I assisted other team members to complete their tasks so that we could move forward with the project. This helped in achieving an excellent quality of work and it helped us in delivering a unique project.
Look at the four statements below. Identify how many and which (A, B, C, and/or D) of the four statements describe your work with your group and give a short example for each.
Treated team members respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication
Used positive vocal or written tone, facial expressions, and/or body language to convey a positive attitude about the team and its work,
Motivated teammates by expressing confidence about the importance of the task and the team’s ability to accomplish it,
Provided assistance and/or encouragement to team members.
Your Letter Choice or Choices (may choose one, some, or all): A
Paragraph/supporting example(s):
In my time in the group, I treated each team member respectfully. Respect was paramount in ensuring that we could achieve the group objective. I talked to each member politely and responded to their questions in a way that showed respect. This facilitated constructive engagements and it helped us to be comfortable around each other.
Read the statements below. Choose A, B, C, or D and then write a developed paragraph describing in your own words exactly what you did that fits that description.
During the course of working with your group, would you say you:
Passively accepted alternate viewpoints/ideas/opinions of your group members,
Redirected focus toward common ground, toward task at hand (away from conflict),
Identified and acknowledged conflict and stayed engaged with it.
Addressed destructive conflict directly and constructively, helping to manage/resolve it in a way that strengthens overall team cohesiveness and future effectiveness.
Your Letter Choice: D
Paragraph/supporting example:
When I was working with the group members, I ensured that destructive conflict was addressed. This helped in ensuring that conflict amongst members or ideas did not create hostility in the group or inhibit progress. As a result, there was strength in the team and this gave us a chance to look forward to working together again in future projects. Addressing conflict assisted me in discovering my leadership skills and appreciating differences.

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