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Hammurabi Codes Laws


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Hammurabi codes laws


“In the New World of Amore Dynasties, Babylon was just a kingdom of medium dimensions. And there, in 1792 to.C., a new ruler named Hammurabi ”National Geographic rose to the throne. In the north of Mesopotamia were the Assyrians, made by Shubat-Enlil, and the South was dominated by Rim-Sin, in the city of Larsa. The three powers were in permanent fight for the domain of Mesopotamia and commercial routes. From 1787 to 1781 to.C conquered some territories to the north and south, which was the cause of the Assyria and Larsa alliance.


The Babylonians, being polytheistic, worshiped many gods, and the most powerful was Maduk, who directed the rest of the gods and was responsible for watching around the city. As for architecture, the castles and palaces were of large and splendor. The zigurats were staggered towers that worked as temples in which different gods were worshiped and, in addition, they also served to observe the universe and the city, making present the importance that astronomy had in this civilization.

The tombs of royalty used to be well -elaborate artificial hills, made with clay bricks, containing funeral chambers of up to 10 or 15 meters high. Another of the outstanding buildings of the Babylonians under the Hammurabi government were the hanging gardens, which was a stepped construction where gardens and decorative trees were planted. These hanging gardens were proclaimed as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

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It is also known for the curse that the Hebrews, in their captivity at the hands of the Assyrians to launch in this capital: “Babylon will be a lot of ruins, a guard of jacals, a reason for desolation and mockery will never have inhabitants.". After being razed by the Persian invaders, the city was decaying and the Hebrew curse seemed to be fulfilled. “The society, based on a monogamous family that consented the concubinage, was organized around three social classes: the Awellum, fully free citizens;Mushkenum, free with some kind of imprecise dependence;And the Wardum, slaves with some rights ".


The most important thing was the compilation of laws embodied in a written text: the Hammurabi Code. This text was a very important step in legal culture, since it meant the positivity of law, that is, it was arbitrary. At the death of Shamshi-Adad in 1781 to.C, his predecessor followed him, but he did not know how to take control of the city and she was dominated by the houses. 

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