Hand zone
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DownloadFlexor Muscles of the Hand
Flexor Muscles of the Hand
Flexor muscle refers to any muscles that reduce the angle between bones on two sides of the joint for example bending the knee or elbow. The system of the flexor tendon of the hand is composed of different flexor muscles such as that of the forearm, specialized digital sheath flexor, and extension of cords. These parts work seamlessly to give efficient and smooth flexing of individuals digits of the hand. There are five flexor tendon zones in hand. Also, there are different flexor muscles of the hand such as digitorium profundus, digitorium superficial, palmaris longus and flexor carpi ulnaris. This work will focus on the anatomy of flexor muscle digitorium profundus in Zone 1.
Zone 1 extends from the tip of the finger to the middle of the central phalanx. Gosling, Harris, Humpherson, Whitmore, and Willan (2016) explains that the Flexor Digitorium profundus is found in this region and originates from the upper three-quarter of the medial and anterior surface of the shaft of the ulna. This is the long bone on the pinky- side of the forearm. From the ulna, the flexor digitorum profundus muscle extends down the forearm and inserts at the tip of the bones of the fingers, not including the thumb. The muscle inserts the bottom side of the phalanges. Four tendons sprout from the tissue; every cord connects to the second and fifth digits of the palmar shaft of the distal phalanx.
The digitorium profundus is forearm muscle of humans that aids in the flexing of the fingers.
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This muscle has long tendons that connect to the side of palmar of the finger bone, and it lies deep but attaches more distally. It aids the muscles in the lumbrical in the extension of interphalangeal joints (Gosling et al., 2016). The digitorium profundus flexor muscle main action is in flexing the distal interphalangeal joints of the middle four fingers. Flexion of the digits refers to the effect of moving or bending the fingers towards the palm. Thus the finger flexion is needed anytime you grab something, from a fork when you eat, to a doorknob when you open a door. Also, it plays a role in the flexion of the whole hand, which is the downward bending of the wrist.
The ability to fold the digits consists of a system forearm flexor muscles, and their tendons are connected to the bones of the fingers. Thus, laceration of flexor muscle will affect the functionality of the fingers. The reason for this that flexor muscles aid the bending of the finger, thus if this muscle is damaged the finger especially the middle four fingers cannot bend hence making gripping impossible. A small injury on the skin could not affect other tendons in the hand zone. But if the injury is that serious, it could affect the operation of zone 1 and hence affects other tendons of the hand. Nevertheless, zone 1 contains only flexor digitorium profundus, cuts, and bruises in this zone would produce cut to flexor digitorum profundus only.
One of the common activity humans are involved in is eating. Think of a situation where you cannot feed yourself because the essential flexor muscles are dysfunctional due to injury or damage? It is clear therefore from the discussion that the digitorum profundus flexor muscle is a vital organ especially in the movement of the fingers thus the need to care for it.
Gosling, J. A., Harris, P. F., Humpherson, J. R., Whitmore, I., & Willan, P. L. (2016). Human Anatomy, Color Atlas, and Textbook E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
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