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Health Administration


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Health administration

Surely as a nursing student, the question has arisen. Why do they give us administration in the career? This essay will talk about the importance of the administration within our career and not only of that but that in the entire field of health, and because the need to apply the administration within the branch of health has emerged,It will also be mentioned about the quality of services and why these go hand in hand with the administration.

The subject of the administration has two particular functions which are based on the basic principles of the administration which are based on planning and organizing and these will be related to all branches of health and mainly with the health of each of eachthe patients.

We can consider it as contemporary due to the relationship it has with various areas and tasks that are currently necessary. The person in charge of the Administration will have an important role in health specifically if we speak within a hospital, clinic or a public health sub-center, which will be responsible for the management that will be carried out in any institution already mentioned above or anyAnother establishment related to services and patient care.

If we refer to the administration in the field of health, we realize that it is based on the various processes such as the planning, organization, direction and control of the various institutions that are within the entities related to theHealth who are in charge of health care and foster the same.

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They must also be able to verify the administration of the quality of the services given to the patients, it is responsible for trying to occupy the least amount of resources such as those that are financial, physical and technological within the institution.

If we refer to hospitals we realize that they have few resources then it is necessary that these resources be handled in the most efficient way possible with their objective which is to meet the needs of people who are within health services.

With the administration, students will be trained to develop various mechanisms for community participation, carry out various studies and research on the services that are being given in the institution, verify and evaluate that the care provided to patients is of quality and at the same time being able to guideTo others to be able to provide a good service, it is able to make good decisions for the institution.

If we mention a little history we can realize that throughout history the administration given within a hospital was empirical which arose from the sixties, which ceased to be empirical to be scientific, acquiring a trainingUniversity which was given by administration professionals, then there were administration schools in public and hospitable health and various associations which aimed to train professionals in the administration which in favor of the time to develop a goodI work within the hospital, at the beginning of the century several administration professionals have already been seen working within a public health entity. At the beginning with hospital care, they realized that it was not possibleoriginated in the same. Currently the work of a nurse doctor and an administrator have been carried by the hand since the joint work of these has been able to have a better functioning within the public health entity, this was strengthened due to the few resources that are toldWithin a hospital both material and economic resources.

We can also define another group of administrators who mention them as administrators who are not within a hospital if they are in offices, it could be said that said administrators have a fundamental role within the entire process, they are responsible for taking theLast decision which has been balanced after the years matching with the number of administrators within an entity of public health, it should be emphasized that each one sees for their own interests.

It is necessary to take into account the administrative processes which are based on scientific foundations considered a science by applying a bit of technique to various administrative processes, then it is considered necessary that all officials of a public health entity take the various training to arrive to arriveto have excellence within the institution. With the aforementioned it is seen that teamwork is vital so that they can carry a good environment and work and mainly fulfill their objective which is based on giving good care to patients. Patient service must be the same without lowering importance to the administrative part.

If we talk about health, we must consider that the entities in charge of this are those who see the welfare of the health of each of the people and at the same time the quality of life that their function can have for this reason is a bit complexsince as mentioning they are the ones who direct them are to power. For the aforementioned reason it is necessaryIt can consider as technique and art, if we integrate it with the health sector, we must take into account the intersectorality which will official in the political and technological sphere to be able to give a clear response to the social determination of health.

The importance of having good control within the health fields throughout history has not had an easy role that in health entities it has had enough responsibility to reach what would be success since thought exists that excellence is reached from the institution does not lack the money necessary to continue progressing, if we develop that thought we realize that it is in everything wrong since not everything is based on money so that the Entity or institution advances or reaching its excellence, clearly that at the beginning of this the money is considered necessary so that the company can be carried out and have a good economic source to pay its employees but after a while it is It is necessary that the company of a warmth and quality service, if we refer to health -related entities, it is necessary that they give good care to the patients, so that the institution gets to have M As patients and I can generate more income in this case I am referring to the clinics since when they belong to the private sector their service is not free, so if people receive good care within the clinic this patient will return and also make promotion now that to their family and friends he will tell the good service that said institution gave him, which although it is a service for which their employees must be paid, they give a warmth and quality service to the patient.

For these reasons, it is necessary that every student or professional has a minimal idea of what the Administration is, since it is necessary that you know how to act in the right way in front of said position in a few words is to be able to handle in crisis situations with the available resourceswhat the institution tells.

In order for institutions to be part of a good economic system, it should not be considered as a good investment and not just an expense, it is of vital importance that is known how to manage the company, in themselves to solve various problems that it can face between them We have the various professional skills that it presents, making decisions, that there is a good leadership within it which allows the company to remain afloat and have a good organization in which there is good communication since there will be no discussions inside From it and it can be carried in a peaceful way, it is also necessary to approach various strategies so that they lead to the good performance and progress of the company, another problem is that it must be adapted to the changes that are given so much inside as outside the company, if all these problems would not be solved the institution would be one more of the pile since it would only be an institution that generates expenses.

Then the administration within each institution is considered super important in this case we refer to those related to health which has its objective in achieving good care as a quality and warmth care would be said using the least necessary amount of resources that are necessary, we can take into account technology which helps us progress and take into account that it is going through the years each time it has a new advance which within the administration will help us a lot.

Then it is necessary that within education the subject of the administration is available since it will help us to develop when we already exercise our profession, at the same time it will contribute us to carry a good organization always thought about the well -being of people in this caseWe refer to patients.

If we realize within this writing, the word quality has been written several times then a new doubt arises of how companies define quality, and if we refer to these institutions, most of these are based on the fact that the quality of the sameis to have a certification record which is the recognition in which it is ensured that the products and services are of good quality.

Then we can direct that quality comes from good administration, this administration must have an innovation since as we know that all companies must have many improvements to progress.

The quality is based on three foundations which we will define as the primary support to define what is quality;

  1. 1 At present, the concept of quality is determined by the diverse needs of people, giving the origin to a self-control and which is based on the improvements that can be given.
  2. To define quality, it is necessary that all workers develop their work in a united manTo learn to work as a team, these training should be repetitively since these can help make the company close success where it is essential that there is a person who has the leadership capacity to help grow so much to the companylike each of the participants inside it.
  3. It is necessary that science be applied since people who are in charge of management should be based on it to get to have good results within the company, with the other points mentioned above we realize that they proposed what the trainings arewhich generate an expense for the company, so we realize that companies currently do not give a quality service because of that since their leaders do not invest the training of employees thinking that it will only give them an expense which is notThey realize it is that if the institution has employees to offer a quality service, said company will reach success because the people who have been attended came to recommend this institution and thus will have new clients, with all this I mean that the leaders mustdo the thing well to the first. 


Currently, the administration in an institution is based on the individuality of its officials since each one is important for the company. These officials also have the ability to give suggestions so that the company can improve, since it is necessary that the company make its officialsWork together in order to be able to adapt to new changes and improvements that can be given, then we define that each employee is able to be responsible in each of the acts that he performs knowing the best decisions for the operation of the company.

The administration within a hospital is applied to the way where the company gets to use the least amount of resources but give excellent service which is of quality.

It is necessary that much attention be paid to technological changes because as we know technology every day progresses a little more, hospitals as an entity that is responsible for serving people said service will be of health then it is vitally important to provideMuch attention to technology, which is why it was mentioned above that it is necessary that officials have the ability to adapt to improvements, take advantage of such technology since it can help officials have a greater knowledge of their area through it, in addition to improvingThe quality of services.

The advance of hospitals is the result of administrative work, since it is able to respond to the various changes that the community has, both political and technological economic.

Now we will focus a little more within our career which is nursing and where we have the importance of the relationship of these where we can highlight that it does not differ in anything to the other since they have the same objective which is to try to work withthe least amount of resources but giving good care to patients. Where we can apply improvements to the entire health entity for which it is necessarypublic health, which is part of the motivation of a nurse that allows the patient to have good care and therefore reach their improvement.

We can conclude that the administration is of vital importance since without it you cannot have excellence in any type of company in this case we refer to health where the administration takes an important role, in addition the work inset of all officials so that a good quality of the service is reached, so that with this the institution has a good competition and thus exceed the others. It is worth mentioning that if it is necessary that students be said about this subject so that at the time of exercising their profession they do not face something new but already know how to face that challenge of how to cope with the institution in an effective and efficient way.


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