Health Care
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Pages: 1
Ethical Dilemma in the Food Industry
The food industry has an obligation to respect its consumers’ autonomy, but it is also obligated to protect their health. The industry should respect consumers’ tastes and preferences, but it should first make them aware of the unhealthy effects of junk foods. The main objectives of the food industry are consumer satisfaction, product safety and availing product information. The industry has a role in promoting healthy eating by educating citizens on healthy and unhealthy eating habits (Hammaker et al., 2017). When citizens are aware of the healthy and unhealthy foods, they will be able to come up with the right decisions on what to eat and what to leave.
The food industry should hold campaigns to educate citizens on healthier eating habits, its importance and how the habits can be achieved. With this knowledge, the consumer will be able to make the right choice. University professionals should consider offering healthy eating courses so as to educate scholars who later will help in educating other citizens. It should make sure that food products delivered to consumers are safe for human consumption. Information concerning the product should be given, for example, its fat content, cholesterol level and sugar levels (Hammaker et al., 2017). With all the information, people will be able to decide on whether to consume that specific product or not.
As the industry manufactures unhealthy or junk food, it should minimize the number of harmful substances, for example, they can prepare snacks using healthy oils and minimize the cholesterol level.
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This will help in reducing health issues such as obesity and overweight cases. Consumers should be made aware of the good and bad and they will be able to choose responsibly.
Works Cited
Hammaker, D., Knadig, T. & Tomlinson, S. (2017). Health care ethics and the law. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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