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Health Crisis Due To Covid-19 In Guayaquil


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Health crisis due to COVID-19 in Guayaquil


What caused the crisis in Guayaquil? The inaction of the authorities and rulers? The lack of commitment of citizens? Low capacity of the health and funeral system?

The collapse of the health system in Ecuador left dead in the streets of Guayaquil, the images of this catastrophe toured the world, this city was the first and the most hit by the pandemic in our country. The high contagios index has earned him recognized as the "Ecuadorian Wuhan" is that the province of Guayas whose capital is Guayaquil, for mid -April concentrated about 70% of the total cases confirmed as positive throughout the country. The late reaction by the government contributed greatly to the transmission of the virus becoming a community so quickly, because the quarantine began almost a month after the first case of abroad had imported, in addition to the controls in incomeboth terrestrial and airport at the beginning that the health crisis can cause Ecuador in the future.

Specific objectives

  • Indicate the lack of coordination between the Government and the Municipality in the management of the fight against COVID-19.
  • Criticize the irresponsibility of people for not complying with the biosafety standards given by the COE (emergency operations center) and WHO.
  • Identify different biosecurity measures that delay the propagation of the virus.


Conceptual framework

The coronavirus are a wide family of viruses symptoms of these range from a common flu and can also reach more serious respiratory diseases, as is the case with the coronavirus causing the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers-Cov) and the person responsible for respiratory syndromeSerious acute (Sras-Cov) and in some cases they can even be lethal such as the new coronavirus Sras-COV-2 which is the virus that produces the crown virus virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), this is a new type ofCoronavirus that was first detected between November and December 2019 and initialthe same.

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The clinical picture of an infected person with Coronavirus begins with a respiratory symptomatology that is not standard or that is not the same for everyone, it can start with the most common symptoms that are: dry cough, fever and tiredness;Some people develop other less common symptoms such as: general discomfort, pain, discomfort, throat pain, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of the sense of smell or taste, skin rashes or loss of color in the fingers of the hands orfrom the feet. And there are also cases that present other symptoms that are already serious and are: difficulty breathing or feeling lack of air, pain or chest pressure, inability to speak or move. The government’s recommendation in our country is that if you present any or several of these symptoms, call the number 171 of TV Medicine, so that you talk to an operator and this one oriente about how you should act. The main question is if you were in recent days in contact with a person who has been positive and then recommend you to go to emergencies. Likewise, if you present one or more serious symptoms you must go to emergencies to be evaluated by a health professional. People who present minor or less serious symptoms are that they keep confinement in their homes and follow the recommendations of medical staff and only the people who present serious symptoms this to avoid agglomerations of people in hospitals and that with which with whichcollapse can occur in these places and also prevent more infections from being.

The Sars-Cov-2 virus has affected the entire world very much causing countries to enter a serious health crisis. Health crises put the health services to the limit and these occur when there is a high probability of health risk and this risk is much more lethal than any other health problem of the time or the place where it occurs. In addition, you cannot measure the scope of the health problem due to the speed of propagation of the same.

The virus called Sras-COV-2 has not only harmed the place where it originated, but has also affected the entire world causing countries to enter a serious health crisis, these crises occur when health services institutions are at the limitFor the outbreak of a healthy health problem to control, because there is a surplus in the number of patients who can attend and there is a high probability that the health problem spread more quickly since most people havethat being confined in your home so they do not receive adequate attention. This generates instability in the health system facilitating the spread of the virus and that it becomes much more lethal due to the viral load in the environment, and its scope cannot be compared with any health problem that has occurred in the time and region.

Controlling the advance and spread of the virus is not at all an easy task and must be taken seriously by all Ecuadorians and must be a responsible struggle and. a social commitment, why is it not something that can get it a single person. Unfortunately in our country there is a lot.

What is social irresponsibility? According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), “irresponsibility is defined as: adj. Said to a person who cannot be demanded responsibility, who adopts important decisions without due meditation.”(RAE, S. F.) There are many mechanisms to fight this pandemic, but while people are irresponsible and take it lightly, it will not be able to control it and will continue to cause pain, anguish and death.

It is very important to stay informed about the progress of COVID-19 and on biosafety standards to avoid the propagation of the virus. The WHO gave a list of basic protection measures against the new coronavirus that are: wash your hands frequently since the virus is killed, when you sneeze cover your mouth with a handkerchief and discard it immediately to prevent the propagation of germs, maintainsocial distancing and thus avoid getting infected with any disease, etc.

Methodological framework

This research focused on analyzing the city of Guayaquil that is located in the province of Guayas, one of the largest cities in the Republic of Ecuador, which has a population in the metropolitan area close to 3113 725 inhabitants. This city passed for a moment of great instability in the health system and passed through a moment of health and social emergency for the propagation of the COVID-19.

For the elaboration of this study on the health crisis due to COVID-19 in Guayaquil, the qualitative study methodology will be used, since non-numerical data will be used to perform a critical analysis of the management of this situation by the corresponding authorities, citizens and everything related to this problem of world interest in the corresponding city. This study will be done based on explanatory research data and arguing on how the crisis could be handled in a better way and avoid making future errors more focused on the behavior and way in which citizens assumed the responsibility of What entails living a worldwide pandemic or emergency and the city authorities as a study approach for the project, the study focused on the city of Guayaquil because of the way this city faced the pandemic becoming one of the Cities with more percentage of infections and deaths worldwide and as an additional data mentioning that I have more cases of COVID-19 than in several countries of the world since their number of infections and deaths is very high for the number of inhabitants that exist The city, so a wide variety of documentary information about the “COVID-19”, “Guayaquil” and “Social irresponsibility” will be collected, since this for this ma can be known and better understand the severity of the situation and the social importance that entails the issue that is going to be discussed and thus can be exposed much better the reality that was lived and continues to live in Guayaquil.


With this research we have been able to identify the causes of the serious health and social crisis caused by the COVID-19 in our country, especially in the Buenos Aires city of Guayaquil.

Despite the increase in the infected and even the deceased because of the disease, the attitude of the Guayaquileños did not change during the crisis and every day was seen in the streets of the Pearl of the Pacific to their citizens or to a good part of these transitWithout taking into account the measures ordered by the health authorities, such as the use of masks or tapping, and there were also disturbances between police and liberators who reused to fulfill the state of emergency ordered by the President of the Republic.

It was also evidenced that during the first weeks of the pandemic in Guayaquil there was very little communication between the authorities of the COE and the Mayor’s Office, it was clearly noticed that they made decisions separately and even contradictory, this caused that misinformation be generateddisorder and chaos in the city, therefore;illness and death, so the funeral system collapsed since deaths increased every day.

The months of April and May were tremendously serious for the Ecuadorian population especially for the Guayaquileños, since the confinement plunged into poverty many homes, since the majority of the inhabitants of the Buenos Aires city are informal workers who live on the day, byThis reason reused themselves in their homes because they had to go looking for income to be able to provide food to their homes.

The strength of the pandemic in Guayaquil was too large when comparing it with the rest of the country, this could be evidencecollapsed this city and shocked the entire country. However, it is necessary to clarify that together with the truthful information, a lot of sensational information also circulated, which generated panic and horror.

The World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health has reported on several occasions that when it is a new disease, studies to determine a cure are still scarce, therefore, they emphasize that each person is responsible and put into practice theBiosafety recommendations especially the use of chin, hand washing and especially social distancing.

Analysis of results

On March 11, 2020, the Minister of Health declared through Ministerial Agreement no 00126-2020 in a state of emergency to the National Health System, in order to try to stop the progress of the disease produced by SRAS-COV-2. However and despite the measures adopted it seemed impossible to stop the propagation of the virus.

The COE had a curfew from 2:00 p.m. to 05:00 hours, and although most citizens stayed in their homes for their own will, many people were still seen traveling through the streets of Guayaquil.

For the month of April, the city of Guayaquil was the most affected in the country with about 50% of positive cases throughout the country, the main cause of citizen commitment being the main cause since the Guayaquileños refused to stay in their homes andComply with the measures arranged and on the other hand the scarce of resources in the health system, a good part of the medical staff was infected. The hospitable system exceeded its maximum capacity, by the end of April the number of deceased by COVID-19 approached the thousand confirmed people and other eight hundred dead with suspicion.


After developing the present study, various conclusions could be reached with respect to how pandemic in Ecuador, mainly in Guayaquil. It could be seen that the rapid propagation of COVID-19 was not only the fault of the government, but also of the inhabitants of the country that were not taken seriously the warnings given by the various health agencies, quasily minimizing the importance of preventing progressof the virus.

Also the lack of dialogue between the different authorities when making a decision made it very clear that the country was not prepared to handle such a situation, as a consequence of this crisis, the country would remain with great economic problems for several years, problems that problems thatAt present they are not able to appreciate very well.

This unpleasant experience lived in Guayaquil will serve the country to better manage future health or social crises, since thanks to this it will be avoided that next generations make the same mistakes.


Recommendations Methodologies

The recommendations that appear in this project, intend to provide a general orientation to those interested in developing protocols for the prevention, control and management of the health crisis.

The information presented here seeks to generate a practical guide in the development of COVID-19 care and prevention management protocols.

Academic recommendations

One of the most important recommendations in the academic field is to continue with the investigations that help us develop the different management, care and prevention protocols of the disease.

Practical recommendations

After having prepared the project, within the practical recommendations we must emphasize that in order to control the health crisis it is very important to follow certain recommendations that allow the protocols for control and prevention of the disease.

Next, we will present the procedure to follow to prevent, control and avoid the spread of the disease:

Hand washing:

The correct hand washing is one of the fundamental steps in the process of infection prevention.

Adopt respiratory hygiene measures:

Cover your mouth with the elbow fold or with a disposable handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.

Social distancing:

Maintain distance between people and person, at least one meter away and especially the people who cough and sneeze.

Avoid manipulation of potential contagion areas:

Do not touch your nose, eyes and mouth.

Control the physical means:

Regularly control body temperature.


If it exists, dry cough or difficulty breathing, contact the medical system for proper surveillance.


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