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Hearing Disability In Students


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Hearing disability in students

Within the framework of attention to diversity, there are a number of measures at the level of the educational center to address educational inclusion. Attention to diversity is the basic principle of the current education system as collected in Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, according to the consolidated text after its new writing by the modifications introduced by the Organic Law8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of educational quality (LOE-LOMCE) “Equity, which guarantees equal opportunities, educational inclusion and non-discrimination and acts as a compensatory element of personal inequalities,cultural, economic and social, with special attention to those derived from disability."

Its practical execution requires that the educational centers guarantee the implementation of mechanisms and procedures for the identification of the specific educational support needs (NEAE) that a student can present, so that it is possible to establish the educational attention that will require.

In this activity we will work with Alfredo, a student who presents a prelocutive, sensory, bilateral, severe deafness. Alfredo is 7 years old and is squeeze second in Primary Education. At 5 years he was made a cochlear implant but he has not yet obtained the expected performance. He is schooled in a school in a small town, which has a audition and language teacher formed in the attention to implanted children. The socioeconomic and cultural level of the family is medium, their parents have accepted the disability well, however, they are disoriented and do not know how to act.

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From its characteristics their low attention capacity and the dependency of the adult are highlighted to perform the tasks. Its main difficulties focus on the areas of the curriculum related to oral and written language. Despite having little participation in group activities, their relationship with the group is quite good.

The student who occupies us in the following activity presents Neae. According to the LOE-LOMCE, Acneae is one that “requires educational attention different from the ordinary for presenting special educational needs, due to specific learning difficulties, ADHD, due to its high intellectual abilities, for having incorporated late into the educational system, or bypersonal conditions or school history ". Specifically presents Nee, defined by the LOE-Lomce as "that student who requires, for a period of their schooling or throughout it, certain specific support and educational attention derived from disability or serious behavior disorder".

At the level of teacher training, the audition and language teacher (AL) has training in implanted children, presents knowledge in complemented word and will develop an auditory training program with the student. The therapeutic pedagogy teacher (PT) must also have knowledge about the complemented word, in addition to knowing the evolution of Alfredo’s group-class. Teachers in the ordinary classroom should be advised in terms of strategies to be carried out, for example, in the development of didactic units, they must take into account that the activities are shared or shared with adaptation, using, for example, reading techniqueseasy or specific didactic materials and adapting the aid and the duration of them. Similarly, the complemented word will be used interchangeably by the ordinary classroom teachers as by the specific teachers, so everyone must have the appropriate knowledge.

At the level of attitudes and values of the educational community, a gymkana of sensitization at school will be carried out, in which games are made to better understand the lives of classmates with disabilities. In relation to hearing impairment, some activities can be "once ease …", in which a story will be read about the difficulties facing a girl with hearing loss and students who end the story will be asked, toExplain how the character can feel, what happens to him or how can he help him. Another activity can be “Do you understand me?”, Which consists of asking one of the students to try to convey a message to their classmates without issuing sounds and that others have to understand it using lip reading.

On the other hand, inclusive practices will be carried out that encourage the elimination of barriers. Additional resources such as luminous notices, FM, magnetic loops, signs, quality megafonies, texts of texts, videoporters, etc. In addition, augmentative and alternative communication systems are necessary.

As for actions and programs, it is very important that they occur collaboratively among all teachers, ordinary or specialists (PT and Al). The compensation of their difficulties in oral and written language justify the need for an acns in the areas of LCyL and foreign languages, as well as the specialized intervention of the teachers specializing in PT (cotuador) and in close coordination with the teacher of the group2ºA. The teacher of Al Pada a specific auditory training program, the teaching of the complemented word and the development of language that are essential aspects for the evolution of Alfredo.

Regarding relationships and cooperation with the family and the educational community, parents must be informed about the educational response offered to the student in the center, justifying the need for each action, guaranteeing their desire to enhance oral languageand written. On the other hand, they must acquire the commitment to learn, simultaneously to how the child does, knowledge about the complemented word, in order to expand and improve their communication. In addition, it is important to offer support in the realization of school tasks, avoiding overprotection. Finally, they need to teach Alfredo to use permanently and take care of the cochlear implant, and avoid rejection.  

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