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Hidden Cause Of Sexual Violation


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Hidden cause of sexual violation


As a result of the world situation, on March 16, 2020, the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, announced the state of emergency and declaration of quarantine;In this context, people experience physical discomforts, many of them caused by emotional discomforts, caused by social isolation. These discomforts can be anxiety, fear, fear, sadness, concern, etc., especially if people do not meet their needs;Accompanied to all this, the psychosocial problems that are rooted in our society are not separated, being one of them, physical and sexual violence towards vulnerable women and populations,

In the current stage of confinement, violence against women and vulnerable populations, it is a threat that is further aggravated, proof of this, line 100 of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, has been the most used means by the victimsFor the request for help, having received around 5,438 calls for violence against women. Likewise, 43 cases of rape have been attended, being that, of them, 27 were perpetrated against minors within their own home, without considering rural or Amazonian areas.

On the other hand, quarantine reduces the availability of psychosocial interventions and psychotherapeutic routine advice, for this reason the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations is working on the prevention of gender -based violence during quarantine, through productsof communication for mass media (radio and television) and the reissue of the “You are not alone” card that offers information on the resources to which a woman victim of violence can access in these circumstances in these circumstances in these circumstances in these circumstances.

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Such measures are not enough to eradicate this psychosocial problem.

The present work aims to describe, explain and interpret the cause of sexual violence towards women and vulnerable populations, from the psychological perspective.




Sexual violation was present in ancient societies, being a behavior that has transcended to this day, in such a context, it was not a crime as it is currently.

According to Rangel with the beginning of what would be the great Roman Empire, in principles of law, various norms that established punishments for these acts of rape were regulated. Through the years, such principles of law endured and formed the laws that currently govern us, with a special complementation in each country, according to their customs, with their reality and the time in which one lives.

In the Middle Ages, the term, violation, towards reference to the transgression of the norm, to refer to sexual violation, the expressions used were to force and commit strength. These acts were produced against the group of women with limited economic resources, being frequent, domestic employees, constant victims of rape by the lords.

With the feudal regime, the term pernada right known in Latin as Ius Primae Noctis was common, legally recognized, with this privilege a feudal man could spend the first wedding night with the wife of his vassal. We can currently compare this fact with sexual slavery.

In the national territory, during the Spanish conquest, there was not only foul violence, death and humiliation to the so -called Indians, sexual violence was also exercised by the power of the winner towards the defeated. In other words, the strongest, in this case the Spaniards, had the complete and absolute power over those who were considered weak, that is, about the tribe subjected. It was a brutal era where justice was more to kill a horse than rape a native or a slave.

Throughout Peruvian history, there is documentation of some transcendental facts of sexual violation exercised by one or more symbols of authority, as is the case of women from Manta and Vilca, in 1983, a luminous path arrived in the districts of MantaAnd Vilca where he began to capture militants and supporters, this group, exercised a series of violations of rights against the population, especially against the women of Manta. Women were sexually raped both in the military bases, as in areas of their private spheres. The military felt ‘legitimated’ to exercise their power over them in all space.

In recent years, these in cases of violations continue to increase, in 2018 the National Police of Peru, has registered 7,789 cases of sexual violence.

In 2020 43 cases of rape have been attended, being that, of them, 27 were perpetrated against minors within their own home. The cases of rape have greater incidence in the following departments: Lima 530 cases, freedom 150 cases, Arequipa 126 cases, Junín 113 cases, cusco 89 cases, ancash 85 cases, Ica 71 cases, Huánuco 62 cases, Callao 56 cases,San Martín 56 cases, Tacna 52 cases, Loreto 46 cases, Puno 45 cases.

Sexual violations throughout history, especially people with limited economic resources, are exercised against women, despite protection, prevention measures, these figures are increasing. It is not a single psychological disorder, but are the consequences of multiple factors, an abuser has a behavior pathology, it is not congenital or genetic, but cultural and behavioral, even if pathological issues of the nervous system are not ruled out.

Concepts of sexual violence and sexual aggressor

  • Sexual violence

According to the National Observatory of Violence against Women and the members of the Family Group of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), sexual violence includes all actions with a sexual nature that are committed against a person without their consent or under coercion. This includes acts that do not involve penetration or physical contact, as well as any act that violates the right of people to voluntarily decide on their sex or reproductive life, through threats, coercion or intimidation.

The World Health Organization (WHO), points out that sexual (or attempt) unwanted acts, as well as unwanted sexual comments or insinuations. According to WHO, sexual violence also includes actions to market or use a person’s sexuality through coercion. Sexual violence is considered regardless of the relationship between victim and victimizer and the scope in which the aggression is made.

Article 170 of the Peruvian Criminal Code establishes that a person commits the crime of sexual violation if with violence (physical or psychological), serious threat or taking advantage of an environment of coercion or any other environment that prevents the victim from giving his free consent, it forces the following: 1) have carnal access by vaginal, anal or oral route;2) Perform any other similar act by introducing an object or part of the body by one of the first two ways (vaginal or anal). For this crime, the imprisonment is not less than 14 or more than 20 years. (Find out, S.F.)

Then, sexual violence, is the act perpetrated by a person who exercises sexual domination over his victim, existing, in case of male or female, penetration into sexual organs, through the use of force, coercion or by using drugs in hisVictim, in many cases, even the aggressor, is close to the victim and therefore the close relationship can be key to committing these acts.

  • Sexual aggressor

A sexual aggressor is one that violates the sexual freedom of another individual through the use of physical or threat violence. His goal is always the same: to dominate his victim in a sexual way.

Characteristics of the sexual aggressor

Taking into account that they are not decisive in all cases, but they serve as a reference

  1. Difficulty to establish adequate, durable and satisfactory relationships with people of the other sex.
  2. Sexual experiences early with children of their age or have been abused by adults or older children.
  3. Repressive mother, possessive, excessively critical, who annulled her initiatives or attempts for independence.
  4. Absence of an adequate paternal image that provides appropriate behavior rules, as well as the example of a male capable of correctly relating to women.
  5. Important frustrations that have led them to depressions or frequent states of bad mood, expressed in bursts of violence.
  6. Difficulties in finding satisfaction in normal or daily relationships or situations.
  7. Poor self-criticism;They may seem severe and serious, but at the time of controlling or judging one’s behavior they have excessive indulgence


Deducing from certain characteristics, we can point out that psychosocial factors and sexual education are causal factors for the existence of sexual violence. An adequate intervention in the sexual aggressor from an early age, could reduce rape rates.

Causes of Violation

Next, what I consider, causes of the existence of sexual violation by a male, cannot be detacha, it is transcendental to instill in him, behaviors suitable to exercise his sexuality satisfactorily without using force.


Culture influences the behavior and models to be followed by various day -to -day circumstances, including sexual behavior.

In 1974, Helen Singer Kaplan sexual therapist described some aspects of child sexuality and the answers that often cause in our society:

Children seem to crave erotic pleasure. Babies of both genres usually touch the genitals and express joy when they receive stimulation during diapers and bathroom change, and both boys and girls are stimulated either the penis or clitoris as soon as they acquire the necessary motor coordination. At the same time, in our society, sexual expression systematically follows disapproval, punishment and rejection

The consequences are usually a feeling of guilt for the sexual pleasure of touching the genitals;From an early age, a conflict with erotic pleasure begins in the person.

An investigation discovered that the more rigid in their orthodoxy they were married couples belonging to the Jewish, Protestant and Catholic churches, they experienced more inhibitions, anxiety, guilt, shame and disgust against sexual acts.

Masters and Johnson observed that sociocultural influence very often places the woman in a position in which she must adapt, sublim, inhibit or even deform her natural ability to function sexually. The male side often learns that sexual conquests are a measure of their masculinity.

Despite the rights and equality of women and men, or the sexual rights that currently exist, in the development and learning process there are factors that the male gender is acquiring by cultural influence and socialization, so that it is necessaryUnderstand the role that has been assigned to man in our society, from a very young age, man be accused that he must be imposed by force;that he must conquer his triumphs actively;that he is superior to women in every way, that he must keep the family economically and, consequently, dedicate much of his energy to being productive in the work area. Man is taught not to express his emotions, he is not allowed to cry, lull a baby, or show sensitivity, fear;Nor is it allowed to serve a woman or help her in domestic chores.

According to Giraldo, the macho ideology is so entrenched in our cultures that both man and woman firmly believe in the superiority of man in many ways. These teachings of a macho culture combined with also learned violence, generates real problems in the personality of an individual.

The tolerance of violence and its stimulation as a method of conflict resolution, especially among young people, has been a form of relationship learned in the most common socialization spaces. Since childhood, children learn to respond aggressively and train in active aspects such as winning, fighting, competing, seizing, imposing;While girls learn to give up, agree, cooperate, deliver, obey and care.

Social expectations make men a sexual aggressor, while women are passive and receiver.

It is common, that many times, the father takes his children to a brothel to

Start sexually with a sex service. This fact generates the social idea that men can have sexual experiences, without the need for affection and not consider women, as a sexual person.

Sexual education

Sexual education corresponds to both family and school, in a co -education regime. Other socialization channels and sexuality educators are religion, friends, mass media, laws and hygiene norms.

Sexual education begins with the child’s innate curiosity to explore and know his body, it is at this stage as Helen Singer Kaplan mentioned children seem to crave erotic pleasure, given this fact the parents, suppress these acts exercising violence, screams, words, words, words, that confuse the psyche of the child. Sexual education, consists, that parents answer the doubts or questions that are formulating

the children. It is very important that parents are well prepared, who know how to create an environment of trust in which the child can express without fear their curiosity and opinions, or reaffirm what you already know.

Both in the past and today, sexuality has been considered sinful, so many generations grew and continue to grow by associating sex with feelings of guilt, shame and fear. If society acted without taboos, cultivating moral values and behavior patterns around sexuality, we could have an adequate sexual development society, largely reducing the indices of sexual violence.

An adequate sexual education, produces the sincere understanding of the body itself, contributes to the formation of the personality and affectivity of the human being. A child who is educated with healthy sexual knowledge will grow safely and will not have problems related to sexuality during youth or adulthood.

It is possible that a child does not receive from his family all the sexual education that requires for his development, and that this task must be completed in school. Therefore, the ideal is for teachers and family to help the child control their sexual drives and accept and properly channel their sexuality.

A culture, where there are the same duties and rights, in paper and in practice, both for men and women, will forge an adequate sexual education since children, generating behaviors according to their development stage, and living full sexuality, without the needto exercise dominion over others. All this causes sexual violence indices to be diminished.


Sexual violations, there are because there are environmental factors, such as society, that stereotya the roles of man and woman. Sexual education, underdeveloped, without adequate or timely information prohibits the child from learning sexually developing, without fear or prejudice. 

The sexual aggressor or rapist, diverts his integral formation from the childhood stage, the product of a dysfunctional family, physical and psychological abuse, where authority with violence was exercised, creating an introverted, antisocial personality;Damaging the psychosexual stages, causing low sexual self – esteem, so it uses violence to meet its needs, these needs are domination, self-affirmation, competitiveness or power which leads to cognitive distortion. These thoughts in the aggressor, make auto justify his behavior, and can even repeat the act, violating the rights of his victim, which causes improper sexual behaviors, exercising sexual domination over women in pursuit of calming or reassuring their needs.

In this situation of social isolation, there is little for the help that can be offered to victims of violence, however, therapeutic help and advice cannot be lacking in these situations, even more, guide mothers to ensure that they will ensure for mental healthof children, and that is not repeated or becoming a vicious circle of sexual violence.

Psychology, intervene optimally, not only in analyzing the behavior of the individual, but also determining the causes of such behavior, and intervenely intervene so that such behaviors are not performed or not repeated.

Therefore, it is necessary that our society imparts from an early age, the basic knowledge of sexuality, without fear or fear in which sinful thoughts or precocity in the minor are being contributed.  

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