Hindu Administrative Government System
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Throughout world history, it has been evidencepeople, either in a political, economic or social sphere.
It is evident that since ancient times there have been differences in the way of life of people. In this context, we can name Egypt as an example, where the organization was clearly hierarchical: on the cusp was the pharaoh, and as last and less important slaves. This example of organization was replicated in many other civilizations. But what produced that these ancient organizations – which we may currently define them with endless words such as racist, discriminatory, among others – change their way of directing and delegating to their population? Because a clear fact is that, over the years all civilizations, countries and cities have established changes in their models of governing and administering.
A government in general is developing according to previously established laws, as well as those that the Government deems appropriate to acquire to be executed for a common collective purpose of the population, the people who possess the power – or not legitimate – and theits own administration. Every government model is executed in different ways, because the person (s) with the maximum power has its arbitration the way of governing. Daming us enough years ago, the administration has been a necessity since man had conscience use. This need prevailed in the ancient age and is still present currently of the 21st century.
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Why it is a need to ask most people, in general, it is something very deductible because for obvious reasons the poor administration of a government can trigger unforeseen events, difficulties, disapproval, among other variables, it is also a form of supportOr it helps to the maximum power, in this we can rely on the evidence of many mandates, since every ruler, in any way that it has acquired its position (democratically, by coup d’etat, hereditary or another), it has as a ”Advice ”, to call it in some way, people who are to help you in your work, that allow you a more objective administration and have less error risks.
It would somehow be impossible to elucidate how the different administrative government models of each nation in the world were created and formed. Because of this, the approach we will give will be to a country that since its inception in the years before Christ presented a very interesting particular model, which over the years has not lost the essence that until today characterizes it, andwhich has also been permanently linked to its beliefs. We refer to the Hindu administrative government model.
But, first of what is Hindu called and not Indian? One way to explain this is because the concept ‘’ Hindu ’’ is more than religion: it is the way of life of the people and the nation. It is said that the Indian word was implanted by the British, replacing the common use of the aforementioned word. For many, the word ‘’ Hindu ’’ denotes not a particular sect or a creed, but rather a culture and tradition;It is a word that reflects their own identity.
India -or in official circles, "The Republic of India" -, is a country located in southern Asia. The nation, which is the largest seventh in the world in terms of surface, shares terrestrial borders with Pakistan to the west;China, Nepal and Bután to the Northeast;and Burma and Bangladesh to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is also close to Sri Lanka and Maldivas, and the Andaman Islands and share maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia. India was managed directly by the United Kingdom from the mid-nineteenth century until it obtained its independence in 1947, after a non-violence resistance movement headed by Mahatma Gandhi. From there it has developed to become the second largest country in the world in terms of population, with more than 1.2 million people.
It should be noted that India has an exceptional cultural world. With a diversity and heterogeneity that surpasses that of many nations in the world, it is a country where people who inhabit it have a large number of ideological options to follow. Religion in this territory occupies a fundamental place. We can emphasize the Hindu religion that has a wide range of variants such as: Shaktas, Bhaktas, Lingayatas, Vaishnavas, Shaivas, followers of the Mother’s cult, among others. Which clearly allows us that Hinduism more than a religion is a way of life. On the other hand, throughout the cities that make up the country there are varied dialects of each place, more than a thousand. Perhaps because of these variants it is so striking that it is still true to what at a time in antiquity were, keeping customs, traditions alive, protecting what allowed them to be a cultural example for the rest of the world globe.
As in the beginning we point out, in the example of Egypt, now let’s observe how this same quality is carried out in the Hindu system. That they can somehow be compared because the Hindu system also has a hierarchical system, this speaking in years far back when the country was called ancient India, since at present this way this has changed politically speaking. But a significant change of Hindu is that many sociologists conclude that it is practically impossible to define it for its high complexity and that it greatly influenced the so -called "caste system". This is a strong element of Hinduism in which people are classified into four large groups, in a traditional method of hierarchical organization in hereditary groups, which has prevailed in the society of this country throughout approximately 2.000 years. Around this it is inevitable not to talk about this issue since it can be clarified and understand why in ancient times with the great importance it had, the government -which at that time was not unified as today, but were differentKingdoms that aliaged or made war with each other- was directed by the ruling classes that belonged to the castes of the Brahamans and the Shatrias (or in other words the castes that were better seen and that possessed the highest social level) that wereThey chose inheritance, not giving a type of option to have a democratic government. The political organization was influenced by religion. The power of religion had superiority over the political, every monarch had to act under the guidance of a priest. Following this, years later, it was called that India had a dual political culture in which a political domain of elite and another of mass was present, the origin of this was in the traditional structure of power relationsthat we mentioned before. The Hindu administrative government system separated the domains of religion and political, these were in charge of those they called Dharma and Artha. Dharma covered the religious and ideological sphere;On the other hand, Artha covered state sovereignty and legitimacy in the use of force or also called Danda. This division has prevailed over the years thanks to the caste system. With all this evidence it is clear that society has rather a dynamic of its own and rarely intervenes or interacts with the political sphere.
Here we will stop to see how they defined what the functions of the State were. To establish this, the Hindu administrative government was based on the so -called Arthashastras, which for them was the first science of the administration. These were elaborated between the 5th centuries to the IV before the Christian era. The truly radical "Machiavellianism", in the popular sense of the term, is represented in Hindu literature in its classical form in the Arthashastra of Kautilya next to it the prince of Machiavelli is harmless. The most significant was that of Kautilya that was a type of summary that was enriched by other works that preceded him. Arthashastra was a kind of ‘’ manual of governing ’’ that had issues such as strategies, tactics, methods and techniques through which power is achieved and preserved. This was made up of 15 books. But who was Kautilya? He was the first worker worried in the study of the administrative functioning of the State. This person, whose real name was Chanakya and considered the administration as a product of the intelligence and activity of man, proposed the writing of his text in the Dharma triangle (virtue), Kama (love) and artha (earth, wealth), but there was also a fourth factor, the danda (punishment) that put the limitations for proper administration. Therefore, it is the punishment or coercion of the decisive element not only in politics but also in the administration;The Danda symbolized the foundations of state sovereignty.
In this way we can see that the influence of endless elements creates what you want to establish as an administrative system, there are a lot of variants, others more decisive than others. In the Hindu administrative government system there is clearly a perseverance to maintain religion as a fundamental piece, which is respected and under what this postulate is forming the path that will be followed politically and governmentally.
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