Historical Start: Supply And Purchase Chain
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Pages: 6
The supply chain is the group of activities that interrelate all operations so that the process of selling a product to carry out its entirety including supervising the process to acquire the raw material, manufacture the product, distribute, transport and deliver the final good or service. Also, merchandise or materials in quantities are provided with excellent quality and in a time which provides us with an economic cost.
In addition, good communication methods must be established, created or restored to detail logical and appropriate coordination to avoid losses. In such a way that the distribution is improved with proper inventory management so that the deliveries are on time and the effectiveness in the changes in demand and supply is responsibly responded. In this way, a dynamic information flow is maintained. In this chain there are certain fundamental components so that the entire process of the distribution chain can fluently efficiently.
For this reason, the purchase is an important function between the chain and that let us know what the impact of the product or service to the customer is since this is the most relevance link for the company. The customer will let us know what the impact of product or service is through feedback in the different media of social networks. In addition, the purchase has evolved over the years, has gone through various changes due to the way a merchandise began so that consumers had knowledge of the quality or brand of what is being offered.
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In this chain there are certain fundamental components so that the entire process of the distribution chain can fluently efficiently. For this reason, the purchase is an important function between the chain and that let us know what the impact of the product or service to the customer is since this is the most relevance link for the company. The customer will let us know what the impact of product or service is through feedback in the different media of social networks.
In addition, the purchase has evolved over the years, has gone through various changes due to the way a merchandise began so that consumers had knowledge of the quality or brand of what is being offered. In this chain there are certain fundamental components so that the entire process of the distribution chain can fluently efficiently. For this reason, the purchase is an important function between the chain and that let us know what the impact of the product or service to the customer is since this is the most relevance link for the company.
The customer will let us know what the impact of product or service is through feedback in the different media of social networks. In addition, the purchase has evolved over the years, has gone through various changes due to the way a merchandise began so that consumers had knowledge of the quality or brand of what is being offered.
The evolution of the purchase has evolved through the years which began with the Neolithic time (9000 A.C. – 4000 a.C.) in which barture was used to market between merchandise exchanges by each other. The old age (3000 A.C. -Finals V D.C.) in which the currency is introduced since the goods were no longer enough and were replaced by precious metal objects. The Middle Ages (century V D.C. – fifteenth century D.C.) The bank that in a way is a company in which it provides certain services is integrated and facilitates trade.
The era of discoveries (fifteenth century D.C.) where the different routes for trade towards India and America begin to investigate and the growth in banking arises. Transatlantic trade (seventeenth century) where boat trips between Europe and America were more important not only for merchandise but including passengers and New York becomes the capital of commerce. Transport innovations (19th century) When these innovations arise, the products began to occur in different places and transported by modes.
The car appears with the construction of the roads and the train. Globalization (twentieth century – present) creates international -free zones at international level, the need to reduce production costs to be competitive is born. The tendency to buy-sale of products or services begins through electronic means. Where electronic commerce improves the way of distribution and commercial communication more quickly and efficiently to benefit customers and companies.
As we see things have changed greatly over the years all because technology has had to do greatly with the new innovations that you have to make purchase and be more pending what the customer really wants. For this reason, companies must make the necessary adjustments to live up to globalization and meet customer demand for the benefit of the company. Because of this, companies are obtaining more knowledge to use innovative tools and meet the objectives set in the company.
Purchases have the function of customer service through marketing methods to obtain competitive advantages. Purchase areas in companies must be trained to contribute and incorporate internal objectives and satisfy consumers. For this reason, products or services must have unsurpassed quality since it is one of the requirements that customers are looking for. In this way, the raw material, supplies, equipment and paying service must be properly obtained for the company to increase its operations in a propitious, advantageous and productive way.
Therefore, it is important. In addition, providing good service to the supplier to buy amounts of the product and can provide payment conditions would be variable functions of the purchase. Also, establish policies either for purchases or generals that fulfill a satisfactory function for both parties.
Therefore, purchases are classified in tactics and strategic. Tactical purchases are the ones, it tells us how it will be developed or executed to get the goal. This tells us the procedure or way of doing things so that they are precise and diligent to achieve the defined purpose, that is to say what tools will be used and how. Also, it indicates in what way to order and have a project control during the strategy to reach the fulfillment of the objective.
On the other hand, the strategic purchase helps us to see the direction that will be taken to achieve the objective. In this way, that marketing can be increased to enrich and prosper knowledge of the product or service through the brand. For this reason, we must know who we are or what we want, that the answer would be customers to make expenses either for any reason. In addition, being up to date with innovations to increase competitive advantages and that will allow us.
Strategic is an important and fundamental tool that must be kept firm unless it is limiting the realization of the objective. However, tactics can vary due to changes that arise in the market and could affect a part of the company and the idea could change the company. For this reason the supply chain which is composed of functions or tasks that surround and compromise the process of selling a product or service entirely.
In the supply chain certain supplements are integrated so that the entire development of the phases is effectively fulfilled. Among them are suppliers and will be responsible for distributing, offering and hiring the use of goods or services. Transport will have the function of transferring the raw material or the finished products between companies and customers. The producer or manufacturer is the one that will modify or prepare the raw material in the merchandise or product for the customer’s interest.
The client, which is the key piece in the supply chain so that the needs are satisfactorily met. In addition, communication is the interrelation between each of the components or areas that are intertwined so that everything effectively flows and all processes are fulfilled correctly. Also, technology since the information systems necessary and appropriate to the company will be integrated so that the information helps to improve and improve the delays and comply with the obligations in a reasonable time that does not interfere with the fixed obligations in the company.
Understand that the supply chain integrates the following activities: purchases, quality, demand and supplication, I receive with the management of materials, storage control and inventory, order process, production, schedules, distribution, transport, shipments and customer service . But the most important thing is that all members who make up the work chain achieve good coordination by integrating all the knowledge they have to synchronize all tasks efficiently.
In addition, it is to obtain internal and external coordination so that the operation of the chain does not precede disadvantages and be attentive to all the innovations that arise these days to obtain a good competitive advantage and are up to date with the new advances, whether they are technological or strategic.
For this reason, the supplies chain is a very important process so that the entire process of implementing, planning, processing, producing, transporting and providing the service or product to the customer can be met. In addition, the customer can obtain a high quality product or service that will allow the company to be maintained within the entrepreneurial world of these times. In addition, all components fulfill a primary function so that fixed expectations are met in the company that carries an integral and compromising process towards the client.
Purchases will be the incentive of profits for the raw material until its final stage for the company to obtain the increase in profitability. For this reason, all innovations should be maintained attentive since they can acquire better tools that help increase all objectives set in such a way that all inconveniences can be efficiently managed with a good decision making that reflects the interest of pleasing to the client. In this way everyone comes victorious and satisfied to give and receive what they have worked so much either in production, providing service or acquiring the product or service.
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